Synodontidae (Lizardfishes), subfamily: Synodontinae |
9.7 cm SL (female) |
benthopelagic; depth range 26 - 29 m |
Western Pacific: Indonesia and the Philippines. |
Dorsal soft rays (total): 11-12; Anal soft rays: 9-9; Vertebrae: 58-59. This species is distinct in having the following characters: D 11- 12; A 9; pectoral rays 12-13; lateral-line scales 58-60; 4½ scales between lateral line and base of dorsal fin; median predorsal scales 18; vertebrae 58-59; peritoneal spots 9-10; anterior palatine teeth of inner row much longer than posterior teeth; preopercle not scaled posterior to corner of mouth; membranous posterior flap of anterior nostril triangular, with a slightly attenuate tip, reaching to above posterior nostril when laid back; depth of body 6.6-7.35 in SL; pectoral fins reaching a line connecting dorsal- and pelvic-fin origins, fin length 2.4-2.6 in HL; alcohol preserved color pale yellowish with 9
irregular light brown circles along lateral line, each linked narrowly to an irregular, slightly oblique, brown bar to lower side of body; tip of dorsal part of snout with a pair of small brown spots; when fresh, the color is light orangish brown dorsally, white ventrally, dark markings a mixture of orange and dark brownish red; pelvic fins crossed by 6 dark orangish brown bands twice as broad as white interspaces (Ref. 80927). |
Paratypes were collected from rubble and sand bottom (Ref. 80927). |
Not Evaluated
(Ref. 96402)
harmless |
Paratypes collected from Sumilon I. east of southern end of Cebu, USNM 391165 (6.5 cm SL) and BPBM 22134 (5.65 cm SL) were collected from a rubble
and sand bottom in 26-29 m (Ref. 80927). |
Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.
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dsantos, 20/08/10