Bryaninops loki was reported from 9 countries/islands

Table 1: the species is currently present in 9 of them (endemic, native, introduced);
Table 2: possible in 0 of them (stray, questionable);
Table 3: absent from 0 of them (extirpated, not established, misidentification, error).
Table 4: all reports listed together.

Distribution: Indo-Pacific: in the western Pacific from the Ryukyu Islands south to the Great Barrier Reef, Lord Howe Island, and New Caledonia, east to Fiji and Samoa, and the Hawaiian Islands. Only the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, but other localities are expected. The authors report the species for the Red Sea from a specimen from Sudan, one at Ras Bob on the southeast coast of the Sinai Peninsula, and one from the Seven Brothers Islands in the Gulf of Aden near the southern end of the Red Sea (Ref. 89154). Known as widespread in the tropics south to Montague Island (Ref. 9002).
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Table 1: Present in 9 countries/islands (endemic, native, introduced)
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Asia Chagos Is. CHG native 90102
Asia Indonesia IDN native 47567
Asia Maldives MDV native 30829
Asia Philippines PHL native 48613
Asia Ryukyu Is. RYU native 90102
Oceania Australia AUS native 75154
Oceania New Caledonia NCL native 86942
Oceania Papua New Guinea PNG native 28888
Oceania Samoa WSM native 90102

Table 4: Reported from 9 countries/islands.
Continent Country Occurrence Main Ref.
Asia Chagos Is. CHG native 90102
Asia Indonesia IDN native 47567
Asia Maldives MDV native 30829
Asia Philippines PHL native 48613
Asia Ryukyu Is. RYU native 90102
Oceania Australia AUS native 75154
Oceania New Caledonia NCL native 86942
Oceania Papua New Guinea PNG native 28888
Oceania Samoa WSM native 90102
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The map in this page was supported by BioFresh that has received funding from the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226874

cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99 ,  php script by rolavides, 04/02/08 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17