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Definition of Term

(english) Concentration of Hydrogen ions (H+)in a solution (log to base 10 of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration); a value used to express acidity and alkalinity. A pH of 7 is neutral, of < 2 is a strong acid and of > 12 a strong alkali. Acid rain decreases the natural pH of rivers and lakes. Some fish require a specific pH, others will live in a wide range of values. (See also: acidity, basicity, ecotoxicology)
(french) Concentration en ions Hydrogène (H+) ; valeur utilisée pour exprimer l'acidité et l'alcalinité. Un pH égal à 7 est neutre, un pH < 2 est un acide fort et > 12 un alcalin fort. (See also: acidity, basicity, ecotoxicology)
(portuguese) Concentração de iões de hodrogénio (H+); valor que expressa a acidez e a alcalinidade. PH 7 indica neutralidade, <2 indica forte acidez e >12 forte alcalinidade. (See also: acidity, basicity, ecotoxicology)

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