Apogonichthys ocellatus (Weber, 1913)
Ocellated cardinalfish

Dangat Bagsang,  Ibis pula,  Mamaong,  Suga,  Tatabig, 

Apogonichthys ocellatus
photo by Randall, J.E.

 Family:  Apogonidae (Cardinalfishes), subfamily: Apogoninae
 Max. size:  6 cm TL (male/unsexed)
 Environment:  reef-associated; depth range 1 - 5 m
 Distribution:  Indo-Pacific: East Africa to Marquesan and Tuamoto islands, north to southern Japan, south to southern Great Barrier Reef and Rapa; throughout Micronesia.
 Diagnosis:  Dorsal spines (total): 8-8; Dorsal soft rays (total): 9-9; Anal spines: 2-2; Anal soft rays: 8-8. Description: Characterized by the following: mottled dark brown color; three dark bands radiating from eye; first dorsal fin with large ocellated black spot; greatest depth of body 2.6-2.8 in SL (Ref. 90102).
 Biology:  Occurs inshore (Ref. 7300). Found in shallow sheltered lagoons and harbors, hiding among rocks, rubble, or clumps of brown algae (Ref. 1602). Nocturnal species. Solitary and cryptic (Ref 90102).
 IUCN Red List Status:   (Ref. 96402)
 Threat to humans:  harmless
 Country info:  Also Ref. 280.

 Entered by: Capuli, Estelita Emily - 11.06.92
 Modified by: Valdestamon, Roxanne Rei - 22.03.13
 Checked by: Garilao, Cristina V. - 18.01.97

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