Barbus meridionalis was reported from 20 countries/islands

Table 1: the species is currently present in 19 of them (endemic, native, introduced);
Table 2: possible in 0 of them (stray, questionable);
Table 3: absent from 1 of them (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: all reports listed together.

Distribution: Europe: rivers draining to Mediterranean from Besos (near Barcelona, northeastern Spain) to Var (at Nice, southeastern France) drainages, including Rhône as far uprivers as Lyon; some headwaters of Garonne basin in Ariège, Tarn and Aveyron (France), apparently native in most, but introduced in at least some upper Tarn localities (Ref. 59043). Barbus meridionalis graellsii found in southern France and central and northern Spain (now recognized as species (Ref. 13696)). The Italian populations now recognized as Barbus caninus (Ref. 13696). Appendix III of the Bern Convention (protected fauna).
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Table 1: Present in 19 countries/islands (endemic, native, introduced)
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Europe Albania ALB native 683
Europe Austria AUT native 683
Europe Belarus BLR native 683
Europe Bosnia Herzegov. BIH native 27368
Europe Bulgaria BGR native 683
Europe Croatia HRV native 27368
Europe Czechia CZE native 683
Europe France FRA native 40476
Europe Greece GRC native 27718
Europe Hungary HUN native 683
Europe Lithuania LTU native 683
Europe Moldova MDA native 683
Europe Romania ROU native 683
Europe Serbia SRB native 683
Europe Slovakia SVK native 683
Europe Slovenia SVN native 27368
Europe Spain ESP native 79582
Europe Switzerland CHE native 683
Europe Ukraine UKR native 683

Table 3: Absent from 1 country/island (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error)
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Europe Italy ITA misidentification 683

Table 4: Reported from 20 countries/islands.
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Europe Albania ALB native 683
Europe Austria AUT native 683
Europe Belarus BLR native 683
Europe Bosnia Herzegov. BIH native 27368
Europe Bulgaria BGR native 683
Europe Croatia HRV native 27368
Europe Czechia CZE native 683
Europe France FRA native 40476
Europe Greece GRC native 27718
Europe Hungary HUN native 683
Europe Italy ITA misidentification 683
Europe Lithuania LTU native 683
Europe Moldova MDA native 683
Europe Romania ROU native 683
Europe Serbia SRB native 683
Europe Slovakia SVK native 683
Europe Slovenia SVN native 27368
Europe Spain ESP native 79582
Europe Switzerland CHE native 683
Europe Ukraine UKR native 683
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The map in this page was supported by BioFresh that has received funding from the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226874

cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by rolavides, 04/02/08 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17