FishBase References for Randall, J.E., 2000

Ref. No. Title
36378 Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fishes of the genus Stethojulis, with descriptions of two new species. 41572 Pinguipedidae (sand-perches). 43864 Serranidae (sea basses and groupers). 48036 Mullidae (goatfishes). 48048 Cirrhitidae (hawkfishes). 48049 Cheilodactylidae (morwongs). 48078 Zanclidae (moorish idols). 48079 Acanthuridae (surgeonfishes and unicornfishes). 48108 Albulidae (bonefishes). 48180 Holocentridae (squirrelfishes and soldierfishes).
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.01.06 ,  php script by cmilitante, 29/03/11 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 29/03/11