Actinopterygii (Straalvinnigen) >
Perciformes (Perch-likes) >
Carangidae (Jacks and pompanos) > Naucratinae
Etymology: Seriola: Latin word diminutive with the meaning of a large earthenware pot (Ref. 45335). More on author: Temminck, Schlegel.
Omgeving / Klimaat / Range
; marien demersaal; oceanodroom (Ref. 51243); diepteverspreiding ? - 100 m. Subtropical, preferred ?; 46°N - 20°N, 116°E - 153°W
Northwest Pacific: Japan and the eastern Korean Peninsula to the Hawaiian Islands.
Size / Gewicht / Leeftijd
Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 150 cm TL mannelijk/geslacht niet bekend; (Ref. 9988); Maximaal gepubliceerd gewicht: 40.0 kg (Ref. 9988)
Dorsale stekels (totaal): 6 - 7; Dorsale zachte stralen (totaal): 29-36; Anale stekels 3; Anale zachte stralen: 17 - 22; Wervels: 24. Scutes absent. Compared to S. lalandi, the species' dorsoposterior corner of upper jaw is angular (versus rounded) and the pectoral and pelvic fins are almost equal in length (versus pectoral shorter than pelvic fin).
Adults exhibit shoaling habit (Ref. 9988). They feed on plankton. Juveniles are found among floating seaweeds (Ref. 12114, 12115). Collection of young is the basis for prosperous aquaculture in Japan. Raised in captivity and marketed fresh for sashimi (Ref. 9988).
Life cycle and mating behavior
Geslachtsrijpheid | Voortplanting | Kuitschieten | Eieren | Fecundity | Larven
Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott, 1991. World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (21):243 p. (Ref. 4537)
Status op de Rode Lijst van het IUCN (Ref. 115185)
CITES (Ref. 94142)
Not Evaluated
Gevaarlijk voor mensen
Gebruik door de mens
Visserij: van groot commercieel belang; Aquacultuur: commercieel; vis voor de hengelsport: ja
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Estimates of some properties based on models
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82805): PD
50 = 0.5020 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Trophic Level (Ref.
69278): 4.0 ±0.65 se; Based on food items.
Weerstandsvermogen (Ref.
69278): Gemiddeld, minimale populatieverdubbelingstijd 1,4-4,4 jaar (K=0.3-0.5).
Kwetsbaarheid (Ref.
59153): Moderate to high vulnerability (52 of 100) .