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Definition of Term

lateral line (View picture)
(english) A sensory organ of fishes which consists of a canal running along the side of the body and communicating via sensory pores through scales to the exterior; functions in perceiving low frequency vibrations and pressure differences in general. (See also: lateral canal, infraorbital canal, lateral line scales)
ligne latérale (View picture)
(french) Organe sensoriel des poissons qui consiste en un canal situé le long des flancs et qui communique à l'extérieur par des pores sensoriels percés à travers les écailles ; utilisé pour percevoir les vibrations de basse fréquence et les différences de pression. (See also: lateral canal, infraorbital canal, lateral line scales)
linha lateral (View picture)
(portuguese) Orgão sensorial dos peixes que consiste num canal ao longo dos lados do corpo e que contacta com o exterior através de poros que atravessam escamas especializadas; geralmente percepcionam vibrações de baixa frequência e diferenças de pressão. (See also: lateral canal, infraorbital canal, lateral line scales)

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