Ecosystem Reference
Ecosystem Iceland Shelf and Sea
Type Sea/Bay/Gulf
Salinity saltwater
Other Names SAU name: Iceland Shelf and Sea.
LME SAU No 59. North Atlantic, shelf around Iceland. Overlaps with Denmark strait (137). LME2002, Modified LME 2006, SAUP 2008. 71° N 62° N - 29° W 7° W
Location Map iceland-shelf.jpg
Size Ref
River Length Area 476481 km2 Drainage Area
Average Depth Max Depth Ref
Surface 6.0 °C Map71.gif
100 Meters Depth 5.0 °C Map72.gif
Description Surrounding Iceland is the Iceland Shelf/Sea LME, a unique area with a wide volcanic margin marked by broad valleys; the slope is generally sharply defined, with wider rises to the south. Its hydrography is complex, with warm, saline, northward-flowing Atlantic water on the east, and cold, fresh, southward-flowing Arctic water on the west, as well as a clockwise circulation gyre around the island. Cod and redfish are the most important commercial species in this LME (; formerly Iceland Shelf). Contains all marine fishes of Iceland.
Comments on faunal list Area from SAU (November 2015).
Ecosystem Checklist Link
FishBase Literature
Species Families Species Families Reference
152 77 35388
Froese, Rainer on 12.05.00
Modified by Kesner-Reyes, Kathleen on 08.12.16
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