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Definition of Term

(english) 1) A projecting snout or beak, 2) protracted anterior part of the skull in sharks and rays, 3) central, forward-projecting and occasionally long spine between the eyes of crustaceans, 4) the bony shelf overhanging the cavity where the esca of Ceratiidae is housed, 5) the longer lip of the ostium of the sagittal otolith. (See also: snout, skull, crustaceans)
(french) Museau ou bec projetant ; la partie antérieure prolongée du crâne chez les requins et les raies ; central, projetant en avant et parfois une épine longue entre les yeux des crustacés. (See also: snout, skull, crustaceans)
(portuguese) Focinho alongado ou bico; parte anterior do crâneo dos tubarões e das raias; projecção central, dirigida para a frente em forma de longo espinho, entre os olhos de alguns crustáceos. (See also: snout, skull, crustaceans)

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