Biblio Entry Summary for Carcharhinus brevipinna
Citation Anderson, A.B., A. Carvalho-Filho, R.A. Morais, L.T. Nunes, J.P. Quimbayo and S.R. Floeter, 2015, Brazilian tropical fishes in their southern limit of distribution: checklist of Santa Catarina's rocky reef ichthyofauna, remarks and new records.. CheckList 11(4):1-25.
Ref. 103985 Anderson, A.B., A. Carvalho-Filho, R.A. Morais, L.T. Nunes, J.P. Quimbayo and S.R. Floeter, 2015
Page 5
Named Used as Valid Carcharhinus brevipinna
Comment abundance;
Distribution Santa Catarina State, Brazil.
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