Continent | Country | Occurrence | Main Ref. | |
North America | Alaska | ALK | native | 247 |
Europe | Albania | ALB | native | 247 |
Africa | Algeria | DZA | native | 247 |
Oceania | American Samoa | ASM | native | 592 |
Africa | Angola | AGO | native | 3166 |
South America | Argentina | ARG | native | 247 |
Africa | Ascension I. | ASC | native | 98447 |
Oceania | Australia | AUS | native | 75154 |
Europe | Belgium | BEL | native | 247 |
Europe | Bosnia Herzegov. | BIH | native | 247 |
South America | Brazil | BRA | native | 247 |
North America | Canada | CAN | native | 6885 |
Africa | Canary Is. | CNY | native | 6808 |
Africa | Cape Verde | CPV | native | 27000 |
Europe | Channel Is. | CHA | native | 247 |
South America | Chile | CHL | native | 247 |
Asia | China | CHN | native | 13573 |
Africa | Comoros | COM | native | 247 |
Oceania | Cook Is. | COK | native | 34027 |
North America | Costa Rica | CRI | native | 247 |
Africa | Cote d'Ivoire | CIV | native | 247 |
Europe | Croatia | HRV | native | 247 |
North America | Cuba | CUB | native | 54206 |
Asia | Cyprus | CYP | native | 247 |
Europe | Denmark | DNK | native | 247 |
Africa | Egypt | EGY | native | 247 |
Europe | Faeroe Is. | FRO | native | 10953 |
Oceania | Fiji | FJI | native | 12596 |
Europe | France | FRA | native | 247 |
Europe | Germany | DEU | native | 247 |
Europe | Gibraltar | GIB | native | 247 |
Europe | Greece | GRC | native | 247 |
Oceania | Guam | GUM | native | 35721 |
Oceania | Hawaii | HWI | native | 58302 |
Asia | Hong Kong | HKG | native | 13573 |
Europe | Iceland | ISL | native | 12462 |
Asia | India | IND | native | 85183 |
Asia | Indonesia | IDN | native | 247 |
Europe | Ireland | IRL | native | 247 |
Europe | Isle of Man | IMN | native | 247 |
Asia | Israel | ISR | native | 247 |
Europe | Italy | ITA | native | 247 |
Asia | Japan | JPN | native | 559 |
Oceania | Kermadec Is. | KMD | native | 89936 |
Asia | Lebanon | LBN | native | 247 |
Africa | Libya | LBY | native | 247 |
Asia | Macau | MAC | native | 13573 |
Africa | Madagascar | MDG | native | 247 |
Asia | Malaysia | MYS | native | 247 |
Europe | Malta | MLT | native | 33971 |
Oceania | Marshall Is. | MHL | native | 5439 |
Africa | Mauritania | MRT | native | 247 |
Africa | Mauritius | MUS | native | 58078 |
Africa | Mayotte | MYT | native | 97629 |
North America | Mexico | MEX | native | 247 |
Europe | Monaco | MCO | native | 247 |
Europe | Montenegro | MNE | native | 247 |
Africa | Morocco | MAR | native | 247 |
Africa | Mozambique | MOZ | native | 5578 |
Africa | Namibia | NAM | native | 5578 |
Europe | Netherlands | NLD | native | 247 |
Oceania | New Zealand | NZL | native | 26340 |
North America | Nicaragua | NIC | native | 247 |
Africa | Nigeria | NGA | native | 247 |
Europe | Norway | NOR | native | 247 |
Oceania | Palau | PLW | native | 247 |
Oceania | Papua New Guinea | PNG | native | 41819 |
Asia | Philippines | PHL | native | 47737 |
Europe | Portugal | PRT | native | 247 |
Africa | Réunion | REU | native | 53568 |
Oceania | Samoa | WSM | native | 592 |
Africa | Senegal | SEN | native | 247 |
Africa | Seychelles | SYC | native | 247 |
Europe | Slovenia | SVN | native | 247 |
Africa | South Africa | ZAF | native | 5578 |
Europe | Spain | ESP | native | 247 |
Asia | Syria | SYR | native | 247 |
Asia | Taiwan | TWN | native | 247 |
Africa | Tunisia | TUN | native | 247 |
Asia | Turkey | TUR | native | 57855 |
Oceania | Tuvalu | TUV | native | 12596 |
Europe | UK | GBR | native | 247 |
Europe | UK Engld Wal | GBE | native | 247 |
Europe | UK No Ireld | GBN | native | 247 |
Europe | UK Scotland | GBS | native | 247 |
South America | Uruguay | URY | native | 58839 |
North America | USA | USA | native | 247 |
South America | Venezuela | VEN | native | 247 |
Asia | Viet Nam | VNM | native | 13573 |
Africa | West Sahara | ESH | native | 247 |
Continent | Country | Occurrence | Main Ref. | |
Oceania | Easter I. | EAS | questionable | 89467 |
Continent | Country | Occurrence | Main Ref. | |
North America | Alaska | ALK | native | 247 |
Europe | Albania | ALB | native | 247 |
Africa | Algeria | DZA | native | 247 |
Oceania | American Samoa | ASM | native | 592 |
Africa | Angola | AGO | native | 3166 |
South America | Argentina | ARG | native | 247 |
Africa | Ascension I. | ASC | native | 98447 |
Oceania | Australia | AUS | native | 75154 |
Europe | Belgium | BEL | native | 247 |
Europe | Bosnia Herzegov. | BIH | native | 247 |
South America | Brazil | BRA | native | 247 |
North America | Canada | CAN | native | 6885 |
Africa | Canary Is. | CNY | native | 6808 |
Africa | Cape Verde | CPV | native | 27000 |
Europe | Channel Is. | CHA | native | 247 |
South America | Chile | CHL | native | 247 |
Asia | China | CHN | native | 13573 |
Africa | Comoros | COM | native | 247 |
Oceania | Cook Is. | COK | native | 34027 |
North America | Costa Rica | CRI | native | 247 |
Africa | Cote d'Ivoire | CIV | native | 247 |
Europe | Croatia | HRV | native | 247 |
North America | Cuba | CUB | native | 54206 |
Asia | Cyprus | CYP | native | 247 |
Europe | Denmark | DNK | native | 247 |
Oceania | Easter I. | EAS | questionable | 89467 |
Africa | Egypt | EGY | native | 247 |
Europe | Faeroe Is. | FRO | native | 10953 |
Oceania | Fiji | FJI | native | 12596 |
Europe | France | FRA | native | 247 |
Europe | Germany | DEU | native | 247 |
Europe | Gibraltar | GIB | native | 247 |
Europe | Greece | GRC | native | 247 |
Oceania | Guam | GUM | native | 35721 |
Oceania | Hawaii | HWI | native | 58302 |
Asia | Hong Kong | HKG | native | 13573 |
Europe | Iceland | ISL | native | 12462 |
Asia | India | IND | native | 85183 |
Asia | Indonesia | IDN | native | 247 |
Europe | Ireland | IRL | native | 247 |
Europe | Isle of Man | IMN | native | 247 |
Asia | Israel | ISR | native | 247 |
Europe | Italy | ITA | native | 247 |
Asia | Japan | JPN | native | 559 |
Oceania | Kermadec Is. | KMD | native | 89936 |
Asia | Lebanon | LBN | native | 247 |
Africa | Libya | LBY | native | 247 |
Asia | Macau | MAC | native | 13573 |
Africa | Madagascar | MDG | native | 247 |
Asia | Malaysia | MYS | native | 247 |
Europe | Malta | MLT | native | 33971 |
Oceania | Marshall Is. | MHL | native | 5439 |
Africa | Mauritania | MRT | native | 247 |
Africa | Mauritius | MUS | native | 58078 |
Africa | Mayotte | MYT | native | 97629 |
North America | Mexico | MEX | native | 247 |
Europe | Monaco | MCO | native | 247 |
Europe | Montenegro | MNE | native | 247 |
Africa | Morocco | MAR | native | 247 |
Africa | Mozambique | MOZ | native | 5578 |
Africa | Namibia | NAM | native | 5578 |
Europe | Netherlands | NLD | native | 247 |
Oceania | New Zealand | NZL | native | 26340 |
North America | Nicaragua | NIC | native | 247 |
Africa | Nigeria | NGA | native | 247 |
Europe | Norway | NOR | native | 247 |
Oceania | Palau | PLW | native | 247 |
Oceania | Papua New Guinea | PNG | native | 41819 |
Asia | Philippines | PHL | native | 47737 |
Europe | Portugal | PRT | native | 247 |
Africa | Réunion | REU | native | 53568 |
Oceania | Samoa | WSM | native | 592 |
Africa | Senegal | SEN | native | 247 |
Africa | Seychelles | SYC | native | 247 |
Europe | Slovenia | SVN | native | 247 |
Africa | South Africa | ZAF | native | 5578 |
Europe | Spain | ESP | native | 247 |
Asia | Syria | SYR | native | 247 |
Asia | Taiwan | TWN | native | 247 |
Africa | Tunisia | TUN | native | 247 |
Asia | Turkey | TUR | native | 57855 |
Oceania | Tuvalu | TUV | native | 12596 |
Europe | UK | GBR | native | 247 |
Europe | UK Engld Wal | GBE | native | 247 |
Europe | UK No Ireld | GBN | native | 247 |
Europe | UK Scotland | GBS | native | 247 |
South America | Uruguay | URY | native | 58839 |
North America | USA | USA | native | 247 |
South America | Venezuela | VEN | native | 247 |
Asia | Viet Nam | VNM | native | 13573 |
Africa | West Sahara | ESH | native | 247 |
The map in this page was supported by BioFresh that has received funding from the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226874