221 |
Contribution à l'étude des larves pélagiques du sous ordre des Stromateoidei (Pisces, Perciformes). |
52050 |
The reproductive biology of Otolithes argenteus (Cuvier and Valenciennes) (Family: Sciaenidae) in Kuwaiti waters. |
41498 |
Contributions to the functional anatomy of the feeding apparatus of five cyprinids of Parakrama Samudra (Sri lanka). |
7067 |
Administración pesquerías zona sur. Claves edad - talla y composición por grupos de edad en las capturas de la merluza del Sur y merluza de cola, durante el año 1982. |
44099 |
Families Gonostomatidae, Sternoptychidae, and associated stomiiform groups: development and relationships. |
36 |
The biology, ecology and bionomics of the triggerfishes, Balistidae. |
3190 |
The biology, ecology and bionomics of the butterfly and angelfishes, Chaetodontidae. |
93904 |
Some aspects of the biology of 'ikan kelabau' Osteochilus melanopleura (Bleeker). |
41804 |
Effects of salinity and water temperature on the survival and growth of brown-spotted grouper larvae (Epinephelus tauvina, Serranidae). |
473 |
A new lutjanid fish, Lutjanus stellatus, from southern Japan and a related species, L. rivulatus (Cuvier). |
37209 |
Myersina nigrivirgata, a new speices of goby from Okinawa Prefecture in Japan. |
51934 |
Vertebral abnormalities in Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi and Carasobarbus luteus (pisces, Cyprinidae) from Basrah, Iraq. |
29139 |
Prikaz dosadasnjih istrazivanja kromosoma salmonida (Review of investigations on Salmonidae chromosomes performed to date). |
29141 |
Pregled metoda upotrebljavanih za preparaciju kromosoma riba (Review of methods used for chromosomal preparations in fishes). |
29549 |
Efekt zagadenja voda na citogenetiku ribe (Kromosomske aberacije) [Effects of water pollution on fish cytogenetics (chromosome abberations)]. |
30181 |
Kromosomske odlike nekih vrsta riba i moguce razlike unutar jedne vrste (Characteristics of chromosomes in some species of fish and possible differences within a species). |
34399 |
Karyotypical studies on three Salmonidae in Slovenia using leucocyte culture technique. |
29134 |
Cytological studies of some Cyprinidae in Croatia. |
29148 |
Spontaneous triploidy and tetraploidy in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). |
29150 |
A simple and fast technique for the chromosome preparation in the fish. |
46529 |
Les especes colonisatrices des etangs d'une station de pisciculture lagunaire en cote d'ivoire description et incidence sur l'elevage. |
58378 |
Feeding characteristics of wolffishes in the Labrador-Newfoundland region. |
90108 |
Biologia, dinámica y pesca de la merluza en Asturias. |
34371 |
The chromosomes of Dormitator latifrons (Pisces:Gobiidae). |
43959 |
Some aspects of reproductive biology of the lanternfishes, Myctophum punctatum and Notoscopelus resplendens (Myctophidae), from the eastern Tropical Atlantic. |
6115 |
Some aspects of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) biology in the Adriatic. |
31094 |
A new genus and species of wrasse (Pisces: Labridae) from Rowley Shoals, Western Australia. |
31091 |
Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis, une nouvelle espèce de blue-eye (Melanotaeniidae) d'Australie nord-occidentale. |
35672 |
Larval development of the northern clingfish, Gobiesox maeandricus. |
91671 |
Influence de la temperature et de la salinité sur la croissance et la composition corporelle d'alevins de Dicentrarchus labrax. |
55828 |
Contribuição para o estudo do comportamento de Coryphoblennius galerita (L.) (Pisces: Bleniidae). |
95440 |
Quelques notes sur des blenniidés observés et capturé aux Açores en 1979 (Pisces: Blenniidae). |
92528 |
Somatic karyotypes of two mediterranean teleost species: Phycis phycis (Gadidae) and Epinephelus alexandrinus (Serranidae). |
29160 |
Somatic karyotypes of two Mediterranean teleost species: Phycis phycis (Gadidae) and Epinephelus alexandrinus (Serranidae). |
6342 |
Fishes from the North-eastern sea of Japan and the Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido: the intensive research of unexploited fishery resources on continental slopes. |
58376 |
Régime alimentaire de Boops boops (Linné. 1758) et de Sarpa salpa (Linné. 1758), poissons téléostéens sparides du Golfe du Tunis. |
29838 |
About the basic course in the karyotypic evolution of Salmonidae. |
5537 |
Contribution on the knowledge of the age and growth of the Marsala Lagoon golden mullet, Liza aurata (Risso, 1810). |
5538 |
Résume des paramètres biologiques sur Pagellus acarne de la mer Tyrrhénéenne méridionale et de la mer lonienne septentrionale. |
43877 |
New data on the reproduction of the Peruvian hake, Merluccius gayi peruanus (Merluccidae). |
29840 |
Selective and genetical investigations of some whitefish species. |
89531 |
In-situ observations of Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) spawning behaviour in the Askö-Landsort area, northern Baltic proper. |
42195 |
Fish communities along environmental gradients in a system of tropical streams. |
35650 |
Meristic variation in homozygous and heterozygous fish. |
10223 |
(to be filled). |
32273 |
Cruise report R/V "Dr. Fridtjof Nansen", Fisheries resources survey Iran, 23 Sept. - 1 Oct. 1983. |
46517 |
Recursos pelágicos y pesquerías en Chile. |
337 |
Primary production and growth rate of Tilapia nilotica in cages in Sampaloc Lake. |
30158 |
Karyological and osteological approach to philogenetic systematics of tetraodontiform fishes. |
26113 |
The growth of Sarotherodon (Tilapia) niloticus L. in Opa Reservoir, University of Ife, IleIfe, Niigeria. |
10184 |
Reconstruction of stock history and development of rehabilitation strategies for Pacific Ocean perch in Queen Charlotte Sound, Canada. |
41889 |
Feeding habits of Pagellus erythrinus (L.) (Pisces, Sparidae) from the middle Tyrrhenian Sea. |
29841 |
Polykaryogram analysis of the Aral shyp sturgeonAcipenser nudiventris Lovetzky (Acipenseridae). |
34419 |
Polikariogrammnye analis schipa Acipenser nudiventris Low. (Acipen-seridae, Chondrostei). |
43704 |
Polykaryographic analysis of sheap sturgeon, Acipenser nudiventris (Acipenseridae). |
7329 |
Effects of urban development and habitat alterations on the distribution and abundance of native and exotic freshwater fish in the Brisbane region, Queensland. |
35644 |
Odax cyanoallix, a new species of odacid fish from northern New Zealand. |
6417 |
Estimation of natural mortality and growth parameters for cape horse cackerel (Trachurus trachurus capensis) in division 1.3 + 1.4. |
8543 |
Edad, crecimiento y reproducción de la mojarra Gerres cinereus (Walbaum, 1972) en Tunas de Zaza, Cuba. |
11988 |
Reproducción de Eugerres brasilianus (Pisces: Gerreidae) en Tunas de Zaza, Cuba. |
12413 |
Underwater guide to Tahiti. |
35673 |
Juvenile Pacific sandfish, Trichodon trichodon, associated with pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, fry in the nearshore area, Southeastern Alaska. |
109019 |
A redescription of Rhabdalestes tangensis (Lönnberg) (Pisces, Characidae) from East Africa. |
1894 |
Stolephorus pacificus, a new species of tropical anchovy (Engraulidae) from the western Pacific Ocean. |
27609 |
Fish assemblages in a river with unusual gradient (Luongo, Africa - Zaire system), reflections on river zonation, and description of another new species. |
5770 |
Age, growth, reproductive characteristics, and seasonal depth distribution of the spotfin surfperch, Hyperprosopon anale. |
27240 |
The karyotype of Umbra krameri (Pisces: Umbridae) in relation to other members of the suborder Esocidei. |
10884 |
Growth and first sexual maturation size of Gymnotus carapo (Linnaeus 1758) (Pisces, Gymnotidae) in the Lobo Reservoir (State of Sao Paulo, Brazil). |
1433 |
Croissance du listao dans l'Atlantique Est. |
29870 |
Cytogenetic studies of Lithuanian fishes. |
29871 |
Some results of studing cytogenetical, hematological, biochemical, parasitological indices and heat resistance of muscular tissue in rybtsa and bream. |
43799 |
New data on the kinmei rosefish, Helicolenus fedorovi (Sebastinae, Scorpaenidae). |
43792 |
New data on Adelosebastes latens Abe et Nakano, 1979 (Scorpaenidae). |
36783 |
Bemerkungen zur Biologie und Bedeutung des Kaulbarsches (Gymnocephalus cernuus) der Darß-Zingster Boddenkette. |
33694 |
Lipophrys sabry n. sp. von der Mittelmeerküste Libyens. |
92546 |
Osservazioni su alcuni stadi giovanili di cenie dei generi Epinephelus e Mycteroperca (Osteichthyes - Serranidae) catturate lungola nuova scogliera asud del porto di Catania. |
35660 |
Discovery of Noturus baileyi and N. flavipinnis in Citico Creek, Little Tennessee River system. |
43543 |
Factors affecting survival of milkfish, Chanos chanos fry and fingerling: different pH-salinity and temperature-salinity conditions. |
38720 |
Variability in size and age at sexual maturity or argentine, Argentina silus, on the Scotian Shelf in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. |
51467 |
Variability in size or age at sexual maturity of white hake, pollock, longfin hake, and silver hake in the Canadian Maritimes area of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. |
35666 |
Potential and actual fecundity of the "paired" lampreys. |
54725 |
Fishes of Wisconsin. |
35621 |
Genetic structure of Genyonemus lineatus, Seriphus politus (Sciaenidae) and Paralabrax clathratus (Serranidae) in Southern California. |
41893 |
Fish fauna of French Mediterranean Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows. 2. Feeding habits. |
37228 |
Aspects of the reproductive biology of the wrasse, Cirrhilabrus temminckii, at Miyake-jima, Japan. |
43876 |
Developmental sequences of Sternoptyx species (Sternoptychidae). |
10750 |
An Indo-Pacific goby Oxyurichthys papuensis in the eastern Mediterranean. |
43242 |
Observations on a few early developmental stages in some fishes of the Porto Novo coast, India. |
95012 |
The results of aquaculture and acclimatization researches of the Siberian sturgeon. |
4713 |
Mozambique. Exploratory gill-netting in Lake Niassa, Mozambique, with biological profile of the main taxa caught. A report prepared for the Development of Inland and Inshore Fisheries (Phase II) Project. |
5916 |
Zum Längenwachstum des Ostseedorsches (Gadus morhua callarias L.) nach Datenreihen von Schulz/Berner. |
5917 |
Jährlicher Zyklus der Längen-Gewichtsbeziehungen des vollen und ausgeweideten Ostseedorsches (Gadus morhua L.) sowie einiger wichtiger Organe in den ICES Untergebieten 24 und 25 (Arkonasee / Bornholmsee). |
34135 |
Age and growth of Australian grayling, Prototroctes maraena Günther (Salmoniformes: Prototroctidae), in the Tambo River, Victoria. |
29165 |
Multiple sex chromosomes in the genus Hoplias (Pisces: Erythrinidae). |
7136 |
A preliminary note on length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of Schizothorax plagiostomus (Heckel) from Jammu region. |
9423 |
Pla buk in Chiang Khong. |
26390 |
Evolution de la gamétogenèse, du poids du coprs et des gonades au cours du cycle reproducteur du brochet Esox lucius. |
14011 |
Fish and amphibian embryos - a model system for evaluating teratogenicity. |
58141 |
Ctenophores in salmon diets. |
9955 |
Swimming in the electric eels and knifefishes. |
31763 |
Mechanics of 'non-body' modes of swimming. |
29387 |
Lymphocyte culture for chromosome preparation. |
29645 |
Chromosome karyotyping of fish using conventional and G-banding methods. |
1526 |
Atlas ichtyologique des Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises. Plates originally prepared for planned Tomes XI-XIV. |
4628 |
Effects of temperature, ration, and fish size on growth of juvenile black rockfish, Sebastes melanops. |
43796 |
Species-specific differences of larvae of some whitefish (Coregoninae) at Hatching. |
42196 |
Resiliency of reef fish communities in the Florida keys following a January 1977 hypothermal fish kill. |
2017 |
Response to bidirectional selection for body weight in channel catfish. |
120 |
Response to bidirectional selection for body weight in blue tilapia. |
43814 |
A new species of flounder, Microstomus shuntovi sp. n. (Pleuronectidae), and two rare flounder species (Bothidae) from seamounts of the northwestern and Hawaiian ridges. |
35652 |
Oocytes in the testes of the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. |
86794 |
The Audubon Society field guide to North American fishes, whales, and dolphins. |
92557 |
Observations on the female reproductive cycle and fecundity of three species of groupers (Epinephelus) from the southeast Tunisian seashores. |
57539 |
Croissance lineaire des serrans des cotes sud-est de la tunisie. |
6712 |
The groupers off the southeastern coasts of Tunisia. First part: Systematic and ecobiology. |
46395 |
Detritivory in neotropical fish communities. |
6290 |
Age, growth and sexual maturity of Greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum), in the Canadian Northwest Atlantic. |
5415 |
Distribution of anchovy larvae off the west coast of southern Africa between 32 degree 30' and 26 degree 30'S, 1979-1982. |
30459 |
Pelagic trawling off Tasmania takes warehou. |
1455 |
A survey of the fish resources at Sofala Bank, Mozambique, September 1982. |
2368 |
Oxygen consumption and lactate accumulation in the intra-ovarian embryos and young of the viviparous fish, Zoarces viviparus (L.) in relation to decreasing water O2 concentration. |
4080 |
Length of larval life in twelve families of fishes at 'One Tree Lagoon', Great Barrier Reef, Australia. |
4079 |
Age and growth of young-of-the-year bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, from otolith microstructure. |
57296 |
Age and growth of young-of-the-year bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, from otolith microstructure. |
13656 |
Notes sur les lectures de stries juornaliéres observées sur les otolithes de poissons démersaux profonds à Vanuatu. |
106 |
Evaluation of hatchery management schemes for large scale production of Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings in Central Luzon, Philippines. |
5502 |
A practical guide to improved fish smoking in West Africa. |
56921 |
Contribution to the sexuality of a hermaphrodite teleost, Serranus hepatus L. |
43703 |
Absence of an Annulus on the scale of sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Salmonidae), yearlings. |
43706 |
Distribution of eggs and larvae of greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossides (Pleuronectidae), in the eastern Bering Sea. |
7075 |
Age and growth of the Antarctic fish Notothenia rossii (Fischer, 1885) from South Georgia. |
89233 |
Some biological aspects of the near-shore fish populations at South Georgia. |
42791 |
Bichirs and rope fish. |
5441 |
Evaluasi tentang potensi dan usaha pengelolaan sumber daya ikan layang (Decapterus spp.). |
35638 |
An intergeneric cyprinid hybrid, Hybopsis monacha x Notropis galacturus, from the Tenessee River drainage. |
35645 |
Campostoma pauciradii, a new cyprinid fish from southeastern United States, with a review of related forms. |
2022 |
Four generations of selection for high 56-day weight in the mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). |
58217 |
Biology of Japanese huchen Hucho perryi (Brevoort) from Kievka river (southern Primorye). |
4883 |
Marine Fishes: Chemical composition and processing properties. |
38279 |
Aspectos biológicos de Cichlasoma macracanthum (Pisces: Cichlidae) en el Canal de Chiguimulilla, Guatemala. |
47376 |
Approximations to sustainable yield for exploited and unexploited stocks. |
26523 |
A guide to the freshwater fish of Victoria. |
36420 |
The biology of three pelagic sharks from California waters, and their emerging fisheries: a review. |
6100 |
Preliminary studies on the age and growth of blue, Prionace glauca, common thresher, Alopias vulpinus, and shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrhincus, sharks from California waters. |
12520 |
The feeding habits of minnows of the genus Barbus (Pisces, Cyrpinidae) in Africa, with special reference to Barbus anoplus Weber. |
27340 |
Early development and larval behaviour of a minnow, Barbus anoplus (Pisces: Cyprinidae). |
27477 |
Feeding periodicity and the production of daily growth increments in otoliths of steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) and starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus). |
45651 |
Density, growth, and change in density of coho salmon and rainbow trout in three Lake Michigan tributaries. |
40708 |
Apagesoma edentatum, a new genus and species of ophidiid fish from the western north Atlantic. |
5262 |
The systematics and distribution of the lophiid anglerfishes. II. Revisions of the genera Lophiomus and Lophius. |
5263 |
The systematics and distribution of the lophiid anglerfishes. I. A revision of the genus Lophiodes with the description of two new species. |
27094 |
The sharks of Northern American waters. |
58120 |
Reproduction et accroissement dans quelques Soleidae de la Mediterranee du centre occidental. |
30413 |
Estimating age and growth of little tunny, Euthynnus alletteratus, off the coast of Senegal using dorsal fin spine sections. |
10047 |
Assessment of the Restigouche River salmon stock in 1882. |
6419 |
The herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) and its fisheries in the Yellow Sea. |
11104 |
Community ecology of the marine fishes on Lutao Island, Taiwan. |
75763 |
The role of Acanthurus guttatus (Bloch and Schneider 1801) in cycling algal production to detritus. |
3428 |
Early life history and adult biomass of sea bream in the Terminos Lagoon, southern Gulf of Mexico. |
29169 |
A cell line derived from Tilapia ovary. |
34519 |
A comparative study of karyotypes in three Tilapia fishes. |
10742 |
First record of Tilapia zillii from the Litani River, southern Lebanon. |
54504 |
Sexual dimorphism in tilapias. |
29650 |
Hybridization in fish. |
39274 |
Age determination methods for fishes studied by the Groundfish Programs at the Pacific Biological Station. |
41447 |
Age, growth and maturity of sandfish, Arctoscopus japonicus (Steindachner) in the eastern Sea of Korea. |
43794 |
Determination of age and growth rate of the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Scombridae), from the southeastern part of the Gulf of Guinea. |
3114 |
Ecología y ciclo de vida del caballerote, Lutjanus griseus (Linnaeus), en la plataforma cubana II. Edad y crecimiento, estructura de las poblaciones y pesquerias. |
3122 |
Ecología y ciclo de vida de la rabirrubia, Ocyurus chrysurus (Bloch), en la plataforma cubana II. Edad y crecimiento, estructura de poblaciones, y pesquerias. |
26432 |
Ecología y ciclo de vida de la biajaiba, Lutjanus synagris (Linnaeus), en la plataforma cubana. V. Dinámica estacional de algunos indicadores morfofisiológicos. |
26434 |
Ecología y ciclo de vida de la rabirubbia, Ocyurus chrysurus (Bloch), en la plataforma cubana. I. Identidad, distribución, hábitat, reproducción y alimentación. |
35654 |
Pair spawning and formation of a lek-like mating system in the parrotfish Scarus vetula. |
10150 |
An assessment of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence herring stock complex. |
35663 |
Overlap and pollution-induced variability in the feeding habits of filefish (Pisces: Monacanthidae) from Apalachee Bay, Florida. |
34256 |
Protogynous hermaphroditism in a temperate zone territorial marine goby, Coryphopterus nicholsi. |
35653 |
Hemanthias peruanus, another hermaphroditic anthiine serranid. |
29490 |
Cytotaxonomic studies in Iberian cyprinids. I. Karyology of Chondrostoma lucitanicum Collares-Pereira, 1980. |
11018 |
Mangrove fishes of New Guinea. |
33253 |
Recognition of two species of double-lined mackerels (Grammatorcynus: Scombridae. |
168 |
FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of tunas, mackerels, bonitos and related species known to date. |
5782 |
Growth increments on dorsal spines of eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus and their possible relation to migration patterns. |
74358 |
The reproductive biology of poor cod, Trisopterus minutus L., whiting, Merlangiius merlangus L., and Norway pout, Trispterus esmarki Nilsson, off the west coast of Scotland. |
88106 |
Fishes of Pennsylvania and the Northeastern United States. |
13641 |
Predation of herring larvae by the copepod Candacia armata. |
86336 |
Mobula hypostoma y Kyphosus incisor (Mobulidae y Kiphosidae). |
35635 |
Confirmation of the validity of Coryphaenoides alateralis as distinct from Coryphaenoides thelestomus based on new captures from the North Atlantic. |
89591 |
Reproduction effort versus the environment; case histories of Windermere perch, Perca fluviatilis L., and pike, Esox lucius L. |
4121 |
Daily mortality rates of larval and juvenile American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Connecticut River with changes in year-class strength. |
9422 |
Establishment of a National Warmwater Fish Seed Production Centre, Gayleghug, Bhutan. |
85587 |
Occurrence, distribution, and feeding habits of juvenile lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus L. in the Bay of Fundy. |
30859 |
Raw data and preliminary results for an analysis of the population dynamics of P.N.G. Bait fish. |
74435 |
Fecundity estimates of Norway pout (Trisopterus esmarkii) taken on ICES young fish surveys in 1979 and 1980. |
25 |
Synopsis of biological data on the pigfish, Orthopristis chrysoptera (Pisces: Haemulidae). |
5173 |
Synopsis of the Indo-Pacific pipefish genus Siokunichthys (Syngnathidae), with description of S. nigrolineatus n. sp. |
35628 |
Western Atlantic occurrence of the genus Minyichthys (Pisces: Syngnathidae), with description of M. inusitatus n. sp. |
12404 |
Edad y crecimiento del bocachico Prochilodus reticulatus magdalenae (Steindachner 1878) en la parte baja del río Magdalena. |
5423 |
Feeding habits of the clupeid Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger) in Lake Kivu. |
354 |
Modèle d'estimation rapide de la croissance des poissons. Application aux poissons d'eau douce d'Afrique. |
34547 |
Preliminary report on the chromosomal study of the genus Cynolebias. |
39890 |
Note on the synonyms of Eutropius mandibularis Günther 1867 and Eutropius multitaeniatus Pellegrin 1913 (Pisces, Schilbeidae). |
40379 |
Etude systématique et morphologique du genre Eutropius en Afrique de l'Ouest (Pisces, Schilbeidae). |
14033 |
Mycotoxicoses experimentales chez un Cyprinide: Brachydanio rerio, H-B. |
38694 |
Reproductive and growth dynamics of Hyperprosopon argenteum (Embiotocidae) near San Diego, California. |
41248 |
Description of three new species of elasmobranchiate fishes from deep waters of the east China Sea. |
1416 |
Maturity, spawning and fecundity of the king seer, Scomberomorus commerson, in the seas around the Indian peninsular. |
74386 |
Ooycte development patterns and hormonal involvements among teleosts. |
4593 |
On a record-sized mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta caught off Karwar. |
97083 |
Occurrence of Japanese threadfin bream Nemipterus japonicus (Blooch, 1791) in the Northern Red Sea. |
2401 |
Oxygen consumption by largemouth bass under constant and fluctuating thermal regimes. |
46004 |
A revision of the orectolobiform shark family Hemiscyllidae (Chondrichthyes, Selachii). |
35668 |
Comparative larval development of Peprilus burti, P. triacanthus and P. paru (Pisces: Stromateidae) from the western North Atlantic. |
92427 |
Influence des conditions trophiques initiales sur la résorption des réserves lipidiques, la croissance et la survie des larves de daurades, Sparus auratus, en élevage extensif. |
35633 |
Mobbing in colonially nesting fishes, especially the bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus. |
13005 |
Factors affecting the abundance of Kodiak Archipelago pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walbaum). |
89119 |
Atlantic sturgeon of the Hudson River Estuary, New York. |
5788 |
Growth and age of bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the central Atlantic as per data gathered by R/V 'Wieczno'. |
33691 |
The utilization of terrestrial plants as a food source by the fish stock of a gently sloping marginal zone in Plover Cove, Hong Kong. |
35675 |
Electrophoretic variation in the killifish genus Lucania. |
58380 |
Données biologiques sur les Nototheniidae des Iles Crozet. |
2026 |
Response to selection and realized heritability for body weight in three strains of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, grown in earthen ponds. |
6848 |
Development and distribution of the young of northern smoothtongue, Leuroglossus schmidti (Bathylagidae), in the northeast Pacific, with comments on the systematics of the genus Leuroglossus Gilbert. |
55566 |
Gobiesocidae occuring in the coastal waters of Connemara. |
685 |
Energy and nitrogen budgets for the Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus (Pisces: Clupeidae), a filter-feeding planktivore. |
56588 |
Stomach contents of silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis, and Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, and estimation of their daily rations. |
6422 |
Stock condition and assessment of maximum sustainable yield of Atka mackerel in the Gulf of Alaska. |
43710 |
Description of the eggs and larvae of Muraenolepis microps (Muraenolepidae) from the Scotia Sea. |
89648 |
Some aspects on the biology of a landlocked population of anadromous shad: Alosa alosa. |
8668 |
Effect of photoperiodism on fish susceptibility to insecticides. |
89608 |
Undersokning av sillens reproductionmrade i Blekinge skargard 1980-1982. |
96191 |
E?irdir, Bey?ehir ve Çavu?çu Göllerindeki sazan (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) populasyonlar? üzerine kar??la?t?rmal? bir ara?t?rma. |
58971 |
Nombres vulgares de los peces en Puerto Rico (Common names of fishes in Puerto Rico). |
71633 |
Nombres vulgares de los peces en Puerto Rico (Common names of fishes in Puerto Rico). |
2850 |
A field guide to Pacific coast fishes of North America. |
26411 |
El Marrajo: un tiburón extraño. |
30926 |
Lake Bangweulu: a study of the complex and fishery. |
89624 |
Prognosing of periods and spawning migration intensity in spring spawning Baltic herring of the Gulf of Riga according to the temperature factor of environment. |
6298 |
Egg and fry swallowing habits of tilapia. |
46293 |
Stunting and reproduction in pond-reared Sarotherodon melanotheron. |
41916 |
Food and feeding of Gobius niger L. in the central Adriatic Sea (Osteichthyes: Gobiidae). |
41917 |
A note on the biology and fishery of the black goby (Gobius niger) in the Adriatic Sea. |
68 |
Guide to the early stages of marine fishes occuring in the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Cape Hatteras to the Southern Scotian Shelf. |
152 |
Freshwater aquaculture development in China. Report of the FAO/UNDP study tour organized for French-speaking African countries, 22 April-20 May 1980. |
7104 |
Age and growth of the Galician shelf horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.). |
85960 |
Parsimony in systematics: biological and statistical issues.. |
83993 |
Linnaean fish specimens in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm. |
42673 |
Reproduction, growth and feeding of the mesopelagic fish Tactostoma macropus (Melanostomiatidae). |
34186 |
Protrandric sex reversal in Gonostoma elongatum (Pisces: Gonostomatidae) from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. |
41542 |
Artificial spawning of Lake sturgeon in Wisconsin. |
29290 |
Silver-stained NOR and synaptonemal complex analysis during male meiosis of Tilapia rendalli. |
2417 |
Towards a better definition of 'metamorphosis' in Coregonus sp.: biochemical, histological, and physiological data. |
40736 |
Biologie et dynamique de population des daurades (Pagellus bellottii, Steindachner 1882) le long des côtes sénégambiennes. |
14513 |
Big Qualicum River salmon development project. Volume 1: a biological assessment, 1959-1972. |
35643 |
Aspects of territorial behavior and habitat distribution of the fairy basslet Gramma loreto. |
79828 |
Demografía del pejerrey Basilichthys bonariensis bonariensis (Pisces Atherinidae) en el embalso Rio Tercero, Córdoba. Descripcíon de los artes de pesca. |
34729 |
Revision of the Indo-Pacific genera and species of the dragonet family Callionymidae (Teleostei). |
34698 |
A new species of the cottid fish genus Stlengis (Teleostei: Scorpaeniformes) from Indonesia. |
35775 |
A new callionymid fish, Synchiropus kiyoae, from the Izu Islands, Japan. |
41295 |
Estudio preliminar de edad y crecimiento de Opisthonema spp. en aguas Ecuatorianas. |
46087 |
Growth gradients in fish larvae. |
4144 |
Development and growth of laboratory reared Engraulis japonica (Houttuyn) larvae. |
7469 |
Metals in eulachons from the Nass River and crabs from Alice Arm, B.C. |
46292 |
Growth rates of Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) without artificial feeding in floating cages in plankton-rich waste water. |
136 |
A preliminary investigation of the characteristics of red tilapias from the Philippines and Taiwan. |
31044 |
Datos sobre la reproducción de algunos peces comerciales del Golfo de Batabanó. |
1655 |
Edad y crecimiento del jallao, Haemulon album, en la plataforma suroccidental de Cuba. |
12007 |
Edad y crecimiento del ronco amarillo, Haemulon sciurus (Shaw)(Pisces: Haemulidae) en la plataforma suroccidental de Cuba. |
35661 |
Sexual dimorphism in the bathypelagic gulper eel Eurypharynx pelecanoides (Lyomeri: Eurypharyngidae), with comments on . . . . |
13262 |
Nuevos registros de peces arrecifales para el caribe Colombiano. |
43191 |
Weaning of sole, Solea solea, before metamorphosis, achieved with high growth and survival rates. |
3160 |
The biology, ecology and bionomics of the grunts, Pomadasyidae. |
9748 |
Pectoral fin kinematics of Coris formosa (Teleostei, Labridae). |
105151 |
Morphology of the alimentary tract in relation to diet among gobioid fishes. |
83986 |
A new goby, Glossogobius minutus (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the south-west coast of India. |
35646 |
Characters for distinguishing larvae of carp, Cyprinus carpio, and goldfish, Carassius auratus. |
11333 |
Taxonomy and distribution of the stomioid fish genus Eustomias (Melanostomiidae), I: subgenus Nominostomias. |
35667 |
Observations on the embryos of the longfin mako, Isurus paucus, and the bigeye thresher, Alopias superciliosus. |
52290 |
Embryonic development of the sand tiger shark Odontaspis taurus (Rafinesque). |
5553 |
Biology and fishery of the scaldfish Arnoglossus laterna (Walbaum, 1792) in the Adriatic Sea. |
7487 |
Genetic variation in quantitative traits and selective breeding in fish and shellfish. |
1454 |
Reproduction, age and growth of the Russell's scad Decapterus russelli (Rüppell 1829) (Carangidae) from Sofala Bank, Mozambique. |
58138 |
Investigations on the ecology of deepwater fishes in the Faroë area in 1980. |
41927 |
Feeding habits of the Suez Canal migrant squirrelfish, Sargocentron rumbrum, in the Mediterranean Sea. |
29181 |
Silver Staining for nucleolar organizing regions of vertebrate chromosomes. |
43804 |
The composition of the demersal ichthyofauna of the discovery tablemount. |
43874 |
Protein electrophoresis of bream, Abramis brama, and white bream, Blicca bjoerkna (Cyprinidae) from Mozhaysk reservoir. |
12333 |
Karyotypical study on fish of family Scianidae (Teleostei, Perciformes) from the region of Cananeia, SP, Brasil.1, On the karyotype of Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest, 1823). |
12334 |
Karyotypical study on fish of family Scianidae (Teleostei, Perciformes) from the region of Cananeia, SP, Brasil. 2. On the karyotype of Menticirrhus americanus (Linnaeus, 1758). |
43032 |
Studies on the predators of commercially important seaweeds. |
59265 |
The biology of Boyer's sand smelt, Atherina boyeri Risso in th Bardawil Lagoon on the Mediterranean coast of Sinai. |
90086 |
Growth studies of European hake (Merluccius merluccius L.) from the Northwest African shelf. |
12011 |
Determinación de la edad y retrocálculo del crecimiento de la cherna americana, Epinephelus morio, del Banco de Campeche, Golfo de México. |
5802 |
Determining age of young albacore, Thunnus alalunga using dorsal spines. |
14048 |
Early life stage toxicity test with tidewater silversides (Menidia peninsulae) and chlorine-produced oxidants. |
10749 |
On the occurrence of Tenacigobius yongei (Davis & Cohen) in the Gulf of Elat (Red Sea) (Pisces: Gobiidae). |
29813 |
The basic tasks for study of chromosomal polymorphism in the Pacific salmonids. |
29818 |
Chromosomal polymorphism of the Pacific salmons. |
29821 |
Chromosome polymorphism of the pink salmon of even and odd years. |
29822 |
Chromosome polymorphism of Oncorhynchus nerka from different lakes of Kamchatka. |
37229 |
Spawning habits and reproductive isolating mechanism of two closely related river-sculpins, Cottus amblystomopsis and C. nozawae. |
4512 |
Population dynamics and exploitation rates of rockfish (Sebastes spp.) in Central Puget Sound, Washington. |
2433 |
The transition to air breathing in fishes. II. Effects of hypoxia acclimation on the bimodal gas exchange of Ancistrus chagresi (Loricariidae). |
6138 |
Biochemical genetic population structure of yellowfin sole, Limanda aspera, of the north Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. |
35622 |
Annual and semilunar reproductive cycles of the gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis on the Alabama Gulf Coast. |
35670 |
Gambusia xanthosoma, a new species of poeciliid fish from Grand Cayman Island, BWI. |
6165 |
Contribution à la connaissance de la répartition des poissons d'eau douce de France. |
58321 |
Feeding of epipelagic Myctophidae (Pisces) of the tropical Atlantic. |
43870 |
Eggs of rock grenadier, Coryphaenoides rupestris (Macrouridae). |
43800 |
New catches of young northern wolffish, Anarhichas denticulatus (Anarhichadidae). |
26540 |
A technique for tagging deepwater fish. |
10839 |
Vergleichende Anatomie des stato-akustischen Apparates und des Geruchsorganes verschiedener Mormyridenarten (Osteoglossomorpha, Teleostei). |
35630 |
A case of hermaphroditism in the rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax. |
1827 |
Biology and life cycle of Siganus vermiculatus (Siganidae, Pisces). |
2435 |
Oxygen-uptake from water through the respiratory organs in Channa punctata (Bloch) in relation to body weight. |
82894 |
Fatty acids and lipid classes of three underutilized species and changes due to canning. |
159 |
Expression of enzyme activity in development of Tilapia aurea and Tilapia nilotica. |
43768 |
Note on the feathertail tetra (Alestopetersius interruptus, Pisces, Characidae). |
14060 |
Effects of the synthetic pyrethroids AC 222,705, permethrin, and fenvalerate on sheepshead minnows in early life stage toxicity tests. |
8744 |
Ammonia toxicity to chinook salmon parr: reduction in saline water. |
7448 |
A revision of the fishes of the family Pentacerotidae (Perciformes). |
9178 |
Revision of Australian species of Torquigener Whitley (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae), and two new generic names for Australian puffer fishes. |
13849 |
The status of Torquigener hypselogeneion (Bleeker) (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae) and some related species, including a new species from Hawaii. |
27099 |
A new genus and two new species of clingfishes, (Gobiesocidae) from New Zealand. |
10518 |
Description of a new species of pufferfish (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae) from the Red Sea and adjacent waters. |
29682 |
A method for obtaining metotic figures from blood leucucyte cultures of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). |
9151 |
Fish fauna of Iriomote-Island, Ryukyu Islands. III.-Apogonidae (Apogninae). |
51977 |
Croissance de six espèces de poissons vivant près de leur limite de répartition en latitude et en altitude sur le territoire de la Baie James. |
9747 |
Functional morphology of fishes: Roles of the backbone and skin in locomotion. |
12014 |
Age and growth of sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus, using cross sections from the fourth dorsal fin spine. |
9890 |
A new species of the triggerfish genus Xenobalistes matsuura (Tetraodontiformes: Balistidae) from South Africa. |
11308 |
A new species of the serranid fish genus Plectranthias (Pisces: Perciformes) from the southeastern Pacific Ocean, with comments on the genus Ellerkeldia. |
1660 |
Dynamics of an exploited population of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) in Lake Huron. |
46768 |
The zoogeography of the fishes of the Youghiogheny River System, Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia. |
28266 |
Biology and fisheries of yellowfin bream Acanthopagrus australis (Teleostei: Sparidae) in Tuggerah Lakes, New South Wales. |
46294 |
Food utilization by red tilapia - effects of diet composition, feeding level and temperature on utilization efficiencies for maintenance and growth. |
45914 |
Contribution to the biology of the razor-fish - Pelecus cultratus (L.). |
37806 |
Quinnat salmon (Oncorhynchus tshwaytscha) spawning in the Rangitikei River. |
14068 |
Characteristics of vertebral abnormalities of Medaka as water pollution indicator. |
41438 |
Rust a stárí okouna rícního ve vodárenské nádrizi Rímov. |
28469 |
Age, growth and fluctuating year-class strength of black bream in the Gippsland Lakes, Victoria. |
96747 |
Fishes of the Sak River, South Africa with comments on the nomenclature of the smallmouth yellowfish, Barbus aeneus (Burchell, 1822). |
4594 |
Some observations on the distribution, maturity stages and length-weight relationship of the anchovy Thryssa mystax in the northern Arabian Sea. |
34089 |
Empirical use of longevity data to estimate mortality rates. |
43730 |
Feeding ecology, assimilation efficiencies and energetics of two herbivorous fish: Sarotherodon (Tilapia) mossambicus (Peters) and Puntius filamentosus (Cuv. et Val.). |
34247 |
Sex-related foraging behavior in sequentially hermaphroditic hogfishes (Bodianus spp.). |
101618 |
Foraging and reproduction of two Caribbean reef toadfishes (Batrachoididae). |
11246 |
Growth and production of the African catfish, Clarias lazera (C. & V.). III. Bioenergetic relations of body weight and feeding level. |
34663 |
Karyotypic study of two species of Chinese catfishes (Siluridae). |
33399 |
Relative abundance, spatial and temporal distribution, age and growth of fishes in Tuktoyaktuk Harbour, N.W.T., 28 June to 5 September, 1981. |
54948 |
Abundance and micro-distribution of cichlid fishes on a rocky shore of Lake Tanganyika. |
38727 |
The larval stages. |
4192 |
Oxygen uptake and comparative energetics among eggs and larvae of three subtropical marine fishes. |
8893 |
Population parameter estimates for three shoaling pelagic fishes in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. |
35640 |
Silver staining of spermatozoa from living and preserved museum fishes: a new taxonomic approach. |
37254 |
Gill structure of the yellowtail and frogfish. |
2450 |
Respiration of the carp, Cyprinus carpio L., at 10 and 20°C and the effects of hypoxia. |
30479 |
Interspecific hybridization between carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and goldfish (Carassius auratus L.) from Victorian waters. |
40724 |
Yield per recruit models of some reef fishes of the U.S. south Atlantic Bight. |
5810 |
Age and growth of Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus using otoliths. |
90088 |
Report of the working group on assessment of hake stocks. |
2245 |
On the biology of an estuarine population of the clupeid Pellonula afzeliusi (Johnels) in Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria. |
12363 |
On the biology of an estuarine population of the clupeid, Pellonula afzeliusi (Johnels) in Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria. |
104652 |
Biologia reprodutiva de Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest, 1823) (Teleostei, Scianidae), 1. Fator de condição como indicador do período de desova. |
35441 |
Crossoloricaria rhami n. sp., un nouveau poisson-chat cuirassé du Rio Huacamayo, Pérou (Pisces, Siluriformes, Loricariidae). |
13165 |
Chromosomes of the longnose eel, Synaphobranchus kaupi Johnson (Anguilliformes, Pisces). |
43956 |
Causes of variation in fecundity and age of sexual maturation in monocylic fishes with examples from salmon, genus Oncorhynchus. |
43815 |
Feeding behavior of pike, Esox lucius (Esocidae), larvae from the progeny of a single pair of spawners. |
75366 |
Fecundity observations on mackerel from the Norwegian coast. |
35772 |
A revision of the cottid fish genus Vellitor. |
41932 |
Feeding and some other properties of piper, Trigla lyra L., 1758, (Pisces, Triglidae) population in the South Adriatic pit area (Montenegro Coastal Area). |
45489 |
Seasonal migration of elvers (Anguilla spp.) into Lake Pounui, New Zealand, 1974-1978. |
58257 |
Observations on the commensal relationship of Nomeus gronovii with Physalia physalis. |
29408 |
A simple animal chromosome technique for use in field laboratories. |
7159 |
Aspects of the life history of the Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) of the Annapolis River, Nova Scotia. |
5291 |
Seven new species of the Indo-Pacific genus Eviota (Pisces: Gobiidae). |
44367 |
Fish and fisheries of India. (Revised second edition). |
46159 |
A short review and critique of methodology used in fish growth and nutrition studies. |
50941 |
Growth studies with fish - overcoming the problems of size variation. |
41436 |
Note on the growth of Ophicephalus marulius (Pisces: Ophicephaliformes). |
3123 |
Age and growth of yellowtail snapper from South Florida. |
55700 |
Comparison of dorsal spines and vertebrae as ageing structures for little tunny, Euthynnus alletteratus, from the Northeast Gulf of Mexico. |
1471 |
Age, growth and mortality of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, from the southeastern United States. |
35629 |
Niphon spinosus: a primitive epinepheline serranid, with comments on the monophyly and intrarelationships of the Serranidae. |
31068 |
Homeostatic characteristics of single species fish stocks in Artic lakes. |
95887 |
Clingfishes (Gobiesocidae) from Belize and Honduras, Central America, with a redescription of Gobiesox barbatulus Starks. |
12161 |
The southern Cook Strait groper fishery. |
27950 |
Species composition and catch rates by recreational and commercial fisherman in southern Eyre Peninsula waters. |
42675 |
An investigation of north sea haddock, (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) length-at-age data, with particular reference to the effects on growth of the outstanding year classes of 1962 and 1967. |
29892 |
The comparative karyologic analysis of five species of the genus Coregonus. |
35625 |
The sex determining mechanism of the poeciliid fish, Xiphophorus montezumae, and the genetic control of the sexual maturation. |
35659 |
Genetic basis of three mutant color varieties of Xiphophorus maculatus: the gray, gold and ghost platyfish. |
43702 |
New data on the distribution of Stemonidium hypomelas (Serrivomeridae). |
6224 |
A new anthiine fish, Anthias luzonensis (Perciformes: Serranidae), from the Philippines. |
34707 |
A new anthiine fish, Anthias truncatus, from the Kerama Islands, Okinawa. |
35776 |
A new anthiine fish, Anthias truncatus, from the Kerama Islands, Okinawa. |
55693 |
Delineation of tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, stocks along the United States east coast and in the Gulf of Mexico. |
4212 |
Postprandial metabolic changes in larval and juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio). |
55130 |
Selection of life histories and its adptive significance in a snailfish Liparis tanakai from Sendai Bay. |
29898 |
Selective breeding and genetic investigations of the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. with reference to their population structure and karyological characteristics. |
55809 |
Distribution, size relationships, and food habits of juvenile king-of-the-salmon, Trachipterus altivelis, caught off the Oregon coast. |
92433 |
Sur l'utilisation des critères comportementaux pour déterminer l'état de santé et l'évolution probable des élevages de poissons marins. 1. Cas des prélarves et des larves de Diplodus sargus, Sparus aurata, Puntazzo puntazzo, Lithognathus mormyrus. |
6039 |
Proximate composition of five species of flat fishes. |
95148 |
History and present status of fisheries for marine fishes and invertebrates in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. |
47512 |
Vertebral count as a meristic character of two Nile charcoid fishes, Alestes nurse and Alestes baremose.. |
47513 |
Studies on certain meristic characters of two Nile charcoid fishes Alestes nurse and Alestes baremose. |
47511 |
Biometric studies on the Nile charcoid fish Alestes barmose from assiut. |
43805 |
A new species of the genus Caprodon Temminck et Schlegel, 1843 (Serranidae) and some remarks on the composition of the genus. |
37211 |
New and rare liparidid species from the Okhotsk and Bering Seas and their adjacent waters. |
37235 |
Geographic distributions of karyological races of Cobitis biwae (Cobitididae). |
12253 |
Aquarium Kiel: Beschreibungen zur Biologie der ausgestellten Tierarten. |
7482 |
Changes in the growth of pike (Esox lucius) in Windermere. |
10186 |
Changes in the population of pike Esox lucius in Windermere from 1944 to 1981. |
94874 |
An assessment of the skipjack and baitfish resources of Kiribati. |
27014 |
Nutrition of the southern sea arfish, Hyporhamphus melanochir, gut passage and daily consumption of two food types and assimilation of seagrass components. |
28112 |
A study of food chains in seagrass communities II. Food of the rock flathead, Platycephalus laevigatus Cuvier, a major predator in a Posidonia australis seagrass bed. |
57163 |
Nutrition of the southern sea arfish, Hyporhamphus melanochir, gut passage and daily consumption of two food types and assimilation of seagrass components. |
45066 |
Fischereibiologische Untersuchungen auf der Rockall Bank und westlich von Großbritannien. |
42319 |
Development of swimming and feeding functions in larval Pagrus major. |
10441 |
Studies on basic population parameters of the shad (Alosa kessleri pontica Eichw.). |
43878 |
Morphoecological peculiarities of the bream, Abramis brama orientalis (Cyprinidae), from Lake Balkhash. |
7151 |
Studies on growth rate of yellow notothenia, Notothenia gibberifrons Lönnberg, 1905 off South Georgia. |
6262 |
The feeding niche of the hake, Merluccius gayi (Merluccidae), and the jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus (Carangidae), in the trophic system of the Peruvian coastal upwelling. |
36632 |
The feeding niche of the hake, Merluccius gayi (Merluccidae), and the jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus (Carangidae), in the trophic system of the Peruvian coastal upwelling. |
43948 |
Catches of newborn Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus (Bloch and Schneider) (Dalatiidae). |
43780 |
The ecology of South African estuaries. Part XII: the Bot River, a closed estuary in the southwestern Cape. |
43708 |
Some reproductive features of Scomberesox saurus (Scomberesocidae) in the southwestern Indian ocean. |
87800 |
A new species of polymorphic fish, Cichlasoma minckleyi, from Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico (Teleostei: Cichlidae). |
34768 |
Cariotipo del hibrido de Colossoma macropomis (Hembra)(Cuvier) 1818 x Mylossoma duriventris (Macho)(Cuvier) 1818 y sus progenitores (Pisces, Cupriniformes, Characidae). |
43954 |
Acanthochaenus luetkenii (Stephanoberycidae) from the eastern part of the Indian ocean. |
37832 |
Status of Luciocyprinus and Fustis (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae). |
37833 |
A new species of Erethistes Müller & Troschel from Thailand and Burma (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes: Sisoridae). |
37834 |
Noemacheilus baenzigeri n. sp., a new noemacheiline loach from Northern Thailand (Osteichthyes: Cypriniformes: Cobitidae). |
43707 |
Development of dwarf saury, Elassichthys adocetus (Scomberesocidae). |
89316 |
Physiological-biochemical peculiarities of gonad maturation of marbled notothenia, Notothenia rossii marmorata (Nototheniidae). |
38719 |
Aquatic surface respiration in the fishes of Panama: distribution in relation to risk of hypoxia. |
57995 |
Taxonomy and distribution of the fish genus Ichthyococcus (Bonaparte, 1841) (Photichthyidae Weitzman, 1974) in the Atlantic Ocean. |
13586 |
A cytogenetic study on the Gambusia affinis population from India. |
43842 |
Experimental studies on the utilization of natural food by juvenile Channa gachua (Pisces: Channidae). |
13617 |
Fishes of Saudi Arabia: freshwater fishes of Saudi Arabia and adjacent regions of the Arabian peninsula. |
37265 |
Trasmission electron microscopic studies on bacterial gill disease in rainbow trout fingerlings. |
72487 |
Longevity of fish Megalops cyprinoides (Broiss). |
43701 |
Biology of the arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus (Thymallidae), in Ust'-llim reservoir. |
37227 |
Spawning behavior and timing of fertilization in the mouthbrooding cardinalfish Apogon notatus. |
38723 |
Measurements of reproductive effort from successive reproductive cycles for the Asian cichlid Etroplus maculatus. |
146 |
Factors influencing biomass in Lake Kinneret. |
372 |
Factors influencing tilapia biomass in Lake Kinneret. |
91934 |
Effets combinés de la pêche et de l'eutrophisation sur la perche (Perca fluviatilis L.) dans les eaux vaudoises du Léman. |
86081 |
Les cristaux de lipovitelline-phosvitine dans l'ovocyte de Latimeria chalumnae Smith, 1939 (Coelacanthidae, Pisces). Étude comparative. |
42354 |
Food habits of yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea (Storer), from off the northeastern United States. |
11432 |
A new species of Lobulogobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the Arafura Sea. |
35459 |
Recruitment and growth patterns of juvenile marine teleosts caught at King's Beach, Algoa Bay. |
26498 |
Fishes of Tasmania. |
33994 |
Predator-prey relationships in surfperches. |
5416 |
Anchovy spawning off Namibia. |
48463 |
Régime alimentaire des civelles et anguillettes (Anguilla anguilla) dans trois étangs saumâtres du roussillon. |
13498 |
Atlas of North American freshwater fishes, 1983 supplement. |
108971 |
Interpretation of growth bands on vertebrae and otoliths of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus. |
30119 |
The karyotype analysis on 29 species of fresh-water fish in Korea. |
348 |
Observations preliminaires sur la croissance et le comportement en elevage de Sarotherodon melanotheron (Ruppel, 1852) et de Tilapia guineensis en lagune Ebrié (Côte d'Ivoire). |
46519 |
Examen preliminaire des potentialites d'un silure Africain Heterobranchus longifilis (Valenciennes, 1840) pour l'aquaculture en milieu lagunaire. |
35632 |
Coral reef fish larvae (Labridae) in the East Pacific Barrier. |
49091 |
The larvae of Indo-Pacific shorefishes. |
6276 |
Premiers éléments sur la biométrie at la pêche de la Brotule Brotula barbata (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) au Sénégal. |
2954 |
Description de Barbus anniae (Pisces, Cyprinidae) de la République populaire de Guinée. |
2955 |
Le genre Barbus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) en Côte d'Ivoire. |
2958 |
Révision des Leptocypris et Raiamas (Pisces, Cyprinidae) de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. |
6822 |
A guide to the common tuna baitfishes of the South Pacific Commission area. |
2927 |
Biological notes on coastal pelagic fishes in Fiji. |
29194 |
A comparative study of the karyotypes in two species of mud loaches. |
29415 |
Studies on the karyotypes of Chinese cyprinid fishes. II. Karyotypes of four species of Xenocyprininae. |
34780 |
A karyotypic study of Myxocyprinus asciaticus (Bleeker). |
34781 |
A karyotypic study of eight species of teleostean fish. |
29416 |
Studies on the karyotypes of Chinese cyprinid fishes. I. Karyotypes of ten species of Abramidinae. |
13146 |
Studies on karyotypes of Chinese cyprinid fishes. 1. Karyotypes of ten species of Abramaidinae. |
34778 |
Cellular DNA content of fourteen species of freshwater fishes. |
39213 |
Aspectos sobre la biologia y conservacion de la palambra (Brycon whitei) Myers y Weitzmann, 1960. |
57298 |
Food habits of nototheniid fishes (Nototheniidae) in Admiralty Bay (King George Island, South Shetland Islands). |
97593 |
Fish fauna of Tripura. |
29418 |
Studies on the chromosome G-banding patterns in rice- fild eels (Monopterus albus Zuiew). |
35379 |
Culture and induced breeding of rice-field eel Monopterus albus. |
37765 |
Food habits of Pacific whiting, Merluccius productus, off the west coast of North America, 1967 and 1980. |
37760 |
Food habits literature of North Pacific marine fishes: a review and selected bibliography. |
40417 |
The distribution of fish in New South Wales. |
43802 |
Polymorphism of nonspecific esterases of ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernua (Percidae). |
13210 |
Studies on karyotypes of black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus). |
114504 |
On the ecology of mass myctophid species in the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic. |
56818 |
Feeding behavior, prey consumption, and growth of juvenile red hake. |
27969 |
Population, taxonomic and evolutionary studies on marine fishes of the genus Arripis (Perciformes: Arripidae). |
42754 |
Redundancy of variables used to described importance of prey species in fish diets. |
40386 |
Comportamento alimentar do peixe hematófago Branchioica bertonii (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae). |
40567 |
Estudios sobre la sistematica de la subfamilia Serrasalminae (Teleostei, Characidae). Parte 2: Discusion sobre la condicion monofiletica de la subfamilia. |
56779 |
Feeding pattern of the kingklip (Genypterus capensi) and its effect on the hake (Merluccius capensis) resource off the coast of Namibia. |
58317 |
Ecologia trófica de peces en las costas Namibia. 1. Hábitos alimentarios. |
37232 |
Streaking behaviour of mature male parrs of the Miyabe charr, Salvelinus malma miyabei, during spawning. |
13089 |
Assessment of cod in NAFO Division 4T and subdivision 4Vn (Jan.-Apr.) for 1983. |
3115 |
Age, growth and mortality of gray snapper collected from Florida waters. |
57654 |
Croissance de Pegusa nesuta (Pallas) sur les côtes d'Algérie. |
5128 |
Description of a new species of Echiodon (Teleostei, Carapidae) from Antarctic and adjacent seas. |
75180 |
Feeding selectivity of juvenile fishes of subfamily Cultrinae in Khanka Lake. |
38718 |
Ontogenetic changes and intraspecific resource partitioning in the tahoe sucker, Catostomus tahoensis. |
9101 |
Sinopsis biologica de la agujilla, Scomberesox saurus scombroides Richardson. |
10935 |
Sexual maturity, fecundity, spawning and early life history of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) in waters off western Canada. |
12345 |
Stomach contents of selected fishes from Texas bays. |
37268 |
Adipose fin cartilage found in some teleostean fishes. |
7012 |
Estudo comparativo das fases iniciais do ciclo de vida sardinha-verdadeira, S. brasiliensis, e da sardinha-cascuda, Harengula jaguana,(Pisces:Clupeidae) e nota sobre a dinâmica da populaçao da sardinha-verdadeira na regiao sudeste do Brasil. |
13318 |
Diets of the sharks and chimaeroids of the Rockall Trough, northeastern Atlantic Ocean. |
51904 |
Diets of clupeoid, stomiatoid and salmonoid fish of the Rockall Trough, northeastern Atlantic ocean. |
6277 |
Dynamique de la population de Plectorhynchus mediterraneus (Guichenot, 1850) du large des côtes nord de la R.I. Mauritanie. |
35637 |
A new hybrid cross, Notropis atherinoides x Notropis volucellus (Pisces: Cyprinidae), from the lower Monongahela River, western Pennsylvania. |
34553 |
Kariologiceskij analiz populjacij roda Diptychus. |
90 |
Tilapia stock identification using electrophoretic markers. |
31036 |
Biology and fishery potential of jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus). |
35655 |
Comparative embryonic ecomorphology and the reproductive guild classification of walleye, Stizostedion vitreum. |
10934 |
Preliminary observations on the juvenile biology of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) in waters off the west coast of Canada.. |
46334 |
Principal component methods for exploratory data analysis of commercial length-frequency data. |
5310 |
Electrophoretic identification of Sebastes and Helicolenus in the northwestern Atlantic. |
33611 |
Ecology and breeding behavior of a cichlid fish, Cyrtocara eucinostomus, on a large lek in Lake Malawi, Africa. |
35627 |
Age, weight and the genetics of sexual maturation in the platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus. |
35690 |
Seven new acestrorhynchin characid species (Osteichthyes, Ostariophysi, Characiformes) with comments on the systematics of the group. |
28980 |
A new species of the deep-sea fish genus Coryphaenoides Gunnerus (Macrouridae) from the tropical eastern North Atlantic and its relationship with C. (Coryphaenoides) marshalli Iwamoto, 1970. |
7337 |
The correct identification of two trachichthyid fishes (Pisces, Berycomorphi) from the slope fauna west of Britain, with notes on the abundance and commercial importance of Hoplostethus atlanticus. |
14103 |
Teratological and other effects of Malachite green on development of rainbow trout and rabbits. |
29598 |
Zytogenetische Untersuchunder an Saiblingen. |
38721 |
Tidal and diurnal spawning cues in the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia. |
35631 |
Checklist and key to the mollies of Mexico (Pisces: Poeciliidae: Poecilia, subgenus Mollienesia). |
55100 |
Osteologia y lepidologia de Gymnocharacinus bergi (Pisces Characidae). |
104717 |
Maturação e desova dos bagres marinhos (Osteichthyes, Ariidae) do complexo estuarino de Cananéia (25°S, 48°W). |
29933 |
Peculiarities of intraspecific chromosome variability in the Osteichthyes. |
35777 |
A new and a rare apogonid species of the genus Epigonus from Japan. |
37253 |
Development and replacement of upper jaw teeth in gobiid fish, Sicyopterus japonicus. |
2530 |
Effects of acute temperature changes on metabolism, heart rate, and ventilation frequency in carp Cyprinus carpio L. |
4835 |
Freshwater fishes of Peninsular Malaysia. |
200 |
Krankheiten und Parasiten der Meeresfische. |
41844 |
Mechanical de-adhesion and incubation of white sturgeon eggs (Acipenser transmontanus Richardson) in jar incubators. |
8606 |
The occurrence of superfetation in the Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa, and its related sexual species. |
30177 |
Estudos na familia Parodontidae (Pisces, Cypriniformes) da bacia do rio Passa-Cinco. SP: aspectos citogene'ticos e considerac,o'es correlatas. |
29726 |
Heterogametia feminina do tipo ZW em Parodon sp. (Pisces, Parodontidae). |
13159 |
Cytogenetic considerations on the genus Astyanax (Pisces, Characidae). I. Karyotypic variability. |
29423 |
Cytogenetic considerations on the genus Astyanax (Pisces, Characidae). II. Occurence of natural triploidy. |
41964 |
Étude du régime alimentaire de Lepidotrigla cavillone (Lacepède, 1801) (Pisces, Triglidae) dans la Mer Catalane. |
10553 |
Age determination and growth rate of eels Anguilla anguilla (L.). |
35624 |
Patterns of geographic variation in the egg morphology of the fundulid fish, Fundulus heteroclitus. |
12310 |
Fishes of Ukraine. Fishes. Cyprinid Fishes (Royal fish, bleak, riffle minnow, roach, bream, vimba, rasorfish, bitterling, crucian carp, carp, Hypophthalmichthys, Aristichthys). |
38726 |
Courtship, spawning and inferred social organization of American angelfishes (genera Pomacanthus, Holacanthus and Centropyge: Pomacanthidae). |
4381 |
On the growth and mortality of the blue sprat, Spratelloides delicatulus, in Fijian waters. |
3111 |
Epilogue: Progress in coral reef fisheries research, 1973-1982. |
3179 |
The biology, ecology and bionomics of the goatfishes, Mullidae. |
13226 |
Cytogenetical studies on fishes. IV. Karyotypes of six species in the sparoid fishes. |
1397 |
Estimation of mortality, population size and yield per recruit of Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch) in the trawling grounds off Kakinada. |
1403 |
Observations on some aspects of biology of silverbelly Leiognathus bindus (Valenciennes) from Kakinada. |
37208 |
Two new species of the genus Foetorepus (Callionymidae) from the Emperor seamounts, north-central Pacific. |
5274 |
The gempylid, Nesiarchus nasutus from Japan and the Sulu Sea. |
37215 |
Redescription of the holotype of Proscyllium habereri (Lamniformes, Triakidae). |
43705 |
Some peculiarities of distribution and feeding of Notothenia guentheri (Nototheniidae). |
43813 |
Data on the reproduction of Alepocephalus bairdi (Alepocephalidae) from the northeastern Atlantic. |
35649 |
Anchoa argentivittata, with notes on other Eastern Pacific anchovies and the Indo-Pacific genus Encrasicholina. |
37557 |
Status of a clupeid fish Clupanodon chanpole Hamilton. |
3595 |
Chromosome studies on Sarotherodon niloticus, S. multifasciatus and Tilapia busumana (Cichlidae, Pisces). |
34924 |
Chromosome studies on Sarotherodon niloticus, S. multifasciatus and Tilapia busumana (Cichlidae, Pisces). |
48438 |
Estimation of zooplankton weight in the gut of larval walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). |
7165 |
Contribution à la connaisance de la biologie du Phycis blennoides (Brünnich, 1768) dans le golfe du Lion. |
43762 |
Notes on the phenomenon of Rosa Lee illusrated on the rudd growth (Scardinius erythropthalmus, Pisces, Cyprinidae). |
43763 |
On albinotic Clarias batrachus (Pisces, Clariidae). |
55617 |
Evaluation of the growth strategy of the rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus; Pisces: Cyprinidae). |
108714 |
Some biological aspects of Scolopsis ghanam (Forskal) Perciformes: Scolopsidae) in Zanzibar channel. |
87999 |
The fecundity of spring spawning herring Clupea harengus membras L. (Clupeidae) in the north-eastern and northern Baltic. |
114815 |
Distribución latitudinal y batimétrica de la ictiofauna demersal del extremo austral de Chile. |
30104 |
Fish cytogenetics. |
37264 |
Distribution and seasonal abundance of Salmo gairdneri and Salmo mykiss in the North Pacific Ocean. |
11938 |
Comparative physiology of three ecologically distinct freshwater fishes, Alestes nurse Rüppell, Synodontis schall Bloch & Schneider and Tilapia zillii Gervais. |
5857 |
A length-age key for Micromesistius poutassou (Risso), Osteichthyes, Gadidae of the Ligurian Sea. |
29944 |
Hybrid origin of all-female triploid form of the genus Cobitis (Cobitidae, Pisces). (Gibridnoje prois'choschdenije tripliodnoi formy r. Cobitis Cobitidae, Pisces). |
43872 |
Distribution of epipelagic lanternfishes (Myctophidae) in the northwestern Indian Ocean. |
54497 |
Aspects of the biology of the spotted sea trout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in Mississippi. |
41092 |
Aspects of the biology of the red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, in Mississippi. |
6815 |
Age and growth of dolphin, Coryphaena hippurus, as determined by growth rings in otoliths. |
43795 |
Fecundity of spring herring, Clupea harengus membras (Clupeidae), from the Northeastern and Northern Baltic Sea. |
7043 |
Handbook of darters. |
35636 |
Identification of the percids, Boleosoma phlox Cope and Ioa vigil Hay. |
35639 |
Variation and systematics of Etheostoma euzonum, the Arkansas saddled darter (Pisces: Percidae). |
220 |
Desarrollo larvario de Notoscopelus elongatus elongatus (Costa, 1844) y Notoscopelus bolini Nafpaktitis, 1975. |
56099 |
The feeding habits of demersal fish species in Islandic waters. |
26810 |
Aspects of the biology of Aspitrigla cuculus (L. 1758) (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes) from the Saronikos Gulf. |
27724 |
The age, growth and reproduction of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) in the Aspropotamos stream. |
3294 |
On the biology of Aspitrigla cuculus (L., 1758) (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes) in the Gulf of Saronikos. |
43793 |
Aphanopus mikhailini sp. n. and A. intermedius sp. n. (Trichiuridae, Perciformes) two new scabbardfishes from the temperate waters of the southern hemisphere and the tropical atlantic. |
43803 |
Reestablishment of the validity of Lampris immaculata Gilchrist and the geographical distribution of Lampridae. |
9169 |
An examination of the vertebral rings of the Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae. |
58499 |
Recent advances in the biology and ecology of mahseers. |
5157 |
A new genus and species of atherinid fish, Dentatherina merceri from the Western Pacific. |
29516 |
Evidence for a system of supernumerary chromosomes in Prochilodus scrofa Steindachner, 1881 (Pisces, Prochilodontidae). |
2052 |
Some simple methods for the assessment of tropical fish stocks. |
10180 |
On the seasonal growth, monthly recruitment and monthly biomass of Peruvian anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) from 1961 to 1979. |
50534 |
Interim report ODA tropical river fisheries project (R37442). |
96 |
A comparison of the biological characteristics of Sarotherodon niloticus (L.) with those of S. aureus (Steindachner) and other tilapia of the delta and lower Nile. |
2565 |
Respiratory quotient and ammonia quotient in goldfish, Carassius auratus (Linnaeus) with special reference to ambient oxygen. |
37852 |
Lake-shore spawning of rainbow trout at Lake Rotoma, New Zealand. |
37618 |
Distribution of four shallow water marine fishes on the Namib Desert Coast. |
34973 |
Estudio cromosomico de Gymnogeophagus rabdotus (Perciformes, Cichlidae). |
56512 |
Use of expanded pellets supplemented with attractive chemical substances for the weaning of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). |
35691 |
Fish predation: a factor affecting the spatial distribution of a stream-breeding salamander. |
4955 |
Yield per recruit of the tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, in the Amazonas State, Brazil. |
35674 |
Genetic identity of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus and S. platorynchus). |
9464 |
Induced breeding pla buk (Pangasianodon gigas). |
5562 |
Données biologiques sur Solea vulgaris Quensel en Adriatique. |
91856 |
The northern anchovy spawning biomass for the 1982-83 California fishing season. |
37410 |
On the biometry, food and feeding and spawning habits of Otolithes ruber (Schneider) from Porto Novo. |
91395 |
La consommation d'oxygène au cours du développment embryonnaire du loup Dicentrarchus labrax. |
40761 |
Estudio preliminario sobre la edad y crecimiento de Scomber japonicus Houttuyn en aguas Ecuatorianas. |
27622 |
An assessment of the angling fishery of summer whiting, Sillago ciliata and S. analis, in Moreton Bay, Queensland from 1959-1980. |
43873 |
Behavior of two rare cod species (Family Gadidae): the fourbeard rockling, Rhinonemus cimbrius, and northern rockling, Onogadus argentatus, in the Barents and Norwegian Seas. |
43978 |
Feeding of black jack, Caranx ruber (Carangidae), on the cuban shelf in the Gulf of Batabano. I. Seasonal and age-dependent dynamics of feeding. |
35647 |
Taxonomic status of the plains killifish, Fundulus zebrinus. |
35988 |
Eschmeyer nexus, a new genus and species of scorpaenid fish from Fiji. |
57657 |
Notes on the biology of Belone belone gracilis Lowe 1839, captured in the area of the strait of Messina. |
58734 |
Abundance, distribution and age structure of fish populations in a Western Australian estuary. |
26444 |
Resultados de las investigaciones biológico-pesqueras del pargo del alto en la plataforma cubana. |
2577 |
Seasonal variations in fat and water contents of the Indian freshwater mud-eel, Macrognathus aculeatum. |
1661 |
Age and growth of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, using four methods. |
31185 |
Life-cycle duration, growth and spawning times of five species of Atherinidae (Teleostei) found in a western Australian estuary. |
58219 |
fecundity of catfishes (family Siluridae)from Amur river bassin. |
103 |
Choice of tilapia species for aquaculture. |
35024 |
Chromozómová evoluce stik a blatnaku. |
29340 |
Karyotype of Cichlasoma tetracanthum (Pisces, Cichlidae) from Cuba. |
12026 |
Age estimation and growth of broadbill swordfish Xiphias gladius, from the North West Atlantic. |
479 |
A new species of Paracaesio (Pisces: Lutjanidae) from the Fiji Islands. |
12726 |
A new species of the anthiine fish genus Plectranthias (Serranidae) from the Fiji Islands. |
4613 |
Analyzing the width of daily otolith increments to age the Hawaiian snapper, Pristipomoides filamentosus. |
2138 |
Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fish genus Wetmorella. |
5221 |
Caribbean reef fishes. |
93995 |
A review of the fishes of the subgenus Goniistius, genus Cheilodactylus, with description of a new species from Easter Island and Rapa. |
6699 |
A review of the groupers (Pisces: Serranidae: Epinephelinae) of the Red Sea, with description of a new species of Cephalopholis. |
10374 |
A new labrid fish of the genus Cirrhilabrus from the Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean. |
10373 |
The parrotfishes of the subfamily Scarinae of the Western Indian Ocean with descriptions of three new species. |
92387 |
Lõhe ja meriforell. |
4595 |
Length-weight relationship in Saurida tumbil and S. undosquamis and relative condition in S. tumbil. |
53529 |
Maturation and spawning of lizardfishes (Saurida spp.) from northwestern part of Bay of Bengal. |
89587 |
Differences in growth of perch (Perca fluviatilis) in two small forest lakes. |
30503 |
Fish. |
11295 |
The coastal fisheries in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador: description and consequences for management in the context of marine environmental protection and regional development. |
3191 |
The biology, ecology and bionomics of the parrotfishes, Scaridae. |
3194 |
The biology, ecology and bionomics of the surgeonfishes, Acanthuridae. |
54213 |
Die deutsche Fischerei auf Köhler im Nordost-Atlantik 1982. |
59081 |
A systematic study of two species complexes of the genus Fundulus (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae). |
94872 |
Fish names of Wallis Island (Uvea). |
94312 |
Fishes of the Iower Green River drainage, Kentucky. |
5858 |
Una clave talla/edad por lectura de espinas para el atun rojo (Thunnus thynnus L.) del Atlantico este. |
27443 |
Migration patterns of five fish species in the Murray-Darling River system. |
6256 |
A preliminary survey of the cichlid fishes of rocky habitats in Lake Malawi. |
105164 |
Relative intestine length and feeding ecology of freshwater fishes. |
56518 |
Evaluating the constraints of temperature, activity and consumption on growth of largemouth bass. |
28961 |
Distribution of protein variation in skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) from the central and south-western Pacific. |
75254 |
Fecundity and the energetics of reproduction and growth of North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.). |
51912 |
Maturity, fecundity, and breeding season of the major catfishes (suborder: Siluroidea) in Lake Victoria, East Africa. |
8949 |
Chromosomes of Notopterus notopterus (Pallas) (Notopteridae: Clupeiformes). |
13162 |
Chromosomal analysis of the Indian silurid, Wallago attu (Schneider)(Family: Siluridae). |
29344 |
Karyological studies on two indian estuarine catfishes, Plotosus canius Ham. and Pseudeutropius atherinoides (Bloch). |
34323 |
Chromosomal analysis of Schizothoraichthys progastus (McClell) (Cyprinidae: Cypriniformes). |
8968 |
Karyological study on a marine catfish, Arius dussumieri (Val.)(Ariidae: Siluriformes). |
35669 |
Revision of the South and Southeast Asian sisorid catfish genus Bagarius, with description of a new species from the Mekong. |
56952 |
Feeding habits of the Southern Australian garfish Hyporhamphus melanochir: a diurnal herbivore and nocturnal carnivore. |
38697 |
On the spawning behavior and spawning cycles of eight surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) from the Indo-Pacific. |
2589 |
The use of opercular muscle electromyograms as an indicator of the metabolic costs of fish activity in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, as determined by radiotelemetry. |
44746 |
Introgressive hybridization in the Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characidae) population at La Cueva Chica. |
79505 |
Aspectos de la biologia de la lisa Mugil cephalus Linneaus en el Mar Muerto, Chiapas, Mexico. |
41985 |
Régime alimentaire du pageot, Pagellus erythrinus, Linne 1758, (Pisces, Sparidae) dans le Golfe du Lion. |
32177 |
Sex change in a coral-reef fish: dependence of stimulation and inhibition on relative size. |
5564 |
Croissance de Dicologlossa cuneata (Moreau) (Téléosteen Soléidé) sur les côtes d'Algérie. |
2590 |
Oxygen uptake of a freshwater major carp Cirrhina mrigala (Ham.) in relation to body weight. |
6569 |
A karyotypic study of Epinephelus guttatus (Linnaeus) and Thalassoma bifasciatum (Bloch) (Serranidae and Labridae - Pisces). |
29956 |
Chromosome polymorphism in trout in Armenia. |
623 |
Annotated checklist of the coral reef fishes in the Capricorn-Bunker Group, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. |
26966 |
The food and feeding habits of rocky reef fish of north-eastern New Zealand. |
28743 |
Use by juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), and other fishes of temporary supralittoral habitats in a tropical estuary in northern Australia. |
42026 |
Feeding chronology, daily ration, and the effects of temperature upon gastric evacuation in the pipefish, Syngnathus fuscus. |
1452 |
The dynamics of trevally, Pentaprion longimanus at Java Sea. |
26965 |
Food and feeding of small fish in the Rakaia River, New Zealand. |
2593 |
Investigations on the respiration of the neotropical fish, Colossoma macropomum (Serrasalmidae). The influence of weight and temperature on the routine oxygen consumption. |
35662 |
Allozymic variation and regional differentiation in wild populations of the fish Oryzias latipes. |
39734 |
Statistical analyses of swimming mode of larvae Pagrus major. |
5892 |
Estudio preliminar de la estimacion de la edad y crecimiento de Sardinops sagax sagax. |
7072 |
Biology and fishery of the red sea-bream (Pagellus bogaraveo B.) in VI, VII and VIII subareas of ICES. |
35076 |
Chromosomic study of the populations of the genus Tilapia Smith (Pisces, Cichlidae), from three different regions of Mexico. |
89962 |
The mullets (Mullus surmuletus L. 1758, Mullus barbatus L. 1758) of the Catalan coast: biological and fishing aspects. |
96137 |
Seyhan Baraj Gölünde yetistirilen aynal?sazan (Cyprinus carpio (Lin.), 1758)’?n bazi yücut özellikleri ve Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesinde yeti?tirilen aynal?sazanlarla a?irlik/boy ili?kisi, oransal s?rt yüksekli?i ve kondisyon bak?m?ndan kar??la?t?lmas?. |
37267 |
Cobitis biwae, the valid name for the Japanese striped loach. |
28733 |
Scale-eating in characoids and other fishes. |
8682 |
Acute toxicity, bioconcentration and persistence of AC222,705, benthiocarb, chlorpyrifos, fenvalerate, methyl parathion and permethrin in the estuarine environment. |
54211 |
Fischereibiologis Untersuchungen zwischen den Färöer Inseln und der nördlichen Biskaya Im Februar/Märza 1983. |
12030 |
Short ageing methods on age estimation of scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, and dusty, Carcharhinus obscurus sharks based on vertebral ring counts. |
26446 |
Short ageing methods on age estimation of scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, and dusty, Carcharhinus obscurus sharks based on vertebral ring counts. |
43798 |
Morphological characteristics of anchovy kilka, Clupeonella engrauliformis (Clupeidae), in winter and spring. |
44591 |
Pterolebias wischmanni nov. spec. uas dem Ucayali-Einzug in Peru (Pisces: Atheriniformes:Rivulinae). |
44610 |
Rivulus deltaphilus n. sp. aus Venezuela (Pisces: Atheriniformes: Rivulinae). |
88772 |
The fisheries biology of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) and pikeperch (Lucioperca sandra Cuv.) in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland. |
11428 |
Batesian mimicry between a cardinalfish (Apogonidae) and a venomous scorpionfish (Scorpaenidae) from the Philippine Islands. |
29459 |
Isutschenije kariotipa belugi Huso huso (L.) (Acipenseridae, Chondrostei) v svjasi s eje sistematitscheskim poloscheniem. |
29973 |
The study of the karyotype of giant sturgeon Huso huso (L.) (Acipenseridae, Chondrostei) with reference to its systematic position. |
97744 |
Faune ichtyologique du Bandiala et du Diomboss. |
2539 |
Biochemical genetics of Pacific blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, from Hawaiian waters. |
43709 |
Nutrition of Acantholumpenus mackayi (Stichaeidae) in the Gulf Terpenium (Sakhalin Island). |
35102 |
The ploidy of crucian carp and its geographic distribution in Heilongjing main river. |
29349 |
Karyotype studies of Pseudobagrus fulvidraco. |
29350 |
Karyotype studies of male triploid crucian carp (Fangzheng crucian carp) in Heilongjiang. |
35101 |
Investigation on karyotype in Pseudobagrus fulvidraco. |
6087 |
Geographic and historic variations in growth of weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, in the Middle Atlantic Bight. |
30529 |
Summer foods of Texas coastal fishes relative to age and habitat. |
53745 |
The alfonsino, Beryx splendens, in Boso waters. I. Age and growth. |
491 |
Life history of two gobioids, Istigobius hoshinonis (Tanaka) and I. campbelli (Jordan and Snyder), under natural and rearing conditions. |
37213 |
On the life history of the stichaeid fish Chirolophis japonicus. |
37230 |
A stichaeid fish Chirolophis otohime, a junior synonym of Chirolophis japonicus. |
35774 |
Two new genera and two new species of clingfishes from Japan, with comments on head sensory canals of the Gobiesocidae. |
48 |
Synopsis of biological data on the grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1884). |
38728 |
Ontogeny of thermal preference in four species of viviparous fishes (Embiotocidae). |
38722 |
Breeding behavior and early life history of the waccamaw killifish, Fundulus waccamensis. |
1432 |
Variations in the growth increments of tagged skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis). |
6122 |
Summary of biological parameters of sardine (Sardina pilchardus Walb.) from the central Adriatic. |
158 |
Reproductive traits for the three year classes of Tilapia nilotica and maternal effects on their progeny. |
12119 |
Highlights of the five-year plan for economic and social development in the Arab Republic of Egypt. |
29983 |
The lability of the genome in Thymallus genus. |
97202 |
The age, growth and maturation of the spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias, in the Northwest Atlantic. |
4352 |
Resource partitioning by two top predatory teleosts in the eastern Cape coastal waters (South Africa). |
43784 |
The occurrence and feeding of Pomatomus saltatrix (elf) and Lichia amia (leervis) juveniles in two Cape south coast estuaries. |
6929 |
Annual total mortality and population structure of jackass morwong (Nemadactylus macropterus Bloch & Schneider) in eastern Australian waters. |
2614 |
Sustained branchial apnea in the Australian short-finned eel, Anguilla australis. |
35648 |
Taxonomic relationships of the Zuni Mountain sucker, Catostomus discobolus yarrowi. |
45999 |
Resolving multigear competition in nearshore fisheries. |
2617 |
Oxygen consumption of pelagic juveniles and demersal adults of the deep-sea fish Sebastolobus altivelis, measured at depth. |
35657 |
Rapid evolution in a post-thermal environment. |
35656 |
Biochemical genetics of mosquitofish. I. Environmental correlates, and temporal and spatial heterogeneity of allele frequencies within a river drainage. |
29482 |
An experimental carp x tench hybrid: karyological analysis and SEM morphological observations. |
43957 |
The fecundity of pike, Esox lucius (Esocidae). |
8681 |
Toxicity of thee synthetic pirethroids, permethrin and AC 222,705 and their accumulation in early life stages of fathead minnows and snails. |
8757 |
Toxicity of thee synthetic pirethroids, permethrin and AC 222,705 and their accumulation in early life stages of fathead minnows and snails. |
5394 |
Success of the introduction of the freshwater clupeid Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger) in Lake Kivu. |
11332 |
Tyson belos, new genus and species of western Pacific fish (Gobiidae, Xenisthminae), with discussions of gobioid osteology and classification. |
6957 |
Correcting for bias in log-transformed allometric equations. |
30360 |
Results of a tagging program to determine migration rates and patterns for black marlin, Makaira indica, in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. |
38156 |
Some effects of handling techniques on returns of tagged Australian salmon, Arripis trutta (Bloch & Schneider). |
2626 |
Energetic cost of active branchial ventilation in the sharksucker, Echeneis naucrates. |
35658 |
Observations on reproduction in the shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchus. |
36421 |
Observations on reproduction in the shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchus. |
6788 |
Observations on the identification and biology of Hemigaleus (Selachii: Carcharhinidae) from Australian waters. |
37266 |
Occurrence of the porbeagle shark, Lamna nasus, in the Tasman Sea. |
6839 |
Aspects of the biology and fishery of the flyingfish, Hirundichthys affinis, at Barbados. |
29557 |
Study on triploid of grass carp and its karyotype. |
26458 |
The percoid genus Sphyraenops, from the Pacific Ocean, with discussion on Scombrosphyraena. |
58430 |
Reproductive biology and age and growth of the Missouri saddled darter Etheostoma tetrazonum. |
29242 |
Tetraploidy appeared in the offspring of triploid Ginbuna, Carassius auratus langsdorfii (Cyprinidae, Pisces). |
37212 |
Embryonic and larval development of the callionymid fish, Callionymus calliste. |
37231 |
Maturation and spawning of the dragonet, Callionymus enneactis, in an aquarium. |
85877 |
Evolutionary change of glycolipids and myelin-proteins in the brain of the primitive bony fishes. |
37255 |
Occurrence of the prickly shark, Echinorhinus cookei, at Kumanonada, Japan. |
5870 |
Age, growth, reproduction and food habits of the star-spotted dogfish, Mustelus manazo collected from Choshi. |
35651 |
Field observations on the reproductive ecology of three species of armored catfishes (Loricariidae, Loricariinae) in Paraguay. |
35623 |
Spawning site utilization in a Delaware population of Fundulus heteroclitus (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae). |
36618 |
Contribución al conocimiento de la biología de los machos del charal Chirostoma humboldtianum (Valenciennes) del embalse Huapango, Edo. de México. |
14518 |
On the stock situation of common dab in the Belt Sea. |
38254 |
Die Fischausbeute der Brasilien-Expedition 1817-1820 con J. B. Spix und C. F. Ph. V. Martius. |
13180 |
The chromosome complements of two species of Gobius (Teleostei, Perciformes). |
29225 |
A karyological study on four species of Mediterranean gobiid fishes. |
29590 |
Association of nucleolus organizer chromosomes shown by silver staining in Gobius fallax. |
2641 |
Comparison of the effects of exogenous and endogenous hypercapnia on ventilation and oxygen uptake in the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri R.). |
29 |
The biology, ecology and bionomics of the hinds and groupers, Serranidae. |
3093 |
The biology, ecology and bionomics of Caribbean reef fishes: Lutjanidae (snappers). |
3159 |
The biology, ecology and bionomics of the jacks, Carangidae. |
35642 |
Homing in a territorial reef fish. |
9390 |
Chromosomal differences among rainbow trout populations. |
30508 |
Food and habitat resource partitioning between three estuarine fish species on the Swedish west coast. |
30509 |
Seasonal occurrence and food resource use of an assemblage of nearshore fish species in the Bothnian Sea, Sweden. |
39993 |
The evolution of freshwater adaptation in stingrays. |
35539 |
Reproduction and development of the South American freshwater stingrays, Potamotrygon circularis and P. motoro. |
5940 |
Length versus gutted weight, versus round weight in cod of the Kiel Bay. |
81527 |
Life history and habitat of the blackfin sucker, Moxostoma atripinne (Osteichthyes: Catostomidae). |
29987 |
On the polyploidy origin of cyprinids from Tien-Shan. |
38689 |
Estimates of egg and viable embryo production in a lacustrine perch, Perca fluviatilis. |
35634 |
Life history variation among experimental populations of the mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis. |
32264 |
Selectivity of gill nets on spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus maculatus, king mackerel, S. cavalla, and bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix. |
2 |
Tilapiine fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia. |
43879 |
Biology of the "monkey goby", Neogobius fluviatilis (Gobiidae), in the Kuban Lagoons. |
75028 |
Biology of monkey goby Neogobius fluviatilis (Pallas) (Gobiidae) in estuaries of Kuban river. |
43953 |
A description of some species of the genus Coelorinchus (Macrouridae) from the southeastern Atlantic ocean. |
39735 |
Analysis of changes in swimming modes during the growth of yolk-sac larvae Pagrus major. |
10964 |
Recursos pelagicos y sus pesonerias en Peru. |
37262 |
Seasonal migration and gonadal changes in the hagfish, Eptatretus burgeri. |
2701 |
Genic variation and differentiation of remnant natural populations of the desert pupfish, Cyprinodon macularius. |
42194 |
Evolutionary genetics of trophic differentiation in goodeid fishes of the genus Ilyodon. |
6086 |
Growth, mortality, and age/size structure of the fisheries for tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaelonticeps, in the Middle Atlantic-Southern New England region. |
46841 |
The fish and fisheries of lake Malawi. |
81580 |
Records of fishes of the family Triacanthodidae (Tetraodontiformes) from the Western Indian Ocean off East Africa. |
53190 |
Summary of environmental and fishing information on Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: A review of the plankton communities and fishery resources. |
29621 |
Cytogenetical charaters of 4 species in the salmonid fishes. |
29244 |
Karyotypes with C-banding patterns of two species in the genus Salvelinus of the family Salmonidae. |
29612 |
Geographic and chromosomal polymorphisms in the Iwana (Salvelinus leucomaenis). |
29593 |
Chromosomal polymorphisms in the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). |
37233 |
Group effect on oxygen consumption of the ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) in relation to growth stage. |
7120 |
A preliminary growth estimation of preadult Cape horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus capensis) on the Agulhas Bank on the basis of size composition. |
13608 |
Fishes trawled off Suriname and French Guiana. |
9363 |
Karyology of the Cyprinodontoid fishes of the Mexican family Goodeidae. |
8589 |
Algunos aspectos de la biología y pesquería del machuelo (Opisthonema oglinum) de la plataforma sur-occidental cubana. |
86993 |
Saurenchelys halimyon, a new species of nettastomid eel, with comments on Saurenchelys cancrivora Peters, 1864, and a preliminary list of larval and metamorphosed Anguilliformes caught in the mid North Atlantic. |
28797 |
Phylogenetic relationships of the families Curimatidae, Prochilodontidae, Anostomidae, and Chilodontidae (Pisces: Characifromes). |
39621 |
Phylogenetic relationships of the families Curimatidae, Prochilodontidae, Anostomidae, and Chilodontidae (Pisces: Characifromes). |
30005 |
Some aspects of the chromosome differentiation in fishes. |
30019 |
First evidence of the main hypothesis of reticular speciation in vertebrates. |
83870 |
Contribuição para o conhecimento da biologia de Cynoscion jamaicensis (Vaillant & Bocourt, 1883), na área entre cabo de são Tomé e Torres, Brasil. |
35160 |
Regioes organizadoras de nucléolo em duas espécis de peixes da familia Curimatidae (Pisces, Cypriniformes). |
43960 |
Reproduction of the stellate sturgeon Acipenser stellatus (Acipenseridae), under regulated flow conditions in the Volga river. |
30032 |
Karyotype divergence in the genus Coregonus. |
30031 |
Comparative karyology, biochemical genetics and evolution in Salmonidae. |
4797 |
Costos metabolicos de Engraulis ringens y Sardinops sagax en relacion al peso, temperatura y nivel de actividad. |
43017 |
On the relative abundance and distribution of slipmouths (Pisces: Leiognathidae) in Lingayen Gulf, Philippines. |
29039 |
Species composition and diversity of fishes caught by otter trawling in Samar Sea. |
46636 |
The genus Orestias (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae) and the phenomenon of its speciation in the Altiplano of Peru and Bolivia. |
43841 |
Nutrition studies with tilapia hybrids. 2. The effects of oil supplements to practical diets for intensive aquaculture. |
28605 |
Lake Macquarie fish study. |
43806 |
Assessment of the potential catch of the azov anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (Engraulidae), in relation to growth and structure of its population. |
43801 |
Morphometric description of pizhyan, Coregonus lavaretus pidschian (Coregonidae), from the Talovka River (Kamchatka). |
91531 |
Etude histoenzymologique des activités proteasiques dans le tube digestif des larves et des adulted de bar Dicentrarchus labrax (L.). |
35181 |
The chromosomes of 9 fish species from Dunav basin in Yugoslavia. |
27205 |
The Lakes Entrance Danish seine fishery for tiger flathead, school whiting and jackass morwong, 1947-1978. |
52258 |
Population biology of yellow perch in southern Lake Michigan, 1971-79. |
103896 |
Biology of the longfin hake, Phycis chesteri, in the Western North Atlantic. |
37210 |
Atherina lacunosa and the fishes described by J.R. Forster. |
35676 |
Introgressive hybridization of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui) and Guadalupe bass (M. treculi). |
29534 |
Sex determination in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). A hypothesis based on cytogenetic results, correlated with the finding of skewed sex rations in eel culture ponds. |
27293 |
A checklist of marine plants and animals of the South Coast of the Dominican Republic. |
9961 |
Synopsis of the pearlfish subfamily Pyramodontinae (Pisces: Carapidae). |
84376 |
Taxonomy and ecology of the genus Chasmodes (Pisces:Blenniidae) with a discussion of it's zoogeography. |
10706 |
Redescription of the Brazilian labrisomid fish Starksia brasiliensis. |
10705 |
Additional information on the gobiid fish Varicus imswe, with comments on the nominal species of Varicus. |
646 |
Cirripectes chelomatus, a new species of salarine fish (Pisces, Blenniidae). |
89377 |
The inshore fishes of Heard and McDonald Islands, southern Indian Ocean. |
5489 |
Reproduction, growth and other aspects of the biology of the gold spot herring, Herklotsichthys quadrimaculatus (Clupeidae), a recent introduction to Hawaii. |
37856 |
Distribution, morphology and biochemical genetics of Coryphaenoides armatus and C. yaquinae (Pisces, Macrouridae) in the central and eastern North Pacific. |
14172 |
Effects of benzo(a)pyrene on the early development of the California grunion, Leuristhes tenuis (Pisces, Artheinidae). |
27575 |
Fishery situation report: school whiting. |
28582 |
The food of snapper Chrysophrys auratus in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. |
35641 |
Phylogenetic relationships of Aracanin genera of boxfishes (Ostraciidae: Tetraodontiformes). |
96892 |
Die Untergattung Aphyosemion. Eine systematische Übersicht. |
21 |
Applied genetics of tilapias. |
2001 |
Applied genetics of tilapias. |
3171 |
A genotype-environment interaction for growth rate in the common carp, growing in intensively manured ponds. |
44339 |
Records of seven juveniles of the whale shark, Rhiniodon typus. |
2862 |
Diagnosis of 24 new species and proposal of new name for a species of Indo-Pacific clupeoid fishes. |
8831 |
The pesticide manual. 7th ed. |
29788 |
Meiotic models to explain classical linkage, pseudolinkage, and chromosome pairing in tetraploid derivative salmonid genomes. |
22 |
Esterase isozymes in Oreochromis niloticus, O. aureus, O. mossambicus and red tilapia. |
3156 |
The biology, ecology and bionomics of the squirrelfishes, Holocentridae. |
34714 |
A new cottoid fish of the family Ereuniidae, Marukawichthys pacificus from the central North Pacific. |
37214 |
First records of five cottid fishes and a psychrolutid fish from Japan. |
35773 |
A revision of the cichlid fish genus Petrochromis from Lake Tanganyika, with description of a new species. |
43810 |
Feeding behaviour and dental morphology of lagae scraping cichlids (Pisces: Teleostei) in Lake Tanganyika. |
43000 |
A new species of fishes from Mount Shenong. |
37186 |
Portuguese shark, Centroscymnus coelolepis from Japan, with notes on C. owstoni. |
13492 |
Limnological features of Lake Buluan: preliminary findings and observations. |
47375 |
Contribution to the study of the diet of Synodontis schall(Bloch-Schneider, 1801) in the Central Delta of the Niger river. |
34712 |
A new triglid fish, Pterygotrigla multipunctata, from Japan. |
37234 |
First records of the blenniid fishes, Petroscirtes springeri and Petroscirtes variabilis, from Japan. |
43950 |
Analysis of spawning population and characteristics of spawners of the "Aral asp", Aspius aspius iblioides (Cyprinidae), from the lower reaches of the Syr Darya' river. |
81603 |
Two scorpaenoid fishes of the genus Tetraroge collected from Ryukyu Islands. |
43949 |
The reproduction and development of Clarias gariepinus (Clariidae) from Lake Manzala (Egypt). |
35205 |
Caribbean Fish Life. Index to the local and scientific names of the marine fishes and fishlike invertebrates of the Caribbean area (Tropical Western Central Atlantic Ocean). |
30898 |
Morphometrics and relative abundance of tunas (Perciformes: Scombridae) caught off Darigayos Cove, La Union. |
30045 |
The karyotype and formation of adaptations in a freshwater lake char of the genus Salvelinus (Salmoniformes, Salmonidae) in Lake Ladoga. |
39416 |
On the genus Balitora Gray from Yunnan Province, China. |
43831 |
Methods of estimating Oligochaeta and bottom materials in the stomach contents of the bream, Abramis brama orientalis (Cyprinidae), from Rybinsk Reservoir. |
29792 |
A cytological study on the gynogenesis of Fangzheng crucian carp of Heilogjiang province. |