Canthigaster bennetti (Bleeker, 1854)
Bennett's sharpnose puffer

Butete Buriring,  Butete,  Butete,  Butiti,  Butiti, 

Canthigaster bennetti
photo by Randall, J.E.

 Family:  Tetraodontidae (Puffers), subfamily: Canthigasterinae
 Max. size:  10 cm TL (male/unsexed)
 Environment:  reef-associated; depth range 1 - 15 m
 Distribution:  Indo-Pacific: East Africa south to Port Alfred, South Africa (Ref. 4919) and east to Tuamoto Islands, north to southern Taiwan, south to New South Wales. Reported from Tanabe Bay, Japan (Ref. 559) and Southeast Atlantic.
 Diagnosis:  Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 9-11; Anal spines: 0-0; Anal soft rays: 8-10. Less than 30 small brown dots on side of caudal peduncle (Ref. 559). Description: Characterized further by brown color of upper half, whitish below, blue to greenish eye spokes; chin with blue lines; base of dorsal fin with pale-edged black spot; depth of body at origin of anal fin 2.6-3.2 in SL; head length 2.6-2.8 in SL; length of snout 1.4-1.6 in head length; bony interorbital width 4.0-4.8 in head length; caudal peduncle depth 2.1-2.7 in head length; slightly rounded caudal fin (Ref. 90102).
 Biology:  Inhabits inner reef flats and sheltered lagoons. A common inshore species, often on algal or silty reefs and among attached Sargassum on shallow rubble flats (Ref. 48637). Solitary or in groups (Ref. 90102). Feeds mainly on filamentous green algae and to a lesser extent on fleshy and coralline red algae and on benthic invertebrates. Monogamous (Ref. 52884).
 IUCN Red List Status:   (Ref. 96402)
 Threat to humans:  harmless
 Country info:   

 Entered by: Capuli, Estelita Emily - 17.11.92
 Modified by: Bailly, Nicolas - 15.07.13

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.

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