26817 |
Fish preferences and prejudices in a small Caribbean Island: a study of fish consumption patterns in St. Vincent based on a household survey. |
11640 |
On the differences between the genera Sicydium and Sicyopterus (Gobiidae). |
55765 |
Annual changes in the ovarian activity of the freshwater teleost 'Barbus luteus' (Heckel) from southern Iraq. |
8739 |
The effect of dissolved oxygen and salinity on the toxicity of ammonia to smolt of salmon, Salmo salar L. |
110629 |
Study on gonad morphology, oocyte development, gonad index, and fecundity in the rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus (Park). |
2294 |
Some data on scavengers (Family Lethrinidae) from the Gulf of Aden region. |
56755 |
Some data on scavengers (Family Lethrinidae) from the Gulf of Aden region. |
545 |
The fishes of Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. |
11268 |
Influence de la salinité sur la croissance et l'utilisation des aliments chez les loups juvéniles (Dicentrarchus labrax). |
52918 |
Les espèces et la spéciation chez les Pseudophoxinus nord-africains (Pisces, Cyprinidae). |
44168 |
A contribution to the biology of non-commercial and rare fish species from the White sea in the early stages of development. |
35320 |
Contributions to the life history of the humpback whitefish in Alaska. |
44030 |
The reproduction and development of the arctic cod, Boreogadus saida, in the White sea. |
44198 |
On the biology of the early stages of development of some white sea fishes. |
26423 |
Algunos aspectos sobre la reproducción de Mugil liza (Pisces, Mugilidae) en Tunas de Zaza, Cuba. |
44016 |
The amu-dar trout, Salmo trutta oxianus of Nurek reservior and the upper reaches of Vakhsh river. |
5006 |
On the occurrence of fishes belonging to the families Zoarcidae (Apodolycus hureaui gen. et sp. n.) and the Liparidae (Paraliparis operculosus sp. n.) off Kerguelen Island. |
10007 |
Zoarcidae. |
89319 |
Sexual cycles of Antarctic fishes Trematomus bernacchii and Pagothenia borchgrevinki (Nototheniidae) in connection with adaptation to living conditions. |
5063 |
New species of the genus Paraliparis (Liparidae) from the western Antarctic. |
13095 |
Report of the Arctic Fisheries Working Group. |
26556 |
Groot Surinaams kookboek met exotische creoolse, hindoestaanse, indonesische, chinese en europese recepten. |
85948 |
Jacques Millot 1897-1979. |
147 |
Intensive rearing of grass carp larvae Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes 1844) under controlled conditions. |
3557 |
Catch composition and relative abundance of trawl-caught fishes in the Visayan Sea. |
30156 |
Chromosomes of a sweeper and a goatfish (Teleostei, Percoidei) from Japan. |
30145 |
Chromosomes of Japanese gobioid fishes (IV). |
36027 |
A new species of the macrourid fish genus Coelorinchus from off Tasmania, New Zealand, and the Falkland Islands. |
12068 |
Systematic study on the barracudas (Pisces: Sphyraenidae) from a northern sector of the South China Sea. |
5544 |
Contribution à l'étude biologique des zones de dilution du littoral méditerranéen: estuaires, étangs lagunaires. |
50384 |
Some aspects of the development of grazing reserves in Kainji Lake basin, Nigeria. |
2340 |
Respiratory behaviour, oxygen consumption and relative dependence on aerial respiration in the African lungfish (Protopterus annectens, Owen) and an airbreathing teleost (Clarias lazera, C.). |
31131 |
Studies on the biology of reproduction in the cichlid Tilapia nilotica (L.): gonadal maturation and fecundity. |
34210 |
Alimentary habits of silverside (Pisces: Atherinidae) from Rapel Reservoir, Chile. |
13783 |
Spring and summer foods of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the eastern Bering Sea. |
2734 |
Sternoptychidae. |
61 |
Tilapia. A guide to their biology and culture in Africa. |
12523 |
A contribution to the study of the food of six cyprinid fishes in three areas of the Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa. |
58802 |
The theory of saltation and it's application in the ontogeny of fishes: steps and thresholds. |
44028 |
Lindbergichthys (Nototheniidae) a new generic name for Lindbergia Balushkin, 1976 Non Riedel, 1959. |
45434 |
Fishes collected by the Zaïre River Expedition, 1974-75. |
4069 |
Some effects of light intensity and photoperiod on the sea bass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) reared at the Centre Oceanologique de Bretagne. |
13557 |
Two rare carcharhinids, Hemipristis elongatus and Lago omanensis, from the northern Red Sea. |
51325 |
Alimentation artificielle de l'esturgeon Acipenser baeri. |
29865 |
Comparative karyology and ontogenetic changes in chromosomes of Atlantic salmon from the Baltic and White sea populations. |
44013 |
Subspecies of the atlantic blackbelly rosefish, Helicolenus dactylopterus (De la Roche, 1809). |
57932 |
Anarhichadidae. |
6265 |
Blenniidae. |
2343 |
Ionic and respiratory regulation in rainbow trout during rapid transfer to seawater. |
27942 |
Saccopharyngidae. |
84526 |
Eurypharyngidae. |
3666 |
Labridae. |
84531 |
Serrivomeridae. |
84532 |
Cyemidae. |
11066 |
Post-hatching growth and allometry of the teleost brain. |
50687 |
Electric organ discharge (EOD) and prey capture behaviour in the electric eel, Electrophorus electricus. |
3491 |
New information on the longevity of Pacific Ocean perch (Sebastes alutus). |
47383 |
Age, growth, and food habits of the pumkinseed sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus (Linnaeus), in Lac vert, Québec. |
10798 |
Ethological observations on the electric organ discharge behavior of the electric catfish, Malapterurus electricus (Pisces). |
42413 |
Observations on the diet of red morwong, Cheilodactylus fuscus Castelnau (Pisces: Cheilodactylidae). |
36988 |
Aquarium observations on feeding by Melanostigma pammelas (Pisces: Zoarcidae). |
2354 |
Comparative studies on the metabolism of shallow-water and deep-sea marine fishes. V. Effects of temperature and hydrostatic pressure on oxygen consumption in the mesopelagic zoarcid Melanostigma pammelas. |
31831 |
Filament organization and formation of microridges at the surface of fish epidermis. |
46673 |
Discussion of methods of investigating the food of fishes, with reference to a preliminary study of the prey of Gobiusculus flavescens (Gobiidae). |
29164 |
Karyotypic studies of two allopatric populations of the genus Hoplias (Pisces, Erythrinidae). |
26514 |
Feeding and movement of Anguilla australis and A. reinhardtii in Macleods Morass, Victoria, Australia. |
35356 |
Reproductive cycles of two Australian freshwater fishes: the spangled perch, Therapon unicolor Gunther, 1859 and the East Queensland rainbowfish, Nematocentris splendida Peters, 1866. |
7184 |
Studies on the age and growth of Labeo fimbriatus (Bloch) from river Narmada. |
26873 |
Synopsis of biological data on the rock crab, Cancer irroratus Say. |
14010 |
The effects of mercury on reproduction of fish and amphibians. |
14013 |
Acute effects of the sodium salt of 2,4-D on the early developmental stages of bleak, Alburnus alburnus. |
36761 |
The biology of filter feeding teleosts in Lake St Lucia, Zululand. |
2728 |
Nettastomatidae. |
6520 |
Congridae. |
6563 |
Xenocongridae. |
6564 |
Ophicthidae. |
30952 |
Echelidae. |
84527 |
Anguillidae. |
84528 |
Simenchelidae. |
84529 |
Muraenidae. |
84530 |
Heterenchelidae. |
84533 |
Muraenesocidae. |
84964 |
Nettodaridae. |
84965 |
Derichthyidae. |
84966 |
Nessorhamphidae. |
84967 |
Synaphobranchidae. |
29386 |
The North American mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis: A unique case in sex chromosome evolution. |
2723 |
Triglidae. |
3721 |
Scorpaenidae. |
84787 |
Peristediidae. |
31770 |
Glugea heraldi n. sp. (Microsporida, Glugeidae) from the seahorse Hippocampus erectus Perry. |
14015 |
A comparison of the toxicity of nickel to developing eggs and larvae of the carp (Cyprinus carpio). |
56111 |
An Exophiala- like fungus as the cause of a systematic mycosis of marine fish. |
47232 |
Male parental care in the bony fishes. |
2357 |
A respirometer to measure the uptake efficiency of waterborne contaminants in fish. |
84415 |
Hexanchidae. |
84423 |
Chlamydoselachidae. |
74748 |
The distribution and ecology of two mullet species in some freshwater rivers in the eastern Cape, South Africa. |
44079 |
Composition of the "Polyipnus spinosus species complex" (Sternoptychidae,Osteichtyes) with a description of three new species of this group. |
7154 |
Growth and natural mortality of green Notothenia. |
1903 |
(to be filled). |
2812 |
The Isle of Man herring fishery in 1978. |
10954 |
Gobiesocidae. |
84458 |
Ostariophysan zoogeography: an alternative hypothesis. |
8671 |
The pesticide manual. |
3140 |
Biochemical genetic comparison of the Chinese and European races of the common carp. |
1743 |
Wonders of sea horses. |
33851 |
Stages in the early development of 40 marine fish species with pelagic eggs from the Cape of Good Hope. |
49191 |
Age and growth of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis in the Churchill River watershed, Labrador. |
57652 |
Contribution a la connaissance du merlu (Merluccius merluccius L.) et du rouget (Mullus surmuletus L. et Mullus barbatus L.). |
1666 |
The fishes of Lake Sibaya. |
2903 |
The breeding biology and early development of Clarias gariepinus (Pisces, Clariidae) in Lake Sibaya, South Africa with a review of breeding in species of the subgenus Clarias (Clarias). |
26287 |
The life history and comparative ecology of the sharphead darter, Etheostoma acuticeps. |
6159 |
Feeding relationships of the young of the pike perch, Lucioperca lucioperca, the bream, Abramis brama, and fishes of lesser importance in the lower reaches of the Don. |
29487 |
The in vivo method of estimating the stages of oocytes maturation in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). |
4083 |
Relationships between RNA-DNA ratio, prey density, and growth rate in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae. |
44032 |
The reproductive biology of Saurida undosquamis and Saurida tumbil (Family Synodontidae) in the Arabian sea. |
27184 |
The greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili: its biology and fishery off southeastern Florida. |
4654 |
Induced spawning and early development of the rabbitfish, Siganus argenteus (Quoy and Guimard) in the Philippines. |
1891 |
Studies on the Family Cichlidae: 9. Haplochromis electra, a new species of cichlid from the waters around Likoma Island, Lake Malawi. |
2371 |
Biomodal gas exchange during variation in environmental oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air breathing fish Trichogaster trichopterus. |
36994 |
Systematics and life history aspects of the percid fish Etheostoma blennius with description of a new subspecies from Sequatchie River, Tenessee. |
75013 |
The life history of the least darter, Etheostoma microperca, in the Iroquois River, Illinois. |
14020 |
Interactions of chlorine, temperature change, and exposure time on survival of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) eggs and prolarvae. |
91109 |
A new fish of the genus Phallichthys (Family Poeciliidae) from Costa Rica. |
1902 |
The nomeid genus Cubiceps (Pisces) with a description of a new species. |
59077 |
Distribution of native and introduced fish in the Seven Creeks River system, Victoria. |
37401 |
Observations on the food of Macquarie perch, Macquaria australasica (Pisces: Percichthyidae), in Victoria. |
10234 |
To be filled. |
4665 |
A comparative study of the growth rates of Siganus canaliculatus, S. spinus and S. guttatus reared under laboratory and seminatural conditions in southern Negros Oriental, Philippines. |
31315 |
Oxygen consumption and short-term effects of reduction in salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration on Siganus canaliculatus, S. spinus, and S. guttatus under laboratory conditions. |
1964 |
A new species of lophiid angler fish from the western North Atlantic. |
39651 |
La peche industrielle des poissons demersaux en Cote d'Ivoire generalities - localisation - homogeneite relative des zones de peche Ivoirienne. |
7032 |
Report of the ad hoc working group on west African coastal pelagic fish from Mauritania to Liberia (26°N to 5°N). |
2673 |
Respiratory responses of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) to environmental changes in temperature and dissolved oxygen. |
2383 |
Respiratory adaptations of Sacramento blackfish, Orthodon microlepidotus (Ayres), for hypoxia. |
6077 |
INFOPESCA. Catálogo de especies marinas de interes economico actual o potencial para América Latina. Parte 1. Atlántico centro y suroccidental. |
52057 |
Studies on some aspects of biology of Anabas testudineus (Teleostei: Anabantidae). |
3088 |
Coastal fishes of Taiwan (I). |
79856 |
Simutaneous hermaphroditism and sexual selection. |
79859 |
The genetical evolution of patterns of sexuality: Dawinian fitness. |
13484 |
Blainville's dogfish, Squalus blainville, from Japan, with notes on S. mitsukurii and S. japonicus. |
44172 |
Reproduction and development of the "big-head" sculpin, Batrachocottus baicalensis, from lake Baikal. |
92506 |
Preliminary experiments on the adaptability of juvenile European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax (L)) and gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata (L)) to brackish water. |
29171 |
Chromosomes of six species of marine fishes. |
75318 |
Review of Baltic salmon research . |
57148 |
Relative growth and production of the estuary grouper Epinephelus salmoides under different stocking densities in floating net-cages. |
29652 |
Karyology of Ictalurus melas (Rofinesque), I. natalis (LeSueur) and I. punctatus (Rafinesque) (Cypriniformes: Osteichthyes). |
9489 |
Red Sea fishes of the family Tripterygiidae with descriptions of eight new species. |
38667 |
Toxic soles, Pardachirus marmoratus from the Red Sea and P. pavoninus from Japan, with notes on other species. |
58937 |
On the scop and value ecology. |
57169 |
Population biology, growth and feeding of African cafish (Clarias gariepinus) with special reference to juveniles and their importance in fish culture. |
8825 |
Toxicity of four synthetic pyrethroid insecticides to rainbow trout. |
2729 |
Eretmophoridae. |
2794 |
Melanonidae. |
11299 |
Argentinidae. |
37173 |
Notes on the morid fish genera Lotella and Physiculus in Japanese waters. |
41310 |
Bathylagidae. |
84512 |
Opisthoproctidae. |
58733 |
Aggressive habituation and rim circling in the social organization of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus). |
81611 |
Pseudophoxinus hispanicus (Steindachner, 1866), Cyprinidae nouveau pour le Portugal. |
56114 |
Specimen banking marine organisms. |
33255 |
An introduction to the spanish mackerels, genus Scomberomorus. |
37735 |
Spawning of the sprat, Sprattus antipodum (Hector), round the South Island of New Zealand. |
84466 |
Carcharhinidae. |
13426 |
Ecology of Botany Bay. II Aspects of the feeding ecology of the fanbellied leatherjacket, Monacanthus chinensis (Pisces: Monacanthidae), in Posidonia austarlis seagrass beds in Quibray Bay, Botany Bay, New South Wales. |
4673 |
Guide to Philippine flora and fauna. Volume III, Fishes. |
7502 |
The food and feeding chronology of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Lake Washington. |
14026 |
Vertebral dysplasia in young fish exposed to the herbicide trifluralin. |
10768 |
Range expansion in southern Florida of the introduced spotted tilapia, with comments on environmental impress. |
10117 |
Estimates of the numbers, biomass and year-class strengths of perch Perca fluviatilis L. in Windermere from 1967 to 1977 and some comparisons with earlier years. |
28963 |
Ecology of fishes in Simpson Lagoon, Beaufort Sea, Alaska. |
83277 |
Effect of starvation and experimental feeding on the proximate composition and caloric content of an Antarctic teleost, Notothenia coriiceps neglecta. |
37736 |
Occurrence of the New Zealand lancelet in the plankton. |
89640 |
Etude halieutique de l’estuaire de la Gironde. |
34539 |
II cariotipo di Cottus gobio (Teleostei, Cottidae). |
39589 |
Biology and population characteristics of the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum LeSueur 1818 (Osteichthyes: Acipenseridae), in the Saint John River estuary, New Brunswick, Canada. |
42792 |
Contribution à la faune de la République Unie du Cameroun. Poissons de l'Ayina, du Dja et du Bas Sanaga. |
34541 |
The karyology of eight species of fish belonging to the family Percidae. |
13286 |
Review of the polytypic doryrhamphine pipefish Oostethus brachyurus (Bleeker). |
5282 |
Deep-sea fishes off Lubang Island, Philippines. |
11339 |
Deep-sea fishes off Lubang Island, Philippines. |
7202 |
Preliminary study of the age and growth of the Beryx splendens Lowe of the west-central Atlantic. |
42523 |
Petrocephalus bane comoensis n. ssp. (Poisson: Mormyridae), du bassin du Comoé (Côte d'Ivoire). Données morphologiques et biologiques. |
84765 |
Istiophoridae. |
4374 |
Trends in the linefishery for the snoek Thyrsites atun of the south-western Cape, and in the size composition, length-weight relationship and condition. |
55720 |
Fishes of North America endangered, threatened, or special concern: 1979. |
84726 |
Kyphosidae. |
84755 |
Acanthuridae. |
34205 |
Observations on the food and feeding habits of the eel, Muraenesox cinereus (Forskal) from Porto Novo. |
5087 |
Fishes collected during 'Hero' cruise 72-2 in the Palmer Archipelago, Antarctica, with the description of two new genera and three new species. |
32225 |
Gonochorism and sex-inversion in British Labridae (Pisces). |
12787 |
Long-line fishing in Cebu Channel, Cebu, Philippines. |
2505 |
Contributions to the biology of common slipmouth, Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier, 1829) caught from Manila Bay. |
554 |
The swimming performance of nine species of common California inshore fishes. |
44081 |
Some data on croakers (Family Sciaenidae) of the Gulf of Aden. |
45331 |
Notes on the biology of tompot blenny Blennius gattorugine Brunnich. |
2044 |
Data of trawl survey by R.V. Mutiara-IV. |
2043 |
A taxonomic study of the genus Lethrinops Regan (Pisces: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi. Part 3. |
2355 |
Respiratory gas exchange in the airbreathing fish, Synbranchus marmoratus. |
58741 |
Respiratory gas exchange in the airbreathing fish, Synbranchus marmoratus. |
56282 |
Food consumed by continental shelf fishes. |
89273 |
The larvae of six species of the family Nototheniidae from the Scotia Sea. |
89321 |
Descriptions of larvae of six species of the family Chaenichthyidae from the Scotia Sea. |
51339 |
A lungfish that survives over three and half years of starvation under aquatic conditions. |
35433 |
Breeding, growth and aestivation of the Canterbury mudfish, Neochanna burrowsius (Salmoniformes: Galaxiidae). |
37732 |
Habitat and interspecific relationships of the Canterbury mudfish, Neochanna burrowsius (Salmoniformes: Galaxiidae). |
37734 |
Food of the Canterbury mudfish, Neochanna burrowsius (Salmoniformes: Galaxiidae). |
56865 |
Comments on some recent methods for estimating food consumption by fish. |
44009 |
The state of the fishing and reproduction of the Kutum, Rutilus frisii kutum, in the Caspian sea of Iran. |
14041 |
oxicity of cupric ion to eggs of the spot, Leiostomus xanthurus and Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia. |
39570 |
The scorpionfish genus Minous (Scorpaenidae, Minoinae) including a new species from the Indian Ocean. |
8579 |
Aspectos biológico-pesqueros de la cherna criolla en la plataforma cubana y regiones adyacentes. |
31737 |
The longitudinal distribution of fishes in an east Texas stream. |
6309 |
Studies on egg production, spawning and fry development in Tilapia melanotheron. |
9534 |
Observations on the biology of two species of Tilapia from the Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria. |
89971 |
To be filled. |
7222 |
Rapport du groupe de travail ad hoc sur les merlus (Merluccius merluccius, M. senegalensis, M. cadenati) dans la zone du COPACE. |
57656 |
Age croissance et demographie du thon rouge (Thunnus thynnus) en Mediterrranee francaise - note d'information. |
44015 |
The vimba of Lake Ladoga. |
44024 |
Triggerfishes of the genera Canthidermis and Xanthichthys (Balistidae, Tedraodontiformes) from the Pacific and Indian oceans. |
12004 |
Estudio comparativo sobre la biología y pesca del pez espada, Xiphias gladius (L.) obtenidos por las flotas Española y Brasileña. |
52155 |
The velvet whalefish, Barbourisia rufa, added to California's marine fauna, with notes on otoliths of whalefishes and possibe related genera. |
56470 |
Some observations of the effects of body weight, temperature, meal size and quality on gastric emptying time in the turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.) using radiography. |
75010 |
The life history of the teardrop darter, Etheostoma barbouri Kuehne and Small. |
41918 |
Alimentazione di Mullus barbatus L. nel Mar Tirreno. XI Congresso della Societá Italiana di Biologia Marina, Orbetello. |
13457 |
Evaluation of tenpounder and tarpon as predators on Java tilapia in brackishwater ponds. |
104361 |
Poissons de la pente récifale externe de Nouvelle-Calédonie et des Nouvelles-Hébrides. |
11072 |
Three new species of serranid fishes of the genus Plectranthias from New Caledonia. |
6051 |
A biological basis for the management of New Zealand moki (Latridopsis ciliaris) and smoothound (Mustelus lenticulatus) fisheries. |
115207 |
Checklist of the marine fishes of Kaikoura, New Zealand. |
7215 |
Cycle de reproduction et fécondité de la dorade Pagellus coupei au large des côtes nord-Sénégalaise et Mauritanienne. |
2423 |
Swimming energetics of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and bluefish (Pomatomous saltatrix): gill ventilation and swimming metabolism. |
7033 |
Les poissons pelagiques cottiers au Senegal: relations taille/poids des principales especes d'interet commercial. |
6496 |
The effect of parrotfish (Scaridae) on coral in Barbados, W.I. |
13555 |
Polyplacapros tyleri, a new genus and species of ostraciid trunkfish from off eastern Australia and Norfolk Ridge. |
37680 |
On the rock-climbing behavior of the goby, Sicyopterus japonicus. |
13722 |
Reproduction and growth in three open water species of fishes. |
86031 |
Tetrapod morphology: a phylogenetic analysis. |
2425 |
Hypoxia tolerance of two closely related Haplochromis species (Pisces: cichlidae): Haplochromis elegans Trewavas, 1933 and H. angustifrons Boulenger, 1914. |
46476 |
Community organization in fishes as indicated by morphological features. |
9726 |
Reproduction and fecundity of the Scottish-Norwegian stock of spurdog, Squalus acanthias (L.). |
44020 |
The taxonomic status and biology of the "Pacific redfin" of the genus Tribolodon of the southern maritime territory. |
44027 |
A new find of Pseudoicichthys australis in the antartic region of the south-west pacific. |
10675 |
The feeding ecology of fishes of the genus Seriolella (fam. Nomeidae) on the New Zealand Plateau. |
44199 |
Ecological peculiarities and fisheries significance of the sichel, Pelecus cultratus, in the Courland Lagoon basin. |
54087 |
Recherches sur l'alimentation de Macrourus berglax Lacépède 1801 (Macrouridae, Gadiformes). |
80710 |
alimentation du greanadier, Coryphaenoides rupestris, dans 1'Atlantique nord-est. |
30609 |
Food and habitat partitioning between rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui) young of the year. |
5343 |
Biologie de Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich) en Côte d'Ivoire III. Etude des migrations en Lagune Ebrié. |
2735 |
Astronesthidae. |
35359 |
Aspects of the biology of the spotted dragonet Callionymus maculatus Rafinesque-Schmaltz from the west coast of Scotland. |
84467 |
Sphyrnidae. |
2054 |
Two new western Atlantic species of the gobiid fish genus Gobionellus, with remarks on the characteristics of the genus. |
39827 |
Varicus marilynae, a new gobiid fish from Florida. |
4156 |
Methodes de production des juveniles chez trois poissons marins, le bar, la sole et le turbot. |
38174 |
Concentrations of arsenic, selenium and ten heavy metals in school shark, Galeorhinus australis (Macleay), and gummy shark, Mustelus antarcticus Günther, from south-eastern Australian waters. |
2884 |
Is the Great Barrier Reef being overfished?. |
30067 |
Cytogenetics. |
29294 |
Karyology of four North American percids (Perciformes: Percidae). |
29295 |
Cytogenetic studies in North American minnows (Cyprinidae). VI. Karyotypes of thitteen species in the genus Notropis. |
29672 |
Chromosome formulae of North American fishes. |
88118 |
A note on the age composition, growth rate and food of perch Perca fluviatilis (L.) in four eutrophic lakes, England. |
44076 |
A catch of Acanthonus armatus (Family Brotulidae) off the coast of north-west Africa. |
2724 |
Malacosteidae. |
80819 |
Some notes on the biology of the snake blenny, Lumpenus lampretaeformis on the west coast of Scotland. |
42461 |
Experimental data on the digestion rate in fingerlings of the snapper, Lutjanus peru. |
54092 |
The feeding of lanternfishes, Ceratoscopelus warmingi and Bolinichthys longipes, of the Family Myctophidae in the Western Equatorial Part of the Pacific Ocean. |
56758 |
Feeding of mesopelagic fish of the genus Cyclothone. |
10746 |
On the occurrence of Acentrogobius belissimus (Pisces: Gobiidae) in the Red Sea. |
10747 |
Red Sea fishes assigned to the genus Callogobius Bleeker with a description of a new species (Teleostei: Gobiidae). |
47607 |
Callogobius bauchotae new species from Marshall island (Gobiidae, Pisces). |
47632 |
A new gobioid species Coryogalops sufensis from the Red sea (Pisces, Gobiidae). |
57905 |
The Gobiinae of the Red Sea (Pisces: Gobiidae). |
36993 |
Genetic distance and heterozygosity estimates in electrophoretic studies: effects of sample size. |
83998 |
On the presence of Trachipterus nigrifrons Smith, 1956, (Pisces, Lampridiformes) in the Western South Atlantic Ocean. |
3601 |
Estimation of growth, mortality and yield per recruit of the Australian school shark, Galeorhinus australis (Macleay), from tag recoveries. |
52001 |
Biology of the sand roller in the central Columbia River. |
2898 |
Workshop on Coral Trout Assessment Technique, 21 April- 4 May 1979, Heron Island. |
79015 |
Towards a phyletic classification of the 'genus' Haplochromis (Pisces, Cichlidae) and related taxa. Part I. |
13800 |
Diet and feeding ecology of the vermilion snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubens (Cuvier) from North Carolina and South Carolina waters. |
44165 |
The ussuri whitefish, Coregonus ussuriensis, and the kaluga sturgeon, Huso dauricus, in the waters of Sakhalin. |
31146 |
Demographic characteristics of an intertidal bay goby (Lepidogobius lepidus). |
44031 |
The hatching dynamics and morphological features of larvae of roach, Rutilus rutilus in relation to incubation temperature. |
54065 |
Crecimiento y aspectos poblacionales de la lobina negra Micropterus salmoider Lacépède en el lago de camécuaro michoacán (Pisces: Centrarchidae). |
41493 |
Intergeneric hybridization in a sympatric pair of Mexican Cyprinodontid fishes. |
37731 |
Reproductive biology of the pufferfish, Uranostoma richei (Plectognathi: Lagocephalidae), from Lyttelton Harbour. |
38176 |
Clinal variation in electrophoretic and morphological characters between two nominal species of the genus Pseudomugil (Pisces: Atheriniformes: Pseudomugilidae). |
3635 |
Centrolophidae. |
6562 |
Stromateidae. |
36096 |
Observations on polyculture of fish under standard farm pond conditions at the Fish and Aquaculture Research Station, Dor, during the years 1972 - 1977. |
10829 |
Circadian rhythms of electric organ discharge activity in the electric eel (Electrophorus electricus). |
74982 |
Life history aspects of the paleback darter, Etheostoma pallididorsum (Pisces: Percidae), in the Caddo River system, Arkansas. |
27219 |
The habitat, population dynamics and social organisation of two tripterygiid fishes. |
52046 |
Note on the butterflyfish (Pantodon buchholzi) (Pisces, Pantodontidae). |
48432 |
Seasonal growth, food and feeding habits of young-of-the-year black crappie in the Ottawa river. |
38177 |
Survey of demersal fish in Port Phillip Bay for incidence of neoplasia. |
94317 |
Checklist of the fishes of Caddo and Bossier Parishers, Louisiana. |
78108 |
Ichtyofaune des recifs coralliens de tulear (Madagascar): ecologie et relations trophiques. |
84968 |
Halosauridae. |
46463 |
Age and growth of the bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque, in a newly impounded farm pond. |
11311 |
A revision of the anthiine fish genus Sacura (Perciformes: Serranidae) with descriptions of two new species. |
7134 |
Summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) in the northwest Atlantic. |
36776 |
Características y manejo del Lago de Pátzcuaro. |
85929 |
Morphological evidence of an electroreceptive function of the rostral organ of Latimeria chalumnae. |
2442 |
Oxygen consumption in the fish Labeo rohita under exposition to different concentrations of industrial effluents. |
74439 |
Recent investigations on the reproductive biology of the haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, of the northern North Sea and the effects on fecundity of infection with the copepod parasite Lernacocera branchialis. |
9012 |
The vertebral centra of sharks and their use in age determination. |
405 |
A new species of Lioteres (Pisces, Gobiidae) from Kwazulu, with a revised checklist of South African gobies and comments on the generic relationships and endemism of Western Indian Ocean Gobioids. |
55959 |
The species of marine fishes in North Norway. |
14073 |
Long term effects of zinc exposure on brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). |
2445 |
The effects of pentachlorophenol on swimming performance and oxygen consumption in the American eel (Anguilla rostrata). |
35449 |
Age-related growth characteristics of Galaxias fasciatus (Salmoniformes: Galaxiidae). |
37733 |
Reproduction in Galaxias fasciatus Gray (Salmoniformes: Galaxiidae). |
45637 |
Occurrence of a grammistin-like mucous toxin in the clingfish Diademichthys lineatus. |
29406 |
Location of the nucleolus organizer regions on the sex chromosomes of the banded killifish, Fundulus diaphanus. |
7182 |
List of the fishes of California. |
108939 |
Cyprinodontidés de la cuvette congolaise (Adamas formosus n. gen., n. sp. et nouvelle description de Aphyosemion splendidum). |
2832 |
Biology of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in western Gulf of Alaska, 1973-75. |
2795 |
Mullidae. |
5091 |
La faune ichthyologique du secteur indien de l'océan antarctique et estimation du stock de poissons autour des îles Kerguelen. |
84947 |
Platycephalidae. |
2737 |
Carangidae. |
230 |
Check-list of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean (CLOFNAM I and II). |
51024 |
Supplement. Check-list of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean. |
84637 |
Priacanthidae. |
13336 |
A guide to the marine fishes of Rottnest Island. |
44200 |
Morphoecological characteristics of the eastern bream, Abramis brama orientalis, acclimatized in Bukhtarma reservoir. |
2456 |
An estimation of the minimum level of dissolved oxygen in water required for normal life of fish. II. An experiment with carp under carbon dioxide accumulation. |
44082 |
Fish species new to the waters of the USSR and the penetration of warmwater fishes into the northwestern sea of Japan. |
44008 |
Determining diet in predatory fishes. |
34685 |
Kariotip baikal'skovo omulja. |
37737 |
First record of Australian bonito, Sarda australis, from New Zealand. |
35436 |
Upstream migration of glass-eels (Anguilla spp. ) in the Waikato river. |
4397 |
Synopsis of biological data on the mrigal Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton, 1822). |
46290 |
Rearing advanced fry of major Indian carp species in recirculatory-filtering ponds at Barrackpore, west Bengal. |
57113 |
Ecological morphology of freshwater stream fishes. |
7133 |
Yield per recruit analysis for summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus). |
56785 |
Further observations on the relation between food intake and growth of gadoids in captivity. |
58740 |
Environmental factors and life histories of isolated river stocks of brown trout (Salmo trutta m. fario in Søre Oas river system, Norway. |
1425 |
Growth of skipjack. |
104581 |
Estudo sobre reprodução (época, tipo de desova e fecundidade) e regime alimentar de Macrodon ancylodon (Block & Schneider, 1801) capturada nas costas do Rio Grande do Sul (latitude 29°S a 32°S). |
1785 |
Handbook of environmental data and ecological parameters. |
33580 |
Age and growth of golden thread, Nemipterus virgatus (Houttuyn), from the East and the South China Seas. |
96362 |
Notes on larvae, juveniles and spawning of bonito (Sarda) from the eastern Pacific Ocean. |
44022 |
The systematics and distribution of eels of the genus Labichthys (Family Nemichthyidae). |
13059 |
The anthiine fish, Mirolabrichthys dispae, from Ishigaki Island, Japan. |
44033 |
Some features of the growth of young autumn chum salmon, Oncorhyncus keta, in the coastal area of Iturup island. |
2502 |
The ventilation, extraction and uptake of oxygen in undisturbed flounders, Platichthys flesus: responses to hypoxia acclimation. |
8974 |
Chromosomes in three species of fishes, Aplocheilus panchax (Cyrinodontidae), Lates calcerifer (Percidae), and Gadusia chapra (Clupeidae). |
30113 |
Karyology of two species of hillstream fishes, Barilius bendelisis and Rasbora daviconius (Fam. Cyprinidae). |
35540 |
A high number of chromosomes in the hillstream cyprinid, Tor putitora (Pisces). |
6446 |
Atherinidae. |
36099 |
Effects of temperature and stocking density on food consumption and growth of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella, Val. |
26309 |
Development of standard reference lines of rainbow trout. |
5347 |
A review of state of fisheries in Gambia. |
29902 |
Genetic principles of fish selection. |
29381 |
The karyotype of the common aigo, Siganus fuscescens. |
2508 |
Comparative physical and physiological performance of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, of distinct lactate dehydrogenase B2 phenotypes. |
30120 |
Cytogenetic methods for the detection of radiation-induced chromosome damage in aquatic organisms. |
84513 |
Osmeridae. |
77006 |
Reproductive synchrony, parental investment and the evolutionary dynamics and sexual selection. |
44073 |
The morphological characteristics of the "pike glassfish", Champsocephalus gunnari (Chaenichthyidae). |
51023 |
On the fecundity of Champocephalus gunnari Lönnberg, 1905 and Chaenocephalus aceratus (Lönnberg, 1906) (Pisces, Channichthyidae) off south Georgia Island. |
36631 |
The feeding of the Peruvian jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus murphyi. |
44025 |
The food of the shovelnose sturgeon Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni, of the Vakhsh river. |
86 |
Biochemical and cytological differentiation among cichlid fishes of the Sea of Galilee. |
40549 |
The fecundity of Baltic herring. |
75382 |
The fecundity of Baltic Herring. |
2510 |
Energy expenditure for osmoregulation in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. |
44012 |
Paratrachichthys (Aulotrachichthys) sajademalensis, a new fish from the family Trachichthyidae (Beryciformes) from the Indian Ocean. |
44034 |
On the spawning period of the southern "one-finned greenling", Pleurogrammus azonus, in the coastal area of Moneron island. |
2725 |
Searsiinae (subfamily). |
11022 |
Caproidae. |
84493 |
Squatinidae. |
84497 |
Chimaeridae. |
84498 |
Rhinochimaeridae. |
84500 |
Alepocephalidae. |
84502 |
Bathyprionidae. |
84518 |
Scopelosauridae. |
57899 |
Squalidae. |
84475 |
Oxynotidae. |
30916 |
Pristidae. |
31151 |
Torpedinidae. |
31503 |
Dasyatidae. |
33081 |
Myliobatidae. |
33083 |
Mobulidae. |
84494 |
Rhinobatidae. |
84496 |
Rhinopteridae. |
3668 |
Myctophidae. |
84955 |
Chiasmodontidae. |
86206 |
Topological analysis of the brain stem of the Crossopterygian fish Latimeria chalumnae. |
7089 |
Le maquereau Scomber japonicus devant le littoral saharien. |
84511 |
Idiacanthidae. |
31130 |
Annual reproductive cycle of milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskål, in Hawaiian waters. |
46291 |
Induced breeding experiments with milkfish, Chanos chanos Forskal, in Hawaii. |
36275 |
Echeneididae. |
41251 |
Eikapsels van de kraakbeenvissen, roggen, haaien, draakvissen (Chondrichthyes) van Noord-en West Europa. |
7322 |
Die Süsswasserfische Europas. |
86179 |
Presumptive interrenal tissue (adrenocortical homolog) of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. |
2326 |
Age and growth of Lutjanus sanguineus in the Arafura sea and north west shelf. |
5384 |
The biology of Limnothrissa miodon in Lake Kariba. |
44077 |
Utilization of yolk and change in the biochemical composition of the eggs of the navaga, Eleginus navaga, during embryonic development. |
2736 |
Nemichthyidae. |
9732 |
The food of larval turbot Scophthalmus maximus L. from the west central North Sea. |
371 |
Croissance de Sarotherodon galilaeus (Pisces: Cichlidae) dans le lac Tchad. |
2778 |
Croissance de Sarotherodon galilaeus (Pisces: Cichlidae) dans le lac Tchad. |
39460 |
Oocyte development and spawning frequency in the south west African pilchard Sardinops ocellata. |
40544 |
Fecundity and maturity of anchovy Engraulis capensis off southwest Africa. |
32159 |
Reproductive cycle of Notropis boops (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Brier Creek, Marshall County, Oklahoma. |
27451 |
Biologie des petits Mormyridae du bassin tchadien. |
85888 |
Ultrastructure du parenchyme sécréteur de la glande post-anale du coelacanthe Latimeria chalumnae. |
37811 |
Estudio preliminar de la edad y crecimiento del Beryx splendens Lowe del Atlantico Centro-Occidental. |
14087 |
Effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on length of incubation and hatching success in the Japenese medaka. |
55939 |
Biological control of reservoirs by fish. |
2515 |
Physiology of salinity-dependent naphthalene toxicity in Fundulus heteroclitus. |
140 |
On the induced spawning and larval rearing of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskål). |
26505 |
On the induced spawning and larval rearing of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskål). |
9966 |
Liparidae. |
84803 |
Agonidae. |
84804 |
Cyclopteridae. |
8820 |
The acute toxicity of 78 chemicals and pesticide formulations against two brackish water organisms, the bleak (Alurnus alurnus) and the harpacticoid (nitrocraspinipes). |
14090 |
Interactive effects of salinity, temperature, and chronic exposure to oil on the survival and developmental rate of embryos of the estuarine fish, Fundulus heteroclitus. |
6391 |
The zander in perspective. |
89226 |
The fecundity of some species of the family Nototheniidae in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. |
44161 |
Sebaste fasciatus kellyi (Scorpaenidae) from coastal waters off Eastport Maine, USA. |
43352 |
A revision of the genus Hemichromis Peters 1858 (Teleostei: Cichlidae). 1. - The Hemichromis fasciatus species group 2. - The Hemichromis bimaculatus species group 3. - The Hemichromis guttatus species group. |
29578 |
Karyotypic and evolutionary relationships of the Yellowstone (Salmo clarki bouvieri) and West-slope (S. c. lewisi) cutthroat trout. |
36986 |
Genetic similarity of two forms of cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki, in Wyoming. |
39470 |
Im Biotop von Carnegiella strigata and Hemigrammus ocellifer. |
74979 |
Reproduction and age and growth in Wisconsin darters (Osteichthyes: Percidae). |
13114 |
Population estimates for the waning years of the Pacific sardine fishery. |
37691 |
Synopsis of biological data of the northern population Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus). |
41858 |
Relations trophiques des poisons dans la Méditerranée occidentale. |
41951 |
Ecological overlap between macrourids in the Western Mediterranean Sea. |
41952 |
Estudio sobre el régimen alimentario de algunos peces en el Mediterráneo occidental. |
41953 |
Régime alimentaire de Molva dipterygia macrophthalma (Pisces: Gadidae) dans la Méditerranée occidentale. |
51936 |
Biologie et écologie du lac Kivu. Actualisation. Synthèse critique et Révision des connaissances sur le lac Kivu. |
5718 |
Stichaeidae. |
10006 |
Lumpenidae. |
84783 |
Pholidae. |
83980 |
Recreational and commercial fisheries for king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, in the South Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A. |
4664 |
The influence of energy level on the feed intake, growth, food conversion and body composition of Sparus aurata. |
35796 |
Rapport sur les resultats d'une campagne du N/O Coriolis pour l'evaluation des ressources en poissons pelagiques des eaux seychelloises. |
208 |
Synopsis of the parasites of fishes of Canada. |
5841 |
Distribucion, edad y crecimiento de la merluza plateada (Merluccius bilinearis) en la plataforma de Nueva Escocia. |
29718 |
Comparative karyological studies on chinese carps. |
29717 |
Zytologische Untersuchungen bei der Familie Cyprinidae (Pisces). |
33283 |
Macrorhamphosus gracilis (Lowe), poisson teleosteen nouveau des cotes algeriennes. |
36989 |
Evidence of demersal spawning in the mesopelagic zoarcid fish Melanostigma atlanticum with comments on demersal spawning in the alepocephalid fish Xenodermichthys copei. |
3037 |
Contribution à l'étude de la faune ichtyologique du bassin du fleuve Sénégal. IV. Clariidae. |
36094 |
Observations on the breeding biology of Sarotherodon macrochir (Boulenger) in Lake McIlwaine, Rhodesia. |
4788 |
Macrouridae. |
9970 |
Macrouridae. |
31658 |
Impact of fishing on the inshore fishery of Lake Victoria (East Africa). |
31668 |
Predator removal: effect on fisheries yields in Lake Victoria (East Africa). |
26038 |
Two new searsid fishes of the genera Maulisia and Searsia (Pisces: Salmoniformes). |
12773 |
Phylogeny of the superfamily Balistoidea (Pisces: Tetraodontiformes). |
84962 |
Diretmidae. |
2793 |
Melamphaidae. |
6571 |
Evermannellidae. |
84507 |
Macristiidae. |
84519 |
Scopelarchidae. |
84520 |
Alepisauridae. |
84521 |
Omosudidae. |
84522 |
Anotopteridae. |
84832 |
Caulophrynidae. |
84833 |
Melanocetidae. |
84834 |
Himantolophidae. |
84835 |
Diceratiidae. |
84836 |
Oneirodidae. |
84837 |
Ceratiidae. |
84838 |
Gigantactinidae. |
84839 |
Linophrynidae. |
27933 |
Jack mackerel. |
48845 |
Joint segregation of biochemical loci in Salmonidae: Results from experiments with Salvelinus and review of the literature on other species. |
40934 |
Eastern Pacific Rypticus (Pisces: Grammistidae). |
38663 |
Early ontogeny of walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, with steps of saltatory development. |
5306 |
Taxonomic congruence in three populations of Quebec brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill). |
36987 |
Comments on the breeding biology of Gobiomorus dormitor (Osteichthyes: Eleotridae) and the advantage of schooling behavior to its fry. |
3628 |
Bramidae. |
57265 |
Growth rates of juvenile maomao, Abudefduf abdomonalis, at constant and cyclic temperatures. |
58731 |
Behavioral thermoregulation in three Hawaiian reef fishes. |
58081 |
Adaptation to salinity in fish. Macromolecular changes in mitochondria and microsomes of the gill. |
83841 |
Aspectos da biologia e biometria do cangulo, Balistes vetula Linnaeus, no nordeste do Brasil. |
55792 |
Biological data and otolith (Sagitta) morphology of Polyprion americanus and Schedophilus griseolineatus(Osteichthyes, Serrinidae and Centrolophidae). |
92721 |
Biological data and otolith (Sagitta) morphology of Polyprion americanus and Schedophilus griseolineatus (Osteichthyes, Serranidae and Centrolophidae) Stud. |
12111 |
The hydrology and fisheries of the lagoons and estuaries of Ghana. |
4260 |
Growth of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, larvae in the sea. |
13787 |
Relative abundance, behavior, and food habits of the American sand lance, Ammodytes americanus, from the Gulf of Maine. |
29318 |
Fish cell culture: a new cell line from Cynoscion nebulosus. |
52337 |
Les poissons du monde. |
26442 |
Inducción al desove de Eugerres plumieri (patao) en condiciones de laboratorio. |
33620 |
An atlas of the common nearshore marine fish larvae of the Hawaiian Islands. |
4345 |
Gobiidae. |
34890 |
Ecology, habitats, and relationships of the middle American cuatro ojos, Anableps dowi (Pisces: Anablepidae). |
2528 |
Effect of thermal stress on O2 consumption through water of the air breathing fish Channa gachua (Bloch). |
2529 |
Oxygen uptake through water during early life of Anabas testudineus (Bloch). |
7024 |
Age and growth of the two Japanese scombropids, Scombrops boops and S. gilberti. |
36028 |
A new percichthyid fish, Neoscombrops pacificus, from Japan, with a redescription of N. annectens from South Africa. |
7148 |
Age, growth and reproduction of the kumu, Parupeneus porphyreus, Jenkins. |
96437 |
Age, growth, and reproduction of the kumu, Parupeneus porphyreus. |
2818 |
Fecundities of Celtic Sea autumn and winter spawning herring. |
2738 |
Chaetodontidae. |
3239 |
Pomatomidae. |
9968 |
Cepolidae. |
12841 |
Gasterosteidae. |
2731 |
Lophiidae. |
10959 |
Antennariidae. |
84641 |
Rachycentridae. |
84727 |
Pomacentridae. |
84730 |
Scaridae. |
84786 |
Polynemidae. |
84806 |
Cephalacanthidae. |
84829 |
Batrachoididae. |
84831 |
Chaunacidae. |
32209 |
Natural sex inversion in the giant perch (Lates calcarifer). |
356 |
Biologie et évolution des peuplements de Cichlidés (Pisces) introduits dans les lacs malgaches d'altitude. |
79583 |
Age structure of a tidepool sculpin, Oligocottus maculosus, population in northern California. |
2732 |
Melanostomiatidae. |
84509 |
Stomiatidae. |
12086 |
The ecology of the Hong Kong seashore. |
12087 |
The coastal seafood of Hong Kong. |
56633 |
Poissons nouveaux pour les côtes Libanaises. |
37175 |
Mating strategies and reproductive behavior of ostraciid fishes at Miyake-jima, Japan. |
37174 |
Nesting behavior of the anemonefish Amphiprion polymnus. |
2541 |
Interspecific variations in the circadian rhythm of bimodal oxygen uptake in four species of murrels. |
29728 |
Karyological study in Scomber japonicus. |
34913 |
Cytogenetical studies on fishes. II. Karyotypes of four carangid fishes. |
29424 |
Cytogenetical studies on fishes, I. Karyotypes of four filefishes. |
41042 |
A freshwater seahorse. |
10601 |
Notes on ethology and ecology of the Swashi river Mormyrids (Lake Kainji, Nigeria). |
3092 |
Biology of the graysby, Epinephelus cruentatus, of the coral reef of Curaçao. |
27303 |
Biology of the graysby, Epinephelus cruentatus, of the coral reef of Curaçao. |
36026 |
A new and two rare species of the genus Callionymus (Callionymidae) from the Western Indian Ocean. |
37176 |
New record of Anaora tentaculata (Callionymidae) from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. |
41652 |
Studies on the spawning behavior of Chromis notata (Temminck et Schlegel). |
2544 |
Observations on the oxygen consumption in Indian air-breathing fishes. III. Oxygen consumption in the freshwater catfish, Mystus gulio (Ham.). |
93886 |
A taxonomic revision of the genera Simochromis, Pseudosimochromis and Tropheus (Pisces, Cichlidae). |
9981 |
Cottidae. |
84802 |
Cottunculidae. |
84499 |
Bathylaconidae. |
84514 |
Aulopidae. |
84515 |
Bathysauridae. |
84516 |
Ipnopidae. |
84517 |
Chlorophthalmidae. |
84585 |
Polymixiidae. |
84596 |
Berycidae. |
84601 |
Holocentridae. |
84807 |
Citharidae. |
84808 |
Scophthalmidae. |
84809 |
Bothidae. |
84960 |
Anoplogasteridae. |
84961 |
Stephanoberycidae. |
84963 |
Stylephoridae. |
2733 |
Brotulidae. |
2796 |
Neoscopelidae. |
5720 |
Pleuronectidae. |
10890 |
Bathypteroidae. |
10922 |
Synodontidae. |
11014 |
Trachichthyidae. |
26098 |
Aphyonidae. |
26099 |
Ophidiidae. |
41536 |
Caristiidae. |
38661 |
Parent-touching behavior by young fishes: incidence, function and causation. |
40241 |
Biologia do Saguiru, Curimatus elegans Steindachner, 1874 do Mogi Guaçu, São Paulo (Osteichthyes, Curimatidae). |
7273 |
Investigaciones y recomendaciones acerca de los recursos hidrobiologicos del sistema del Lago Titticaca - Peru. |
11285 |
Production and food consumption of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., in two Sweddish forest lakes. |
31128 |
Observations on the spawning seasons of east African reef fishes. |
5952 |
Re-examination of the age-determination and growth of the deep-sea smelt, Glossanodon semifasciatus (Kishinouye) in the Japan Sea. |
31774 |
On the distribution of the adrenal gland in seahorse. |
2553 |
Bimodal oxygen uptake in juveniles and adults amphibious fish, Channa (= Ophiocephalus) marulius. |
29560 |
Fishes with big chromosomes. |
29239 |
The occurrence of spontaneous polyploidy in the Japanese common loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. |
29603 |
Further cytogenetical studies on the chromosomes of the gold-fish. |
29581 |
A karyotype study of eleven species of labrid fishes from Japan. |
29561 |
On the fish chromosome data retrival system. |
29331 |
A cytogenetic assessment on the origin of the gold-fish. |
11940 |
The biology of the family Schilbeidae (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes) in Lake Kainji, Nigeria. |
31251 |
Age determination, length-weight relationship and growth of Eutropius niloticus and Schilbe mystus in Lake Kainji, Nigeria. |
3098 |
A study of a Virgin Islands grouper fishery based on a breeding aggregation. |
56426 |
Feeding and trophic relations of monkey and round gobies in the northern Caspian Sea. |
41982 |
Biology of Trachyrhynchus trachyrhynchus (Risso, 1810) (Osteichthyes, Macrouridae) during the first years of benthic life. |
28067 |
The population of clupeids in Lake Kainji, Nigeria. |
28121 |
Apparent feeding by the fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus, and humpback whale, Megaptera novaengliae, on the Anerican sand lance, Ammodytes americanus, in the northwest Atlantic. |
57055 |
Morpho-biological characteristics of Caranx rhonchus in the Eastern Central Atlantic. |
14113 |
Malformations and inhibitor tendencies induced to Brachydanio rerio (Hamilton-Buchanan) eggs and larvae due to exposures in low concentrations of lead and copper ions. |
14114 |
Embryotoxicity and hatchibility in Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum (Guenther) eggs and larvae due to exposed to low concentrations of zinc and copper ions. |
38658 |
A further occurrence of Atherina boyeri Risso 1810 in North-E astern Atlantic waters. |
6560 |
Trachipteridae. |
11023 |
Lamprididae. |
84574 |
Regalecidae. |
84583 |
Radiicephalidae. |
84584 |
Lophotidae. |
47608 |
Some uncommon fishes from the Aegean sea. |
74544 |
Contribution to the biology of reproduction and growth of Leuciscus borysthenicus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from Danube delta. |
27723 |
The length-weight relationship, age, growth and reproduction of the roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) in Lake Volvi. |
5134 |
Melanostigma (Bandichthys) vitiazi - a new deep-sea fish (Melanostigmatidae, Osteichthyes) from the Banda Sea. |
5459 |
Scomberesocidae. |
5923 |
Exocoetidae. |
9487 |
Belonidae. |
9998 |
Exocoetidae. |
10010 |
Belonidae. |
84547 |
Hemiramphidae. |
5219 |
Trichiuridae. |
84757 |
Gempylidae. |
84954 |
Scombrolabracidae. |
29515 |
A culture technique using marine fish kidney to obtain chromosomes. |
29260 |
Karyological confirmation of conspicuous ZW sex chromosomes in two species of Pacific anguilloid fishes (Anguilliformes: Teleostomi). |
108973 |
Aspects of the growth of Atlantic bluefin tuna determined from mark-recapture data. |
29261 |
Chromosomes of six marine percoids from the Indian Sea. |
35034 |
Chromosomes of six marine percoids from the Indian Sea. |
2761 |
Ecologie et biologie des Alestes baremoze (Pisces, Characidés) des rivières de Côte d'Ivoire. |
36697 |
New Zealand roughies (Pisces: Berycomorphi: Trachichthyidae). |
1836 |
Gill size and temperature as governing factors in fish growth: a generalization of von Bertalanffy's growth formula. |
9569 |
Theory and management of tropical multispecies stocks: a review, with emphasis on the Southeast Asian Demersal Fisheries. |
2070 |
A simple method for fitting oscillating length growth data, with a program for pocket calculators. |
84523 |
Mirapinnidae. |
84524 |
Eutaeniophoridae. |
84525 |
Ateleopodidae. |
5572 |
Nominal genera and species of lanternfishes (Family Myctophidae). |
11008 |
Cetomimidae. |
55521 |
A survey of the stock of the southern African west coast sole Austroglossus microlepisbetween 28°30's and 32°s. |
51332 |
Comparison of the feeding habits of migratory and non-migratory Stenobrachius leucopsarus (Myctophidae). |
29604 |
Cytological analysis, ginogenesis and early development of Carassius auratus gibelio. |
39918 |
Growth of Chilean perch. |
105472 |
Loomade elu 4. köide. Kalad |
44029 |
On the distribution of the black scabbardfish Aphanopus carbo (family Trichiuridae) in the Indian ocean. |
27747 |
Anglers probably take bulk of Queensland tailor catch. |
26237 |
Five new prawn-associated gobies (Teleostei: Gobiidae) of the genus Amblyeleotris. |
44162 |
An interesting find of the blue wolffish Anarhichas denticulatus. |
13554 |
Prosoproctus pataecus, a new genus and species of velvetfish from the South China Sea (Aploactinidae: Scorpaeniformes). |
5758 |
Paralepididae. |
2726 |
Scomberomoridae. |
84758 |
Scombridae. |
84760 |
Thunnidae. |
46148 |
Data on the adult marine and migratory phases in the life cycle of the southern hemisphere lamprey, Geotria australis Gray. |
57268 |
Estimation of mortality and growth parameters from the length frequency of a catch. |
3102 |
Edad y crecimiento del pargo criollo (Lutjanus analis Cuvier 1928) en la plataforma nororientel de Cuba. |
27106 |
Reproduction in the blue shark, Prionace glauca. |
44010 |
On the occurrence of the opah, Lampris guttatus (Osteichthyes, Lampridae), in the southern part of the Indian ocean. |
44014 |
The morphometric characteristics of the Angolan hake, Merluccius polli. |
36990 |
Histophysiology of the gills and dendritic organ of the marine catfish, Plotosus lineatus, in relation to osmoregulation. |
84958 |
Grammicolepididae. |
31405 |
A management model for the central stock of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax. |
6393 |
Notes on Indian species of Ilisha (Pisces: Clupeidae). |
5993 |
Breeding biology of Psettodes erumei (Bloch & Schn.) and Pseudorhombus arsius (Ham. Buch.) Pisces: Pleuronectiformes along Porto Novo coast (S. India). |
6008 |
Flat fish eggs, larvae and their development. |
11051 |
A study of the first ever naturalized population of exotic carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, its fishery and implication in Govindsagar. |
10382 |
A review of the serranid fish genus Anthias of the Hawaiian Islands, with descriptions of two new species. |
10383 |
Centropyge shepardi, a new angelfish from the Mariana and Ogasawara islands. |
10385 |
A new species of garden eel (Congridae: Heterocongrinae) of the genus Gorgasia from Hawaii. |
13553 |
Two new anthiine fishes of the genus Holanthias from the southern and western Pacific. |
26034 |
Two new anthiine fishes of the genus Holanthias from the southern and western Pacific. |
58801 |
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) of the Pigou and Bouleau River, Quebec. |
13519 |
Comparative studies on the food intake, growth and food conversion of two larvivorous fishes. |
3064 |
A checklist of Lower Benue river fishes and an ichthyogeographical review of the Benue River (West Africa). |
72501 |
A history of a stunted brook trout population in an Alpine lake: a lifespan of 24 years. |
8896 |
Coastal herrings and associated species: a profile of species or groups of species, their biology, ecology, current exploitation with economic and social formation. |
44087 |
Whitefish in northern ecosystems. |
6183 |
Depth equilibration by two predatory cichlid fish from Lake Malawi. |
46775 |
Comparison of spawning seasons, age, growth rates, and food of two sympatric species of searobins, Prionotus carolinus and Prionotus evolans, from Long Island Sound. |
89459 |
On the West African species of the genera Sicydium Cuv. & Val. and Lentipes Gthr. |
29211 |
Somatic G-banded chromosomes of Colisa fasciatus (Perciformes: Belontidae) and confirmation of female heterogamety. |
498 |
Effect of swimming speed on the excess temperatures and activities of heart and red and white muscles in the mackerel, Scomber japonicus. |
28026 |
The behavioral ecology of three Indian Ocean surgeonfishes (Acanthurus lineatus, A. leucosternon and Zebrasoma scopas): their feeding strategies, and social and mating systems. |
13761 |
Three new grammid fishes from the Caribbean Sea. |
5861 |
Edad y crecimiento de la bacoreta, Euthynnus alleteratus (Raf.) de la costa sudatlantica de España. |
39856 |
Seasonal composition and food web relationships of marine organisms in the nearshore zone of Kodiak Island including ichthyoplankton, meroplankton (shellfish), zooplankton, and fish. |
30221 |
A review of the Northern Territory mackerel and reef fisheries. |
92958 |
Vorläufige Beschreibung von Roloffia schmitti spec. nov., einem neuen Killifish aus Liberia. |
46289 |
Tank spawning of grass carp. |
84658 |
Pomadasyidae. |
31379 |
Feeding ecology of the myctophid Electrona antarctica (Günther, 1878) (Teleostei). |
31392 |
Some aspects of the biology of Electrona antarctica (Günther, 1878) (Family Myctophidae). |
44026 |
The larvae of Chauliodus schmidti (Family Chauliodontidae) from the tropical waters of the Atlantic ocean. |
29960 |
A comparative karyological analysis of Sevan whitefish. |
57206 |
Automatic camera observations on common demersal fish in the Western Baltic. |
9818 |
Three new species of Indo-west Pacific lizardfish (Synodontidae). |
13483 |
Two new species of freshwater gobies (Gobiidae: Sicydiaphiinae) from Ishigaki Island, Japan. |
35448 |
Comparison of the growth rates of two stocks of snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) in south-east Australian waters using capture-recapture data. |
40401 |
Adaptações defensivas em jovens de Oligoplites palometa (Pisces, Carangidae). |
40403 |
Is the night-time resting behavior of young needlefish an example of nocturnal disguise?. |
44023 |
New species of the family Alepocephalidae, order Salmoniformes, from the underwater ridges of the tropical Indian ocean. |
193 |
Fischkrankheiten, vols. 1 and 2. |
8818 |
Toxicology handbook, mammalian and aquatic data book 1. Toxicology data. |
114750 |
Freshwater fishes of Canada. |
44600 |
Cynolebias bellotii: Geschichtlich, wissenschaftlich und aquaristisch betrachtet. |
5894 |
Estado actual de las principales pesquerias nacionales. |
29975 |
The chromosome set of the European grayling Thymallus thymallus (L.). |
44078 |
The karyotype of the European grayling, Thymallus thymallus. |
29979 |
Karyological features of graylings on the border of areas (Urals). |
2000 |
Non-native fish introductions with special reference to Florida. |
41828 |
Self-contained upwelling system for rearing larval fishes in the laboratory. |
44075 |
On the discovery of Trachonurus villosus and species of the genus Mesobius (Macrouridae,Osteichthyes) in the Indian ocean. |
11069 |
Review of the squirrelfishes (Subfamily Holocentrinae: Order Beryciformes) of Japan, with a description of a new species. |
2603 |
The effectiveness of oxygen transfer during normoxia and hypoxia in the dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula L.) before and after cardiac vagotomy. |
44080 |
The lake Minnow, Phoxinus percnurus, - a new species in the ichthyofauna of the Anadyr zoogeographic region. |
13022 |
Modeling the western Lake Erie walleye population: a feasibility study. |
44035 |
Reproduction of the flounder, Lepidopsetta bilineata bilineata, off the Okhotsk sea coast near Paramushiro and Shumushu islands. |
38660 |
Reproductive biology of Tilapia zillii (Gervais) in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. |
2605 |
Oxygen uptake capacity of the amphibious fish - Amphipnous cuchia (Ham.) (Symbranchiformes, Amphipnoidae). |
44007 |
Seasonal changes in the food of the Mediterranean sprat, Sprattus sprattus phalericus. |
7152 |
[Biological and exploitational characteristics of Notothenia gibberifrons from Antarctic fishing grounds in 1978/1979]. |
85975 |
Scanning Electron Microscopy of odontodes in the scales of a coelacanth embryo Latimeria chalumnae. |
29760 |
Colchicine-induced polyploidy in brook trout. |
9095 |
A pesca no rio Amazonas. |
14138 |
Effects of water soluble fraction of Prudhoe Bay crude oil on embryonic development of Pacific herring. |
30180 |
The chromosomes of Hucho hucho (L.). |
29222 |
Hromosomi brkice - Nemachilus barbatulus (Linneaus, 1758), Cobitidae, Pisces. |
29274 |
Hromosomi crvenperke [Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L.1758)], Cyprinidae, Pisces. |
29221 |
Hromosomske garniture vrsta Alburnus alburnus L.(1758) i Alburnoides bipunctatus (Bloch, 1782), Cyprinidae, Pisces. (Chromosome complements of ... ). |
95029 |
Different properties among female Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri hayst Drjagin) in the Lena River and some indicators of their reproductive capacity. |
30069 |
The chromosome of three species of the genus Anguilla: Anguilla anguilla, Anguilla rostrata, Anguilla australis. |
75348 |
Biology, distribution, and abundance of the spiny dogfish in the Northwest Atlantic. |
14140 |
Abnormal circulatory development in medaka caused by the insecticides carbaryl, malathion, and parathion. |
38175 |
Mercury in marine and freshwater fish of Papua New Guinea. |
38659 |
Temperature requirements of fishes from eastern Lake Erie and the upper Niagara River: a review of the literature. |
6478 |
A revision of the catsharks, Family Scyliorhinidae. |
84424 |
Odontaspididae. |
84425 |
Mitsukurinidae. |
84426 |
Lamnidae. |
84427 |
Cetorhinidae. |
84428 |
Alopiidae. |
84429 |
Orectolobidae. |
84430 |
Scyliorhinidae. |
84465 |
Pseudotriakidae. |
5446 |
Feeding biology of the scad Decapterus dayi Wakiya. |
9995 |
Rajidae. |
39649 |
La peche artisanale maritime au Senegal: etude des resultats de la peche en 1976 et 1977 aspects biologiques et economiques. |
50145 |
The biology of the smelt, Osmerus eperlanus of Syamozero. |
46288 |
Growth of Tilapia nilotica in ponds with differing histories of organic fertilization. |
29443 |
New developments in vertebrate cytotaxonomy. II. The chromosomes of the cartilaginous fishes. |
14148 |
The effects of toluene on embryos and fry of the Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes, with a proposal for rapid determination of maximum acceptable toxicant concentration. |
30902 |
The anchovy reduction fishery for the 1976-77 season. |
241 |
Spawning behavior, eggs, and larvae of the lutjanid fish, Lutjanus kasmira, in an aquarium. |
34250 |
Spawning behavior, eggs, larvae, and sex reversal of two pomacanthine fish, Genicanthus lamarck and G. semifasciatus, in the aquarium. |
7493 |
Speciation of Scandinavian Coregonus. |
84414 |
The porbeagle, Lamna nasus, in Antarctic waters. |
3134 |
Salmonidae. |
3241 |
Acipenseridae. |
3652 |
Merlucciidae. |
3662 |
Gadidae. |
12801 |
Clupeidae. |
84506 |
Engraulidae. |
41872 |
Annual gonadal maturation cycle of sahar (Tor tor, T. putitora) in Pokhara Valley lakes. |
10555 |
Dynamique des populations d'anguilles des lagunes d'Arcachon. |
2636 |
An estimation of the minimum level of dissolved oxygen in water required for normal life of fish. III. An experiment with carp avoiding carbon dioxide accumulation. |
34831 |
Differentiation and zoogeography of two species of the cyprinid genus Puntioplites. |
37682 |
Spawning behavior of the two dragonets, Callionymus flagris and C. richardsoni, in the aquarium. |
37939 |
Spawning behavior of the two dragonets, Callionymus flagris and C. richardsoni, in the aquarium. |
6081 |
Studies on sharks. XV. Age and growth of Japanese dogfish Mustelus manazo Bleeker in the East China Sea. |
6568 |
Experiment on artificial propagation of the high-finned grouper, Cromileptes altivelis. |
4311 |
Survival and growth of larval spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) in relation to temperature, prey abundance and stocking densities. |
1914 |
A contribution to the biology of the puffers Sphoeroides testudineus and Sphoeroides spengleri from Biscayne Bay, Florida. |
8684 |
A review of the lethal and sub-lethal effects of mercury on aquatic life. |
36991 |
Lunar spawning cycle in the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae). |
11129 |
Sexual maturity and spawning in haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus, of St. Pierre Bank. |
8865 |
Cytotaxonomy of 41 species of neotropical cichlidae. |
27213 |
Ecological and behavioural factors influencing the distribution and abundance patterns of tripterygiid fishes with particular reference to Tripterygion varium. |
6852 |
Reef fishes of the Sea of Cortez. The rocky-shore fishes of the Gulf of California. |
29525 |
Adult triploids in a rainbow trout family. |
84763 |
Luvaridae. |
84822 |
Cynoglossidae. |
2642 |
Oxygen consumption rates of midwater fishes as a function of depth of occurrence. |
2730 |
Tetraodontidae. |
3714 |
Sparidae. |
7105 |
Serranidae. |
33403 |
Monacanthidae. |
41504 |
Leiognathidae. |
48913 |
Canthigasteridae. |
84549 |
Cyprinodontidae. |
84639 |
Apogonidae. |
84653 |
Coryphaenidae. |
84654 |
Lobotidae. |
84756 |
Siganidae. |
84767 |
Xiphiidae. |
84784 |
Sphyraenidae. |
84824 |
Balistidae. |
84827 |
Diodontidae. |
84828 |
Molidae. |
84840 |
Ostraciontidae. |
84956 |
Girellidae. |
84957 |
Theraponidae. |
48384 |
Editorial. Check-list of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean. |
2722 |
Centracanthidae. |
7465 |
Mugilidae. |
11300 |
Sciaenidae. |
42263 |
Relationships of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, and its prey species near Santa Catalina Island, California. |
27163 |
Les ressources halieutiques de l'Atlantique centre-est. Premiere partie: les ressources du golfe de Guinée de l'Angola à la Mauritanie. |
44074 |
Late quaternary ichthyofauna of the Aldan river (Lena basin). |
29991 |
Chromosome variability in marine organisms under natural conditions (on the problem of biological effect of contaminants). |
39192 |
2. An annotated checklist of the fish fauna of the river Shire south of Kapachira Falls, Malawi. |
37112 |
The nature of the barrier separating the Lake Malawi and Zambezi fish faunas. |
101915 |
New genus and species of pufferfish (Tetraodontidae) from Norfolk Island, southwest Pacific. |
2648 |
Group effect on the respiration of the medaka (Oryzias latipes). |
39830 |
Revision of the anglerfish Diceratiidae with descriptions of two new species. |
35151 |
Karyotypes, heterogeneity, and polymorphism of proteins in the tetraploid species Barbus meridionalis and it's hybrids with Barbus barbus. |
38662 |
A proliferation of small sharks in the shore-based Natal sport fishery. |
11290 |
The ecology of Lake Nakuru (Kenya). II. Biomass and spatial distribution of fish (Tilapia grahami Boulenger = Sarotherodon alcalicus grahami Boulenger). |
30000 |
On the role of karyotypes in the whole complex of isolating mechanisms in fishes. |
48823 |
Pests/parasites and diseases ofChanos chanos (Forskal) in the Philippines. |
14158 |
Pesticide induced impairment in incubation and post-embryonic development of planktonic eggs of estuarine fishes of Porto Novo (South India) waters. |
51616 |
The microscopic anatomy of the alimentary canal of a deep water fish, Bajacalifornia calcarata (Alepocephalidae, Salmoniformes). |
29531 |
Karyotype and DNA content of Phractolaemus ansorgei Blgr. (Teleostei: Gonorynchiformes). |
39148 |
Crescimento diferencial e nutrição em Catoprion mento (Characoidei). Peixe lepidófago da Amazoônia. |
3154 |
Petromyzonidae. |
3162 |
Myxinidae. |
43558 |
Satellite species among the holarctic lampreys (Petromyzonidae). |
45640 |
A new parasitic species of the holartic lamprey genus Entosphenus Gill, 1862 (Petromyzonidae) from Klamath river, in Califonia and Oregon. |
58800 |
The effects of blinding, pinealectomy and exposure to constant dark conditions on gonadal activity in the female goldfish, Carassius auratus. |
44160 |
The systematic status of the diadromous "chukchi char" of the genus Salvelinus. |
44019 |
The fecundity of the perch, Perca fluviatilis, from Rybinsk reservoir. |
13642 |
Factors influencing predation of Hyperoche medusarum (Hyperiida: Amphipoda) on larvae of the Pacific herring Clupea harengus pallasi. |
2656 |
Oxygen consumption, energy expenditure, and growth of the red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus). |
4347 |
Age determination in two important species of South African angling fishes, the knob (Argyrosomus hololepidotus Lacep.) and the spotted grunter (Pomadasys commersonnii Lacep.). |
45974 |
Fishes of the Delaware estuaries, a guide to the early life histories. |
6997 |
Growth and production of some important species of fish in a Mexican coastal lagoon system. |
30451 |
Preliminary data on the fishery for deep-sea trevalla (Hyperoglyphe antarctica). |
7341 |
Age and growth of jack mackerel, Trachurus declivis (Jenyns), from southeastern Australian waters. |
3553 |
Fisheries ecology of floodplain rivers. |
12106 |
The inland fisheries of Africa. |
12130 |
The inland fisheries of Africa. |
51579 |
Notes on the life history of the California clingfish, Gobiesox rhessodon (Gobiesociformes, Gobiesocidae). |
58180 |
Notes on fishes of the genus Paraliparis (Cyclopteridae) on the middle Atlantic continental slope. |
4667 |
Some aspects of biology of the American sand lance, Ammodytes americanus. |
2727 |
Zeidae. |
6444 |
Callionymidae. |
6450 |
Ammodytidae. |
6491 |
Carapidae. |
7501 |
Syngnathidae. |
7505 |
Clinidae. |
84551 |
Aulostomatidae. |
84552 |
Macroramphosidae. |
84753 |
Trachinidae. |
84754 |
Uranoscopidae. |
84953 |
Tripterygiidae. |
84959 |
Oreosomatidae. |
84969 |
Notacanthidae. |
84504 |
Dussumieriidae. |
58799 |
Field observations on the lepidophagous teleost Terapon jarbua (Forskål). |
13521 |
Feeding ecology of piscivorous birds at Lake St. Lucia, part 3: swimming birds. |
36992 |
Predation on striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) by Crocodylus niloticus at St. Lucia, South Africa. |
58742 |
The distribution of the freshwater cichlid Sarotherodon mossambicus in estuarine systems. |
58747 |
Migration and spawning energetics of the anadromous sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. |
28892 |
Snoek. |
30456 |
Exploratory droplining for deepsea trevalla Hyperoglyphe porosa off Victoria. |
673 |
A new genus and species of the family Congrogadidae (Pisces: Perciformes) from the western Indian ocean. |
2792 |
Gonostomatidae. |
3493 |
Population dynamics of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in British Columbia waters. |
2570 |
Respiratory gas exchange in the resting starry flounder, Platichthys stellatus: a comparison with other teleosts. |
2669 |
Respiratory, ventilatory, and cardiovascular responses to experimental anaemia in the starry founder, Platichthys stellatus. |
8607 |
Ageing changes in the ovary of the Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa. |
1649 |
Siganus puelloides, a new species of rabbitfish from the Indian Ocean. |
9670 |
Commercial fishes of Saudi Arabia. |
58470 |
Inland fishes of Washington. |
11628 |
Leiognathus bindus and L. splendens, (Pisces: Leiognathidae) first record from Japan. |
30037 |
The karyotype of Coregonus autumnalis migratorius. |
85987 |
Counteraction of urea destabilization of protein structure by methylamine osmoregulatory compounds of elasmobranch fishes. |
40484 |
A description of the larvae of Bathylagus antarcticus (Bathylagidae). |
44083 |
Description of the larvae of six species of the family Chaenichthyidae from the Scotia sea. |
44171 |
The larvae of six species of the family Nototheniidae from the Scotia sea. |
44167 |
A quantitative description of the feeding of the bream, Abramis brama, in Saratov reservoir. |
55943 |
The influence of predators on the fish population in Saratov Reservoir. |
44166 |
The summer feeding of brown trout, Salmo trutta, in the Pulon'ga river (Kola Peninsula). |
1485 |
The growth pattern of Indian mackerel. |
14175 |
Effect of intermittent chlorination on development of zebrafish embryos (Brachydanio rerio). |
48917 |
Synopsis of biological data on tunas of the genus Euthynnus. |
95248 |
Distribution of shallow-water epibenthic macrofauna in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. |
4658 |
Early life history of stone flounder. |
29370 |
Comparative analysis of karyotypes of Ctenopharyngodon idellus and Megalobrama amblycephala. |
104572 |
Bionomia e ciclo de vida de Umbrina canosai, Berg (1895). |
29234 |
The chromosome atlas: fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds - introduction in a series of articles on vertebrates. |
35686 |
Growth and mortality rates of some fishes of Manila bay. Philippines as estimated from the analysis of length frequencies. |
8667 |
Toxicity of permethrin, decamethrin and related pyrethroids to salmon and lobster. |
92419 |
Spawning kinectics in the gilthead sea-bream, Sparus aurata L. after low doses of human chronic gonadotropin. |
44018 |
The seasonal dynamics of feeding of the perch, Perca fluviatilis, from Kremenchug Reservoir. |