Miquelarena, A.M. and F.R. Carvalho, 2013
Citation Miquelarena, A.M. and F.R. Carvalho, 2013. Actinopterygii, Characiformes, Characidae: Ectrepopterus uruguayensis (Fowler, 1943): new record for Argentina. Check List 9(5):1043-1045.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/
Paper URL http://www.checklist.org.br/archive?vol=9&num=5
E-mail frcarvalho2004@yahoo.com.br
Address Museo de La Plata, División Zoología Vertebrados. CONICET-La Plata. Paseo del Bosque s/n°, 1900. La Plata, BA, Argentina
Ref. No. 95551
Language English
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