Holocentridae (Squirrelfishes, soldierfishes), subfamily: Holocentrinae |
20 cm TL (male/unsexed) |
reef-associated; depth range 5 - 70 m |
Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and Natal, South Africa (Ref. 4201) to the Marquesan Islands, north to southern Japan and the Ogasawara Islands, south to New South Wales, Australia. |
Dorsal spines (total): 11-11; Dorsal soft rays (total): 13-14; Anal spines: 4-4; Anal soft rays: 8-10. Body with red and white stripes following the scale rows, the red stripes slightly narrower than the white ones (Ref. 4201) (red stripes usually broader for Taiwan and Japan specimens); lateral line scales for northern Philippines, Taiwan and Japan specimens 44-49; 5 oblique rows of scales on cheek; body depth 2.8-3.1 in SL; head length 2.8-3.1 in SL; short snout, 3.65-4.15 in head length; interorbital width 4.3-4.65 in head length; maxilla extending from below front of pupil to below center of eye, upper jaw length 2.6-2.9 in head length; premaxillary groove reaching about a vertical at anterior edge of orbit; rounded anterior end of nasal bone; edge of small nasal fossa without spine; median edge of nasal bone (premaxillary groove margin) without spinule; upper edge of suborbital bones below the eye weakly serrated and without lateral spine; short preopercular spine, about 1/3 orbit diameter, 5.5-8.2 in head diameter; 4th or 5th longest dorsal spines, 1.7-2.2 in head length; third anal spine long, 1.15-1.4 in head length (Ref. 27370). |
Occurs in outer reef slopes. A nocturnal species that feeds mainly on benthic crabs and shrimps. Spine of preopercle venomous. Solitary or in groups (Ref 90102). |
(Ref. 96402)
venomous |
Museum: Batanes Prov., USNM 293781, 293806. Luzon, Cagayan Prov., San Vicente, USNM 309393 (Ref. 27370). Reported from Tubbataha Reefs (Ref. 53416). Also Ref. 90102. |
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