Biblio Entry Summary for Eviota melanosphena
Citation Greenfield, D. and S.L. Jewett, 2016, Eviota melanosphena, a new dwarfgoby from Australia (Teleostei: Gobiidae).. J. Ocean Sci. Found. 21:71-77.
Ref. 108793 Greenfield, D. and S.L. Jewett, 2016
Page 72;fig.1-5
Named Used as Valid Eviota melanosphena
Locality Australia, GBR, Lizard I., Sand Cay, on top of reef, AMS I.19483-092.
Distribution Known only from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia between Lizard Island and Endeavour Reef; from 0-24.4 m depth, habitat not recorded.
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