Ecology of Anarhichas denticulatus
Main Ref. Barsukov, V.V., 1986
Marine - Neritic
  • supra-littoral zone
  • littoral zone
  • sublittoral zone
Marine - Oceanic
  • epipelagic
  • mesopelagic
  • epipelagic
  • abyssopelagic
  • hadopelagic
  • estuaries/lagoons/brackish seas
  • mangroves
  • marshes/swamps
  • rivers/streams
  • lakes/ponds
  • caves
  • exclusively in caves
Highighted items on the list are where Anarhichas denticulatus may be found.
Remarks Inhabits offshore waters in midwater; adults also near bottom from 60-970 m, mainly 100-900 m (Ref. 4694). Epibenthic (Ref. 58426). Feeds on sea gooseberries, medusas, small fishes, also echinoderms, crustaceans and mollusks (not so hard-shelled) (Ref. 4694). Preyed upon by Sebastes marinus, Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) and cod. Parasite of the species is known to be a copepod, Sphyrion lumpi (Ref. 5951).


Substrate Ref.
Special habitats
Special habitats Ref.


Associations shoaling;
Associated with
Association remarks More than 100 young northern wolffishes were caught on August 11, 1980 at depths of 0-50 m, water temperature 12.4°, SE of the Great Newfoundland shoal; no other single young individual was found over a distance of 60-80 miles from this station. Morphometric changes in body shape from juvenile to adult point to its ecology: the young are pelagic (occupying the epipelagic zone of the open parts of the N. Atlantic and the neritic zone of shelves) and the adults have a benthic mode of life (Ref. 43800).


Feeding type mainly animals (troph. 2.8 and up)
Feeding type ref Barsukov, V.V., 1986
Feeding habit variable
Feeding habit ref Barsukov, V.V., 1986
Trophic level(s)
Original sample Unfished population Remark
Estimation method Troph s.e. Troph s.e.
From diet composition
From individual food items 4.04 0.67 Trophic level estimated from a number of food items using a randomized resampling routine.
(e.g. 346)
(e.g. cnidaria)
Entered by Sta. Iglesia, Drina on 11.04.00
Modified by Hilomen, Teresa on 02.12.14
Checked by Sta. Iglesia, Drina on 11.26.00
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