Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos (Bleeker, 1852)
Bluestriped fangblenny
Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos
photo by Randall, J.E.

 Family:  Blenniidae (Combtooth blennies), subfamily: Blenniinae
 Max. size:  12 cm SL (male/unsexed)
 Environment:  reef-associated; depth range 1 - 40 m
 Distribution:  Indo-Pacific: Red Sea south to Knysna, South Africa (Ref. 4404) and east to the Line, Marquesan and Society islands, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe Island. Replaced by Plagiotremus ewaensis in the Hawaiian Islands (Ref. 37816).
 Diagnosis:  Dorsal spines (total): 10-12; Dorsal soft rays (total): 31-37; Anal spines: 2-2; Anal soft rays: 29-33. Adults variable in color, ranging from black to yellow; 2 blue stripes on body (Ref. 4404, 48636).
 Biology:  Adults inhabit clear, coral-rich areas of lagoon and seaward reefs (Ref. 1602). They hide in deserted worm tubes or other small holes when alarmed (Ref. 1602, 48636), bite divers occassionally (Ref. 90102). They feed on the skin, mucus and sometimes scales of other fishes by quick attacks. Oviparous. Eggs are demersal and adhesive (Ref. 205), and are attached to the substrate via a filamentous, adhesive pad or pedestal (Ref. 94114). Larvae are planktonic, often found in shallow, coastal waters (Ref. 94114). Juveniles mimic the cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus (Ref. 9710). According to Ref. 53299 they are facultative mimics that change their color: at cleaning stations they mimic the cleaner wrasse and attack unsuspecting customers; elsewhere they adopt an alternative color and striping pattern to conceal themselves among fish shoals from which they can strike at passing fish.
 IUCN Red List Status:   (Ref. 96402)
 Threat to humans:  harmless
 Country info:   

 Entered by: Capuli, Estelita Emily - 15.07.92
 Modified by: Luna, Susan M. - 28.02.14
 Checked by: Binohlan, Crispina B. - 31.08.94

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.

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