List of Common Names for Gaiado

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Language Country Species Type
Gaiado Portuguese Angola Katsuwonus pelamis Vernacular
Gaiado Portuguese Brazil Katsuwonus pelamis Vernacular
Gaiado Portuguese Cape Verde Auxis thazard Vernacular
Gaiado Creole, Portuguese Cape Verde Katsuwonus pelamis Vernacular
Gaiado Portuguese Cape Verde Katsuwonus pelamis Vernacular
Gaiado Portuguese Mozambique Katsuwonus pelamis Vernacular
Gaiado Portuguese Portugal Katsuwonus pelamis Vernacular
Gaiado Portuguese Portugal Sarda sarda Vernacular
Gaiado Portuguese Madeira Is. Katsuwonus pelamis Vernacular
Gaiado Portuguese Azores Is. Katsuwonus pelamis Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12