Biblio Records for Erisphex philippinus
n = 13
Ref. Description Named Used Page
280 Herre, A.W.C.T. 1953  Check list of Philippine fishes. Aploactoides philippinus 574
5978 Gloerfelt-Tarp, T. and P.J. Kailola 1984  Trawled fishes of southern Indonesia and northwestern Australia. Erisphex philippinus 321
26282 Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.) 1998  Catalog of fishes. Aploactoides philippinus
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.) 1999  Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. Erisphex philippinus
36648 Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) 2000  A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Erisphex philippinus 606
38732 Anonymous 2001  Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Erisphex philippinus
38732 Anonymous 2001  Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Aploactoides philippinus
58018 Bogutskaya, N.G. 2007  Preliminary assignment of coordinates to type localities in the Catalog of Fishes. Erisphex philippinus
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences 2003  Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. Erisphex philippinus
83882 FAO-FIES 2010  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Erisphex philippinus
90062 FAO-FIES 2012  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Erisphex philippinus
95632 FAO-FIES 2014  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Erisphex philippinus
101110 FAO-FIES 2015  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Erisphex philippinus
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