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Occurrence Record of Gobio lozanoi
Main Ref : Kottelat, M. and H. Persat, 2005 (Ref. 56793) Museum : [CMK]
Name used : Gobio lozanoi Sex :  
Catalog No. : CMK 17584 Picture :  
Locality : River Adour downstream of bridge at Estirac, about 20 km north of Tarbes, Adour drainage, Dept. Hautes-Pyrénées
Station :   Gazetteer :  River
Year : 2002 Date : 25/09/02
Water depth : - m Salinity : freshwater
Altitude : - m Temperature :   °C
Coordinates : 43 29.983 N0 1.767 E
In decimal: 43.50 , 0.03
Accuracy :  
Geog. area : 5- Europe - Inland waters Adour drainage
Country : 250 - France  
Length : cm SL Range : 6.84 - 10.57
Collector : M. Kottelat & CSP staff Identifier :  
Gear :  
Entered by: Torres,Armi G. - 09/04/12
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last modified by kbanasihan, 12.05.11