280 |
Herre, A.W.C.T. 1953 Check list of Philippine fishes. |
Sicyopterus extraneus |
763 |
439 |
Herre, A.W.C.T. 1927 The Philippine Bureau of Science monographic publications on fishes: gobies of the Philippines and China Sea. |
Sicyopterus extraneus |
311-313 |
592 |
Wass, R.C. 1984 An annotated checklist of the fishes of Samoa. |
Sicyopterus taeniurus |
4343 |
Maugé, L.A. 1986 Gobiidae. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
4343 |
Maugé, L.A. 1986 Gobiidae. |
Sicyopterus caeruleus |
4517 |
Hureau, J.-C. 1991 La base de données GICIM : Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
4517 |
Hureau, J.-C. 1991 La base de données GICIM : Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. |
Sicyopterus gymnauchen |
4833 |
Talwar, P.K. and A.G. Jhingran 1991 Inland fishes of India and adjacent countries. Volume 2. |
Sicyopterus gymnauchen |
969-970 |
6771 |
Kailola, P.J. 1991 The fishes of Papua New Guinea: a revised and annotated checklist. Vol. III. Gobiidae to Molidae. |
Sicyopterus gymnauchen |
437 |
7050 |
Kottelat, M., A.J. Whitten, S.N. Kartikasari and S. Wirjoatmodjo 1993 Freshwater fishes of Western Indonesia and Sulawesi. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
xxvi |
11224 |
Parenti, L.R. and J.A. Maciolek 1993 New sicydiine gobies from Ponape and Palau, Micronesia, with comments on systematics of the subfamily Sicydiinae (Teleostei: Gobiidae). |
Sicyopterus extraneus |
947 |
11344 |
Bauchot, M.-L., J.-M. Ridet and M. Diagne 1989 Encephalization in Gobioidei (Teleostei). |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
65 |
12759 |
Parenti, L.R. and J.A. Maciolek 1996 Sicyopterus rapa, new species of sicydiine goby (Teleostei: Gobiidae), from Rapa, French Polynesia. |
Sicyopterus taeniurus |
665 |
12767 |
Maugé, L.A., G. Marquet and P. Laboute 1992 Les sicydiinae (Gobiidae) des eaux douces de la Polynésie Française. Description de trois espéces nouvelles. |
Sicyopterus taeniurus |
221-223 |
12792 |
Marquet, G. 1993 Etude biogeographique de la faune d'eau douce de Polynesie Francaise. |
Sicyopterus taeniurus |
161 |
12818 |
Anonymous 1997 Fish registrations within the museum database of the Vertebrate Section of the Royal Museum for Central Africa. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
13246 |
Marquet, G., B. Séret and R. Lecomte-Finiger 1997 Inventaires comparés des poissons des eaux intérieures de trois îles océaniques tropicales de l'Indo-Pacifique (la Réunion, la Nouvelle-Calédonie et Tahiti). |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
30 |
13246 |
Marquet, G., B. Séret and R. Lecomte-Finiger 1997 Inventaires comparés des poissons des eaux intérieures de trois îles océaniques tropicales de l'Indo-Pacifique (la Réunion, la Nouvelle-Calédonie et Tahiti). |
Sicyopterus taeniurus |
30 |
13333 |
Stiassny, M.L.J. and N. Raminosoa 1994 The fishes of the inland waters of Madagascar. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
139 |
13767 |
Randall, J.E. 1973 Tahitian fish names and a preliminary checklist of the fishes of the Society Islands. |
Sicyopterus taeniurus |
202 |
26213 |
McDowall, R.M. 1988 Diadromy in fishes: migrations between freshwater and marine environments. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
297 |
26213 |
McDowall, R.M. 1988 Diadromy in fishes: migrations between freshwater and marine environments. |
Sicyopterus gymnauchen |
297 |
26213 |
McDowall, R.M. 1988 Diadromy in fishes: migrations between freshwater and marine environments. |
Sicyopterus extraneus |
297 |
26213 |
McDowall, R.M. 1988 Diadromy in fishes: migrations between freshwater and marine environments. |
Sicyopterus taeniurus |
297 |
26622 |
Balon, E.K. and M.N. Bruton 1994 Fishes of the Tatinga River, Comoros, with comments on freshwater amphidromy in the goby Sicyopterus lagocephalus. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
25 |
31517 |
Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.) 1999 Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
31517 |
Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.) 1999 Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. |
Sicyopterus caeruleus |
31517 |
Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.) 1999 Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. |
Sicyopterus gymnauchen |
31982 |
Anonymous 1999 Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). |
Sicydium lagocephalus |
31982 |
Anonymous 1999 Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). |
Sicydium gymnauchen |
33036 |
Bell, K.N.I. 1999 An overview of goby-fry fisheries. |
Sicyopterus extraneus |
32 |
33390 |
Fricke, R. 1999 Fishes of the Mascarene Islands (Réunion, Mauritius, Rodriguez): an annotated checklist, with descriptions of new species. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
522 |
34027 |
McCormack, G. 2000 Cook Islands biodiversity and natural heritage database. |
Sicyopterus taeniurus |
36670 |
Anonymous 2000 Fish collection database of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
37578 |
Watson, R.E., G. Marquet and C. Pöllabauer 2000 New Caledonia fish species of the genus Sicyopterus (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Sicydiinae). |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
13 |
37816 |
Myers, R.F. 1999 Micronesian reef fishes: a comprehensive guide to the coral reef fishes of Micronesia, 3rd revised and expanded edition. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
303 |
38732 |
Anonymous 2001 Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
39866 |
Stiassny, M.L.J. and I.J. Harrison 2000 Notes on a small collection of fishes from the Parc National de Marojejy, northeastern Madagascar, with a description of a new species of the endemic genus Bedotia (Atherinomorpha: Bedotiidae). |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
152 |
41414 |
Anonymous 2002 Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
42571 |
Laboute, P. and R. Grandperrin 2000 Poissons de Nouvelle-Calédonie. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
62 |
43239 |
Nakabo, T. 2002 Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species, English edition II. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
1159 |
44894 |
Allen, G.R., S.H. Midgley and M. Allen 2002 Field guide to the freshwater fishes of Australia. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
274 |
45376 |
Sasaki, T., N. Ogata and M. Fujita 2001 New records of two freshwater gobies, Sicyopterus lagocephalus and Stiphodon percnopterygionus from the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
2 |
47572 |
Watson, R.E., P. Keith and G. Marquet 2001 Sicyopus (Smilosicyopus) chloe, a new species of freshwater goby from New Caledonia (Sicydiinae). |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
42 |
48272 |
Keith, P., R.E. Watson and G. Marquet 2002 Stenogobius (Insularigobius) yateiensis, a new species of freshwater goby from New Caledonia (Teleostei: Gobioidei). |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
188 |
48622 |
Keith, P., E. Vigneux and G. Marquet 2002 Atlas des poissons et des crustacés d'eau douce de Polynésie Française. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
126-127 |
48660 |
Keith, P., E. Vigneux and P. Bosc 1999 Atlas des poissons et des crustacés d'eau douce de La Réunion. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
116-117 |
50838 |
Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.) 2004 Catalog of fishes. Updated database version of January 2004. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
51243 |
Riede, K. 2004 Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
51243 |
Riede, K. 2004 Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. |
Sicyopterus gymnauchen |
51243 |
Riede, K. 2004 Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. |
Sicyopterus extraneus |
51243 |
Riede, K. 2004 Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. |
Sicyopterus taeniurus |
53568 |
Letourneur, Y., P. Chabanet, P. Durville, M. Taquet, E. Teissier, M. Parmentier, J.-C. Quéro and K. Pothin 2004 An updated checklist of the marine fish fauna of Reunion Island, south-western Indian Ocean. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
215 |
53568 |
Letourneur, Y., P. Chabanet, P. Durville, M. Taquet, E. Teissier, M. Parmentier, J.-C. Quéro and K. Pothin 2004 An updated checklist of the marine fish fauna of Reunion Island, south-western Indian Ocean. |
Sicyopterus caeruleus |
215 |
54347 |
Sparks, J.S. and D.W. Nelson 2004 Review of the Malagasy sicydiine gobies (Teleostei: Gobiidae), with description of a new species and comments on the taxonomic status of Gobius lagocephalus Pallas, 1770. |
Gobius lagocephalus |
17 |
57749 |
Keith, P., G. Marquet, P. Valade, P. Bosc and E. Vigneux 2006 Atlas des poissons et des crustacés d'eau douce des Comores, Mascareignes et Seychelles. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
224-225 |
58078 |
Baissac, J. de B. 1990 SWIOP/WP/54 - Checklist of the marine fishes of Mauritius. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
58108 |
Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences 2003 Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
58108 |
Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences 2003 Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. |
Sicyopterus caeruleus |
59012 |
Donaldson, T.J. and R.F. Myers 2002 Insular freshwater fish faunas of Micronesia: patterns of species richness and similarity. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
143 |
75154 |
Hoese, D.F., D.J. Bray, J.R. Paxton and G.R. Allen 2006 Fishes. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
1683 |
75549 |
FAO-FIES 2008 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
77107 |
Keith, P., T. Galewski, G. Cattaneo-Berrebi, T. Hoareau and P. Berrebi 2005 Ubiquity of Sicyopterus lagocephalus (Teleostei: Gobioidei) and phylogeography of the genus Sicyopterus in the Indo-Pacific area from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
79840 |
Louette, M. 2004 Poissons d'eau douce. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
240; fig. |
82684 |
Yamasaki, N. and K. Tachihara 2006 Reproductive biology and morphology of eggs and larvae of Stiphodon percnopterygionus (Gobiidae: Sicydiinae) collected from Okinawa Island. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
13 |
83882 |
FAO-FIES 2010 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
83882 |
FAO-FIES 2010 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. |
Sicyopterus caeruleus |
86942 |
Fricke, R., M. Kulbicki and L. Wantiez 2011 Checklist of the fishes of New Caledonia, and their distribution in the Southwest Pacific Ocean (Pisces). |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
435 |
87775 |
Keith, P. and G. Marquet 2011 Poissons et crustacés d'eau douce de Wallis et Futuna. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
100-101 |
87781 |
Keith, P., G. Marquet, C. Lord, D. Kalfatak and E. Vigneux 2011 Poissons et crustacés d'eau douce du Vanuatu. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
216-217 |
90062 |
FAO-FIES 2012 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
90062 |
FAO-FIES 2012 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. |
Sicyopterus caeruleus |
94476 |
Kottelat, M. 2013 The fishes of the inland waters of Southeast Asia: a catalogue and core bibliography of the fishes known to occur in freshwaters, mangroves and estuaries. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
428 |
94887 |
Ministry of Environment, Japan 2013 Fourth Red list of Pisces - Brackish and Freshwater Fishes. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
95632 |
FAO-FIES 2014 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
95632 |
FAO-FIES 2014 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. |
Sicyopterus caeruleus |
95803 |
Tokyo Metropolitan Government 2011 Red List of Tokyo Metropolis 2011 - Ogasawara Islands. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
96268 |
Okinawa Prefecture 2005 Threatened Wildlife in Okinawa, 2nd Edition (Animals). |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
96269 |
Kagoshima Prefecture 2014 Kagoshima Red List, 2014 Revised. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
96271 |
Kagoshima Prefecture (Ryukyu Islands) 2014 Kagoshima Red List, 2014 Revised. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
101110 |
FAO-FIES 2015 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
101110 |
FAO-FIES 2015 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. |
Sicyopterus caeruleus |
107093 |
Thomas, R.C., P.D. Beldia III and W.L. Campos 2013 Resolving the identity of larval fishes, Dulong, in the Verde Island Passages, Philippines. |
Sicyopterus lagocephalus |
31-33 |
110258 |
Manacop, P.R. 1953 The life history and habits of the goby, Sicyopterus extraneus Herre (Anga) Gobiidae with an account of the govy-fry fishery of Cagayan River, Oriental Misamis. |
Sicyopterus extraneus |
1-60 |