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10937 |
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1996 |
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--> |
31982 |
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35508 |
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2001 |
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--> |
40944 |
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41 |
41414 |
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2004 |
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104 |
55073 |
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2003 |
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2001 |
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1191 |
49924 |
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2001 |
Girella punctata |
1191 |
50311 |
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1998 |
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107339 |
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47843 |
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2001 |
Girella melanichthys |
435 |
47843 |
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2001 |
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40637 |
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37690 |
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1980 |
Girella melanichthys |
245 |
37690 |
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1980 |
Girella punctata |
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34370 |
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1995 |
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2000 |
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1981 |
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9137 |
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1993 |
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9137 |
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1993 |
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1984 |
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31075 |
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1999 |
Girella melanichthys |
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31075 |
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2000 |
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30503 |
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1983 |
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1973 |
Girella punctata |
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51243 |
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2004 |
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1990 |
Girella punctata |
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12114 |
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1990 |
Girella punctata |
232 |
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1990 |
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43515 |
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1993 |
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123 |
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1993 |
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123 |
5193 |
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1993 |
Girella punctata |
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1998 |
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27563 |
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1981 |
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8973 |
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1980 |
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31517 |
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1999 |
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36349 |
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2000 |
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11230 |
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1995 |
Girella punctata |
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