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Definition of Term

(english) Longest bones or cartilages of the branchial arches, situated immediately below the angle of the arch, between the epibranchials and the hypobranchials. (See also: cartilage, epibranchial, hypobranchial)
(french) Plus longs os ou cartilages des arcs branchiaux, situés juste en dessous l'angle de l'arc, entre l'épibranchials et l'hypobranchials. (See also: cartilage, epibranchial, hypobranchial)
(portuguese) Os ossos ou cartilagens mais longos dos arcos branquiais, situados logo por baixo do ângulo brânquial e entre o epibranquial e o hipobranquial. (See also: cartilage, epibranchial, hypobranchial)

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