Biblio Records for Aseraggodes winterbottomi
n = 3
Ref. Description Named Used Page
205 Breder, C.M. and D.E. Rosen 1966  Modes of reproduction in fishes. Aseraggodes winterbottomi 672-673
75879 Randall, J.E. and M. Desoutter-Meniger 2007  Review of the soles of the genus Aseraggodes (Pleuronectifornes: Soleidae) from the Indo-Malayan region, with descriptions of nine new species. Aseraggodes winterbottomi 325; fig.22; tab.1-5, 14
90102 Allen, G.R. and M.V. Erdmann 2012  Reef fishes of the East Indies. Aseraggodes winterbottomi 1052
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