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Definition of Term

lateral canal
(english) That portion of the lateral-line system on the head which begins with its junction with the supra- and infraorbital canals behind mid-eye and extends back to the rear margin of the head to connect with the lateral line on the body, if one is present. (See also: lateral line, infraorbital canal)
canal latéral
(french) Partie de la ligne latérale céphalique à la jonction des canaux supra - et infraorbitaires en arrière du milieu de l'oeil et qui s’étend le long du bord postérieur de la tête pour se relier en arrière à la ligne latérale du corps, si celle-ci existe. (See also: lateral line, infraorbital canal)
canal da linha lateral
(portuguese) Porção do sistema da linha lateral cefálica que se inicia na junção com os canais supra e infra-orbitais, atrás do ponto médio do olho e que se vai ligar à linha lateral propriamente dita, caso exista. (See also: lateral line, infraorbital canal)

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