References Used for Norfolk Island (NFK)
n = 53
Ref. No. Description
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402 Carpenter, K.E., 1988. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 8. Fusilier fishes of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of caesionid species known to date. Rome: FAO. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(8):iv+75p.
510 Allen, G.R. and A.R. Emery, 1985. A review of the Pomacentrid fishes of the genus Stegastes from the Indo-Pacific, with descriptions of two new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (3):31.
530 Russell, B.C., 1985. Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fish genus Suezichthys, with descriptions of four new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (2):21 p.
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2295 Carpenter, K.E. and G.R. Allen, 1989. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 9. Emperor fishes and large-eye breams of the world (family Lethrinidae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lethrinid species known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(9):118 p. Rome: FAO.
4787 Randall, J.E. and P.C. Heemstra, 1991. Revision of Indo-Pacific groupers (Perciformes: Serranidae: Epinephelinae), with descriptions of five new species. Indo-Pac. Fish. (20):332 p.
5259 Allen, G.R., 1989. Freshwater fishes of Australia. T.F.H. Publications, Inc., Neptune City, New Jersey.
6181 Nakamura, I. and N.V. Parin, 1993. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 15. Snake mackerels and cutlassfishes of the world (families Gempylidae and Trichiuridae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the snake mackerels, snoeks, escolars, gemfishes, sackfishes, domine, oilfish, cutlassfishes,. scabbardfishes, hairtails, and frostfishes known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(15):136 p.
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8880 Francis, M.P. and J.E. Randall, 1993. Further additions to the fish faunas of Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands, Southwest Pacific Ocean. Pac. Sci. 47(2):118-135.
8881 Francis, M.P., 1991. Additions to the fish faunas of Lord Howe, Norfolk and Kermadec Islands, Southwest Pacific Ocean. Pac. Sci. 45(2):204-220.
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26156 Randall, J.E. and M.P. Francis, 1993. Parapercis colemani, a new pinguipedid fish from Norfolk Island, south-western Pacfiic Ocean. N.Z. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 27(2):209-214.
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97189 McMillan, P. and T. Iwamoto, 2014. Descriptions of four species of grenadier fishes of the genera Hymenocephalus and Hymenogadus (Teleostei, Gadiformes, Macrouridae) from the New Zealand region and Tasman Sea, including two new species of Hymenocephalus. Zootaxa 3856:117-134..
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114522 Carpenter, K.E. and R. Robertson, 2015. Lobotes surinamensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T198670A16644032. Downloaded on 17 February 2017.
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