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Definition of Term

(english) Caudal fin shape which is primitively symmetrical and pointed; the vertebral column runs straight to the tip, dividing the caudal fin symmetrically, e.g. in chimaeras, also: an internally and externally symmetrical tail fin, e.g. in Dipnoi. May be secondarily acquired from the homocercal condition by loss of the real caudal fin and the gaining of a new one from dorsal and anal elements, e.g. in Gadidae. (See also: heterocercal, chimaeras, caudal fin)
(french) Forme de la nageoire caudale qui est primitivement symétrique et pointue; la colonne vertébrale court tout droight à la pointe, en divisant symétriquement la nageoire caudale, par exemple, chez les chimères. (See also: heterocercal, chimaeras, caudal fin)
(portuguese) Forma simétrica e primitiva da barbatana caudal; a coluna vertebral percorre a cauda dividindo-a em duas partes simétricas. (See also: heterocercal, chimaeras, caudal fin)

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