Labridae (Wrasses), subfamily: Cheilininae |
20 cm SL (male/unsexed) |
reef-associated; depth range 2 - 10 m |
Indo-Pacific: East Africa south to Natal, South Africa (Ref. 4392) and east to the Society Islands. |
Dorsal spines (total): 9-10; Dorsal soft rays (total): 12-13; Anal spines: 2-3; Anal soft rays: 11-12. Has a broad yellow lateral stripe (Ref. 37816). |
A solitary species (Ref. 90102) that inhabits reef flats and shallow lagoons, in sandy, current-swept areas with rubble and weed (Ref. 9710). Feeds on small benthic invertebrates (Ref. 89972). Capable of diving into the sand with the approach of danger. Rarely caught by fishers or aquarium collectors (Ref. 9823). |
(Ref. 96402)
harmless |
Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.
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dsantos, 20/08/10