List of Common Names for Flounder

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Language Country Species Type
Flounder English Hawaii Bothus mancus Aquarium
Flounder English Australia Pseudorhombus arsius Market
Flounder English Australia Pseudorhombus spinosus Market
Flounder English Australia Neoachiropsetta milfordi Market
Flounder English Australia Pseudorhombus argus Market
Flounder English Australia Pseudorhombus jenynsii Market
Flounder English Australia Rhombosolea retiaria Market
Flounder English USA Lepidorhombus boscii Market
Flounder English USA Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Market
Flounder English USA Atheresthes evermanni Market
Flounder English USA Pseudopleuronectes americanus Market
Flounder English USA Scophthalmus rhombus Market
Flounder English USA Limanda limanda Market
Flounder English USA Bothus lunatus Market
Flounder English USA Cyclopsetta chittendeni Market
Flounder English USA Paralichthys lethostigma Market
Flounder English USA Bothus pantherinus Market
Flounder English USA Paralichthys dentatus Market
Flounder English USA Platichthys flesus Market
Flounder English USA Bothus ocellatus Market
Flounder English USA Hippoglossoides robustus Market
Flounder English USA Bothus mancus Market
Flounder English USA Limanda punctatissima Market
Flounder English USA Colistium guntheri Market
Flounder English Canada Pseudopleuronectes americanus Vernacular
Flounder English Canada Platichthys stellatus Vernacular
Flounder English Costa Rica Citharichthys spilopterus Vernacular
Flounder English Costa Rica Citharichthys uhleri Vernacular
Flounder English Estonia Platichthys flesus Vernacular
Flounder English Guyana Apionichthys dumerili Vernacular
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