Gobiidae (Gobies), subfamily: Gobiinae |
1.33 cm SL (male/unsexed) |
reef-associated; depth range 0 - 24 m |
Western Pacific: Australia. |
Dorsal spines (total): 7-7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 8-9; Anal spines: 1-1; Anal soft rays: 8-9. This small species (almost always less than 1.3 cm SL; smallest gravid female at 0.095 cm SL) is distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: cephalic sensory-pore lacking only the IT pore ( pattern 2); only some pectoral-fin rays are branched; dorsal/anal fin-ray formula of 9/8; fourth pelvic-fin ray with numerous branches (average 9.6); dark subcutaneous body bars 6, beginning at origin of anal fin; caudal-fin base with a dark, wedge-shaped mark and dark spots bordering upper and lower procurrent caudal-fin rays (Ref. 108793). |
Not Evaluated
(Ref. 96402)
harmless |
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php script by kbanasihan 06/09/2010 ,
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dsantos, 20/08/10