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Definition of Term

oceanic benthic ecosystems
(english) Noncontinental benthic ecosystems; portion of the benthic marine realm not associated with the continents; ocean bottom beyond the continental slopes and slopes of large islands composed of continental rocks. (See also: benthic ecosystems, marine realm, ocean ecosystems)
écosystèmes benthiques du large
(french) Ecosystèmes benthiques au-delà du plateau continental; part du domaine benthique marin non associée au plateau, au-delà de la pente continentale et des pentes des grandes îles rocheuses. (See also: benthic ecosystems, marine realm, ocean ecosystems)
ecossistemas bênticos oceânicos
(portuguese) Ecossistemas bênticos não continentais; parte do reino marinho bentónico não associado aos continentes. (See also: benthic ecosystems, marine realm, ocean ecosystems)

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