Tetraodontidae (Puffers), subfamily: Canthigasterinae |
10.1 cm SL (male/unsexed) |
reef-associated; depth range 10 - 80 m |
Pacific: Japan to New South Wales, east to the Marshall Islands and Tonga; with records from Western Australia, from Exmouth Gulf northwards. |
Dorsal soft rays (total): 9-11; Anal soft rays: 9-10. This species is distinguished by the following characters: D 9-11 (usually 10, rarely 11); A 9-10 (usually 9); pectoral rays 15-18 (modally 16 in the North Pacific and 17 in the South Pacific); gill rakers 7-9; body depth between origins of dorsal and anal fins 3.0-3.3 in SL; head length (HL) 2.3-2.5 in SL; interorbital width 3.75-4.4 in HL; gill opening 4.8-5.55 in HL; origin of anal fin below or posterior to rear base of dorsal fin, the preanal length 1.25-1.35 in SL; longest dorsal ray 2.4-2.9 in HL; preserved colour pale grey to pale tan with 3 saddle-like, dark brown bars on body, similar to C. coronata, the edges of bars with close-set, small, pale-edged dark spots or short lines, irregularly alternating with unpigmented pale spots or lines; ventral part of body with or without small pale spots or pale-edged dark spots; across posterior interorbital and anterior occiput is a broad dark brown band; below base of pectoral fin is a dark brown spot; from chin to below gill opening, a narrow curved pale band edged in small dark spots; around eye is a pale area with radiating dark brown lines (except adjacent interorbital band); on head and abdomen is a midventral dark brown line varying from faint to conspicuous; lips pale, usually rimmed by a dusky band; fins pale grey, the upper and lower edges of caudal fin with or without a broad dark marginal band (Ref. 83660). |
Occurs in sheltered habitat, often on open sand and rubble bottom near reefs; but appears to be far less common than C. coronata (Ref. 83660). Solitary (Ref. 90102). |
(Ref. 96402)
harmless |
Recorded from Davao Gulf as C. coronata (Ref. 106380). Museum records from Negros (SU 68574, 2: 76-77 mm) and Siquijor (USNM 227245, 2:67-68 mm) (Ref. 83660). Also Ref. 5439, 53416. |
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