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Introduced from: Pacific, Southwest to: Atlantic, Western Central
Introductions from elsewhere to 'Atlantic, Western Central' (with unknowns)

n=36 | Species introduction records list
# Species Year Period From - To Reason Established in the wild Ref. no.
1 Acanthurus guttatus  2003 2000-present Unknown - West Palm Beach, Florida  no data  no data 083716
2 Acanthurus sohal  2002 2000-present Unknown - Pompano Beach, Florida  ornamental  no data 083722
3 Butis koilomatodon  2005 2000-present Unknown - Venezuela  accidental with ships  no data 092880
4 Naso lituratus  2000 2000-present unknown - Florida (2000) and Georgia (2006)  ornamental  no data 083725
5 Omobranchus punctatus   unknown India - Venezuela  accidental with ships  established 006328
6 Omobranchus punctatus   unknown India - Trinidad Tobago  accidental with ships  established 006328
7 Omobranchus punctatus   unknown Unknown - Panama  accidental with ships  established 013628
8 Piaractus mesopotamicus  1987 1975-1999 unknown - United States of America  ornamental  unknown 074657
9 Platax orbicularis   unknown Unknown - Florida  ornamental  established 051238
10 Pomacanthus imperator   1975-1999 USA - Puerto Rico  ornamental  established 059238
11 Pterois volitans  1985 1975-1999 Indonesia - Biscayne Bay, Florida  accidental  established 049194
12 Pterois volitans  2001 2000-present Unknown - Belize  diffused from other countries  established 087861
13 Pterois volitans  2005 2000-present Unknown - Cuba  diffused from other countries  established 085277
14 Pterois volitans  2006 2000-present Unknown - Turks and Caicos  diffused from other countries  established 085277
15 Pterois volitans  2007 2000-present Unknown - Haiti  diffused from other countries  established 087861
16 Pterois volitans  2008 2000-present Unknown - Dominican Republic  diffused from other countries  established 085277
17 Pterois volitans  2008 2000-present Unknown - Colombia  diffused from other countries  established 087861
18 Pterois volitans  2008 2000-present Unknown - Cayman Islands  diffused from other countries  established 085277
19 Pterois volitans  2008 2000-present Unknown - Br Virgin Islands  diffused from other countries   087861
20 Pterois volitans  2008 2000-present Unknown - US Virgin Islands  diffused from other countries  established 087861
21 Pterois volitans  2009 2000-present Unknown - Costa Rica  diffused from other countries  established 085277
22 Pterois volitans  2009 2000-present Unknown - Venezuela  diffused from other countries  established 087861
23 Pterois volitans  2009 2000-present Unknown - Antigua Barb  diffused from other countries  established 087861
24 Pterois volitans  2009 2000-present Unknown - Panama  diffused from other countries  established 087861
25 Pterois volitans  2009 2000-present Unknown - Nicaragua  diffused from other countries  established 087861
26 Pterois volitans  2009 2000-present Unknown - Curacao  diffused from other countries  established 087861
27 Pterois volitans  2009 2000-present Unknown - Mexico  diffused from other countries  established 085277
28 Pterois volitans  2009 2000-present Unknown - Honduras  diffused from other countries  established 085277
29 Pterois volitans  2010 2000-present Unknown - Guadeloupe  diffused from other countries   087861
30 Pterois volitans  2010 2000-present Unknown - St Kitts Nev  diffused from other countries   087861
31 Rhinecanthus verrucosus   unknown unknown - United States of America  unknown  unknown 074657
32 Scatophagus argus  1992 1975-1999 Pacific - United States of America  no data  probably not established 074657
33 Sciaenops ocellatus  1988 1975-1999 Unknown - Bahamas  aquaculture  unknown 026042
34 Zebrasoma desjardinii  1999 1975-1999 Unknown - United States of America  no data  probably not established 074657
35 Zebrasoma flavescens   unknown Unknown - Florida  ornamental  established 051238
36 Zebrasoma velifer  1999 1975-1999 unknown - United States of America  no data  probably not established 074657
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cfm script by eagbayani, 01.04.03 ,  php script by mortiz, 05/31/10 ,  last modified by mortiz, 2:10 PM 05/31/10