Chromis atripectoralis Welander & Schultz, 1951
Black-axil chromis

Black-axil chromis Palata, 

Chromis atripectoralis
photo by Allen, G.R.

 Family:  Pomacentridae (Damselfishes), subfamily: Pomacentrinae
 Max. size:  12 cm TL (male/unsexed)
 Environment:  reef-associated; depth range 1 - 29 m, non-migratory
 Distribution:  Indo-Pacific: most islands of Oceania except Hawaiian Islands, Marquesas, and Pitcairn Group; also Australia north to the Ryukyu Islands. In the Indian Ocean, there are confirmed records Seychelles, Thailand and Western Australia. Often confused with Chromis viridis.
 Diagnosis:  Dorsal spines (total): 12-12; Dorsal soft rays (total): 9-10; Anal spines: 2-2; Anal soft rays: 9-10. Description: Head and body pale green. Body depth 2.0-2.1 in SL (Ref. 90102).
 Biology:  Adults inhabit clear lagoons, passages, and seaward reef slopes, in thickets of live or dead coral. They occur in large aggregations feeding above staghorn Acropora corals (Ref. 9710). Stomach contents of individuals examined included mainly copepods, amphipods, and zoea. Oviparous, distinct pairing during breeding (Ref. 205). Eggs are demersal and adhere to the substrate (Ref. 205). Males guard and aerate the eggs (Ref. 205).
 IUCN Red List Status: Not Evaluated  (Ref. 96402)
 Threat to humans:  harmless
 Country info:  Recorded from Lanuza Bay (Ref. 104756), and Bantayan Is. in northern Cebu (Ref. 114734). Also Ref. 48613, 53416.

 Entered by: Froese, Rainer - 07.05.92
 Modified by: Luna, Susan M. - 18.07.11
 Checked by: Sa-a, Pascualita - 03.08.94

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.

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