280 |
Herre, A.W.C.T., 1953. Check list of Philippine fishes. Res. Rep. U.S. Fish Wild. Serv., (20):977 p. |
1953 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
171 |
559 |
Masuda, H., K. Amaoka, C. Araga, T. Uyeno and T. Yoshino, 1984. The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Vol. 1. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, Japan. 437 p. (text). |
1984 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
93;pl.80 |
7300 |
Paxton, J.R., D.F. Hoese, G.R. Allen and J.E. Hanley, 1989. Pisces. Petromyzontidae to Carangidae. Zoological Catalogue of Australia, Vol. 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 665 p. |
1989 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
327 |
9949 |
Sazonov, Y.I. and T. Iwamoto, 1992. Grenadiers (Pisces, Gadiformes) of the Nazca and Sala y Gomez ridges, southeastern Pacific. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 48(2):27-95. |
1992 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
91 |
5193 |
Shen, S.C. (ed.), 1993. Fishes of Taiwan. Department of Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taipei. 960 p. |
1993 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
--> |
12711 |
Shao, K.-T., 1997. A checklist of fishes recorded in Taiwan and their distribution around Taiwan. Unpublished database, version of April 1997. |
1997 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
--> |
36648 |
Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim (eds.), 2000. A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Raffles Bull. Zool. Suppl. (8):569-667. |
2000 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
595 |
38732 |
Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. |
2001 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
--> |
40919 |
Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. |
2001 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
--> |
47843 |
Huang, Z., 2001. Marine species and their distribution in China's seas. p. 404-463. Vertebrata. Smithsonian Institution, Florida, USA. 598 p. |
2001 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
420 |
50734 |
Richer de Forges, B., 2001. Electronic database of ORSTOM sampling on the Norfolk Ridge. ORSTOM. |
2001 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
--> |
54421 |
Chiou, M.-L., K.-T. Shao and T. Iwamoto, 2004. A new species, Caelorinchus sheni, and 19 new records of grenadiers (Pisces: Gadiformes: Macrouridae) from Taiwan. Zool. Stud. 43(1):35-50. |
2004 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
47 |
57178 |
Ocean Biogeographic Information System, 2006. OBIS-extracted Depth Data. Harvested by E.Agbayani July 2006 at www.iobis.org. |
2006 |
Hymenocephalus longiceps |
--> |