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Definition of Term

(english) Living and feeding near the bottom as well as in midwaters or near the surface. Feeding on benthic as well as free swimming organisms. Many freshwater fish are opportunistic feeders that forage on the bottom as well as in midwater and near the surface, also pertaining to forms which hover or swim just over the floor of the sea, e.g. Halosauridae, Macrouridae, Moridae, Brotulidae; the depth zone about 100 metres off the bottom at all depths below the edge of the continental shelf. (See also: pelagic, benthic)
(french) qui vie et se nourrit près du fond aussi bien que dans [midwaters] ou vers la surface d’eau. Se nourrit des organismes benthiques aussi bien que des organismes pélagiques. Beaucoup de poissons d'eau douce sont des consommateurs opportunistes qui fourragent sur le fond aussi bien que dans la zone pélagique et à la surface d’eau. (See also: pelagic, benthic)
(portuguese) Vive e alimenta-se perto do fundo bem como nas camadas superiores. (See also: pelagic, benthic)

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