Aquarium Fishes of Philippines
Sort by: Scientific Name Aquarium Demand met by Occurrence Other Name
Species being exported live = 264
Scientific Name Local Name Aquarium Demand met by Occurrence Other Name
Abudefduf sordidus Blackspot sergeant based mainly on capture native Blackspot sergeant
Abudefduf vaigiensis based mainly on capture native Indo-Pacific sergeant
Acanthurus nigricans Papakol based mainly on capture native Whitecheek surgeonfish
Aeoliscus strigatus Isdang sikwan based mainly on capture native Razorfish
Amblycirrhitus bimacula based mainly on capture native Twospot hawkfish
Amblyglyphidodon curacao based mainly on capture native Staghorn damselfish
Amphiprion clarkii based mainly on capture native Yellowtail clownfish
Amphiprion frenatus based mainly on capture native Tomato clownfish
Amphiprion polymnus based mainly on capture native Saddleback clownfish
Amphiprion sandaracinos based mainly on capture native Yellow clownfish
Anabas testudineus Liwalo based mainly on breeding introduced Climbing perch
Anomalops katoptron based mainly on capture native Splitfin flashlightfish
Antennatus coccineus based mainly on capture native Scarlet frogfish
Antennatus nummifer native Spotfin frogfish
Aplocheilus panchax Killie based mainly on breeding introduced Blue panchax
Apogon coccineus Dangat based mainly on capture native Ruby cardinalfish
Apolemichthys trimaculatus based mainly on capture native Threespot angelfish
Arothron hispidus Butete based mainly on capture native White-spotted puffer
Arothron meleagris Butete based mainly on capture native Guineafowl puffer
Aspidontus taeniatus based mainly on capture native False cleanerfish
Balistapus undulatus Orange striped triggerfish based mainly on capture native Orange-lined triggerfish
Barbodes binotatus Pait based mainly on capture native Spotted barb
Bodianus anthioides based mainly on capture native Lyretail hogfish
Bodianus axillaris based mainly on capture native Axilspot hogfish
Bodianus bilunulatus Bungat based mainly on capture native Tarry hogfish
Bodianus bimaculatus based mainly on capture native Twospot hogfish
Bodianus diana based mainly on capture misidentification Diana's hogfish
Bothus mancus Dapa based mainly on capture native Flowery flounder
Calloplesiops argus native
Cantherhines dumerilii based mainly on capture native Whitespotted filefish
Canthigaster janthinoptera Butete based mainly on capture native Honeycomb toby
Canthigaster rivulata based mainly on capture native Brown-lined puffer
Canthigaster solandri Butete based mainly on capture native Spotted sharpnose
Canthigaster valentini Butete based mainly on capture native Valentin's sharpnose puffer
Centropyge bicolor Boray-boray based mainly on capture native Bicolor angelfish
Centropyge bispinosa Adlo based mainly on capture native Twospined angelfish
Centropyge ferrugata based mainly on capture native Rusty angelfish
Centropyge fisheri Boray-boray based mainly on capture native Orange angelfish
Centropyge flavissima Boray-boray based mainly on capture native Lemonpeel angelfish
Centropyge heraldi Boray-boray based mainly on capture native Yellow angelfish
Centropyge nox based mainly on capture native Midnight angelfish
Centropyge tibicen Adlo based mainly on capture native Keyhole angelfish
Centropyge vrolikii Paro-paro based mainly on capture native Pearlscale angelfish
Cetoscarus bicolor Bicolour parrotfish based mainly on capture native Bicolour parrotfish
Chaetodon adiergastos Bantayan butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Philippine butterflyfish
Chaetodon argentatus Asian butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Asian butterflyfish
Chaetodon auriga Paru-paro based mainly on capture native Threadfin butterflyfish
Chaetodon baronessa Eastern triangular butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Eastern triangular butterflyfish
Chaetodon bennetti Bluelashed butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Bluelashed butterflyfish
Chaetodon burgessi Alibang-bang based mainly on capture native Burgess' butterflyfish
Chaetodon citrinellus Paru-paro based mainly on capture native Speckled butterflyfish
Chaetodon collare Paru-paro based mainly on capture native Redtail butterflyfish
Chaetodon ephippium Paru-paro based mainly on capture native Saddle butterflyfish
Chaetodon kleinii based mainly on capture native Sunburst butterflyfish
Chaetodon lineolatus Lined butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Lined butterflyfish
Chaetodon lunula based mainly on capture native Raccoon butterflyfish
Chaetodon melannotus Blackback butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Blackback butterflyfish
Chaetodon mertensii Atoll butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Atoll butterflyfish
Chaetodon meyeri Paru-paro based mainly on capture native Scrawled butterflyfish
Chaetodon octofasciatus Eightband butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Eightband butterflyfish
Chaetodon ornatissimus Ornate butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Ornate butterflyfish
Chaetodon plebeius Blueblotch butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Blueblotch butterflyfish
Chaetodon punctatofasciatus Paru-paro based mainly on capture native Spotband butterflyfish
Chaetodon rafflesii Alibang-bang based mainly on capture native Latticed butterflyfish
Chaetodon reticulatus Alibang-bang based mainly on capture native Mailed butterflyfish
Chaetodon semeion Alibang-bang based mainly on capture native Dotted butterflyfish
Chaetodon speculum Alibang-bang based mainly on capture native Mirror butterflyfish
Chaetodon trifascialis Alibang-bang based mainly on capture native Chevron butterflyfish
Chaetodon trifasciatus Alibang-bang based mainly on capture questionable Melon butterflyfish
Chaetodon ulietensis Pacific doublesaddle butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Pacific double-saddle butterflyfish
Chaetodon unimaculatus Paru-paro based mainly on capture native Teardrop butterflyfish
Chaetodon vagabundus based mainly on capture native Vagabond butterflyfish
Chaetodon xanthurus Philippine chevron butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Pearlscale butterflyfish
Chaetodontoplus melanosoma Adlo based mainly on capture native Black-velvet angelfish
Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus based mainly on capture native Vermiculated angelfish
Cheilinus fasciatus Mameng based mainly on capture native Redbreasted wrasse
Cheilio inermis Cigar wrasse based mainly on capture native Cigar wrasse
Chelmon rostratus based mainly on capture native Copperband butterflyfish
Chlorurus japanensis Loro based mainly on capture native Palecheek parrotfish
Chlorurus sordidus Daisy parrotfish based mainly on capture native Daisy parrotfish
Chromis agilis based mainly on capture native Agile chromis
Chromis atripectoralis based mainly on capture native Black-axil chromis
Chromis ternatensis based mainly on capture native Ternate chromis
Chromis vanderbilti based mainly on capture native Vanderbilt's chromis
Chromis viridis based mainly on capture native Blue green damselfish
Chrysiptera rex based mainly on capture native King demoiselle
Chrysiptera rollandi based mainly on capture native Rolland's demoiselle
Cirrhitichthys aprinus based mainly on capture native Spotted hawkfish
Cirrhitichthys falco based mainly on capture native Dwarf hawkfish
Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus based mainly on capture native Coral hawkfish
Cirrhitus pinnulatus based mainly on capture native Stocky hawkfish
Clarias batrachus Hitong batukan based mainly on capture introduced Philippine catfish
Conger cinereus Obud based mainly on capture native Longfin African conger
Coris aygula Clown coris based mainly on capture native Clown coris
Coris batuensis native Batu coris
Coris pictoides based mainly on capture native Blackstripe coris
Corythoichthys haematopterus Dagum-dagum based mainly on capture native Messmate pipefish
Ctenochaetus tominiensis Labahita based mainly on capture native Tomini surgeonfish
Dascyllus aruanus based mainly on capture native Whitetail dascyllus
Dascyllus melanurus based mainly on capture native Blacktail humbug
Dascyllus reticulatus Baro-baro based mainly on capture native Reticulate dascyllus
Dascyllus trimaculatus based mainly on capture native Threespot dascyllus
Dendrochirus brachypterus based mainly on capture native Shortfin turkeyfish
Dendrochirus zebra based mainly on capture native Zebra turkeyfish
Diodon liturosus Black-blotched porcupinefish based mainly on capture native Black-blotched porcupinefish
Doryrhamphus excisus excisus Dagum-dagum based mainly on capture native Bluestripe pipefish
Echidna nebulosa Igat based mainly on capture native Starry moray
Echidna polyzona Payangitan based mainly on capture native Barred moray
Ecsenius bicolor based mainly on capture native Bicolor blenny
Ecsenius midas based mainly on capture native Persian blenny
Epibulus insidiator Bungat based mainly on capture native Sling-jaw wrasse
Exallias brevis based mainly on capture native Leopard blenny
Fistularia commersonii based mainly on capture native Bluespotted cornetfish
Forcipiger flavissimus Longnose butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Longnose butterfly fish
Forcipiger longirostris Longnose butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Longnose butterflyfish
Gambusia affinis Isdang canal based mainly on breeding introduced Mosquitofish
Genicanthus bellus Boray-boray based mainly on capture native Ornate angelfish
Genicanthus lamarck based mainly on capture native Blackstriped angelfish
Genicanthus melanospilos based mainly on capture native Spotbreast angelfish
Genicanthus semifasciatus based mainly on capture native Japanese swallow
Genicanthus watanabei based mainly on capture native Blackedged angelfish
Gobiodon citrinus Bia based mainly on capture native Poison goby
Gomphosus varius based mainly on capture native Bird wrasse
Grammistes sexlineatus based mainly on capture native Goldenstriped soapfish
Gymnomuraena zebra Malibanos based mainly on capture native Zebra moray
Gymnothorax meleagris Malibanos based mainly on capture native Turkey moray
Halichoeres biocellatus Redlined wrasse based mainly on capture native Red-lined wrasse
Halichoeres hortulanus Checkerboard wrasse based mainly on capture native Checkerboard wrasse
Halichoeres ornatissimus based mainly on capture native Ornamented wrasse
Hemiglyphidodon plagiometopon based mainly on capture native Lagoon damselfish
Hemigymnus melapterus based mainly on capture native Blackeye thicklip
Hemitaurichthys polylepis Paru-paro based mainly on capture native Pyramid butterflyfish
Heniochus acuminatus based mainly on capture native Pennant coralfish
Heniochus chrysostomus based mainly on capture native Threeband pennantfish
Heniochus monoceros Masked bannerfish based mainly on capture native Masked bannerfish
Heniochus varius Horned bannerfish based mainly on capture native Horned bannerfish
Hippichthys heptagonus Pipefish native Belly pipefish
Hippocampus barbouri based mainly on capture native Barbour's seahorse
Hippocampus kuda Kabayo-kabayohan based mainly on capture native Spotted seahorse
Hologymnosus doliatus based mainly on capture native Pastel ringwrasse
Hoplolatilus cuniculus native Dusky tilefish
Hoplolatilus fronticinctus based mainly on capture native Pastel tilefish
Hoplolatilus starcki native Stark's tilefish
Inimicus didactylus based mainly on capture native Bearded ghoul
Koumansetta rainfordi Bia native Old glory
Labroides bicolor based mainly on capture native Bicolor cleaner wrasse
Labroides dimidiatus based mainly on capture native Bluestreak cleaner wrasse
Labroides pectoralis based mainly on capture native Blackspot cleaner wrasse
Lactoria cornuta Longhorn cowfish based mainly on capture native Longhorn cowfish
Lepidozygus tapeinosoma based mainly on capture native Fusilier damselfish
Lepomis macrochirus Sunfish based mainly on capture introduced Bluegill
Macropharyngodon meleagris based mainly on capture native Blackspotted wrasse
Macropharyngodon negrosensis Buntogon based mainly on capture native Yellowspotted wrasse
Malacanthus brevirostris based mainly on capture native Quakerfish
Mayaheros urophthalmus based mainly on breeding introduced Mexican mojarra
Meiacanthus atrodorsalis based mainly on capture native Forktail blenny
Meiacanthus grammistes based mainly on capture native Striped poison-fang blenny
Melichthys vidua Papakol based mainly on capture native Pinktail triggerfish
Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Dojo based mainly on capture introduced Pond loach
Monodactylus argenteus Silver moony based mainly on capture native Silver moony
Myripristis berndti Baga-baga based mainly on capture native Blotcheye soldierfish
Myripristis kuntee Baga-baga based mainly on capture native Shoulderbar soldierfish
Myripristis murdjan Baga-baga based mainly on capture native Pinecone soldierfish
Naso brachycentron Humpback unicornfish based mainly on capture native Humpback unicornfish
Naso brevirostris Spotted unicornfish based mainly on capture native Spotted unicornfish
Naso vlamingii Bignose unicornfish based mainly on capture native Bignose unicornfish
Nemateleotris decora based mainly on capture native Elegant firefish
Nemateleotris magnifica based mainly on capture native Fire goby
Neoglyphidodon oxyodon based mainly on capture native Bluestreak damselfish
Neoniphon sammara Baga-baga native Sammara squirrelfish
Novaculichthys taeniourus Mameng based mainly on capture native Rockmover wrasse
Osphronemus goramy Goramy based mainly on breeding introduced Giant gourami
Ostorhinchus hartzfeldii native Hartzfeld's cardinalfish
Ostracion cubicus Baka baka based mainly on capture native Yellow boxfish
Ostracion meleagris Kaban-kaban based mainly on capture native Whitespotted boxfish
Oxycheilinus bimaculatus based mainly on capture native Two-spot wrasse
Oxycheilinus unifasciatus based mainly on capture native Ringtail maori wrasse
Oxycirrhites typus based mainly on capture native Longnose hawkfish
Oxyeleotris marmorata Bia based mainly on capture native Marble goby
Oxymonacanthus longirostris Pakol based mainly on capture native Harlequin filefish
Paracanthurus hepatus based mainly on capture native Palette surgeonfish
Paracentropyge multifasciata Paro-paro based mainly on capture native Barred angelfish
Paracirrhites arcatus based mainly on capture native Arc-eye hawkfish
Paracirrhites forsteri based mainly on capture native Blackside hawkfish
Parupeneus barberinoides Bicolor goatfish based mainly on capture native Bicolor goatfish
Parupeneus barberinus Dash-and-dot goatfish based mainly on capture native Dash-and-dot goatfish
Parupeneus cyclostomus Goldsaddle goatfish based mainly on capture native Gold-saddle goatfish
Parupeneus multifasciatus based mainly on capture native Manybar goatfish
Parupeneus pleurostigma Sidespot goatfish based mainly on capture native Sidespot goatfish
Photoblepharon palpebratum based mainly on capture native Eyelight fish
Pictichromis porphyrea based mainly on capture native Magenta dottyback
Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos based mainly on capture native Bluestriped fangblenny
Plagiotremus tapeinosoma based mainly on capture native Piano fangblenny
Platax orbicularis Batfish based mainly on capture native Orbicular batfish
Platax pinnatus Bayang based mainly on capture native Dusky batfish
Platax teira Darapugan based mainly on breeding native Longfin batfish
Plectorhinchus albovittatus Labian based mainly on capture native Two-striped sweetlips
Plectorhinchus lineatus Alatan based mainly on capture native Yellowbanded sweetlips
Plectorhinchus picus native Painted sweetlip
Plectroglyphidodon imparipennis based mainly on capture native Brighteye damselfish
Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus based mainly on capture native Johnston Island damsel
Pomacanthus annularis based mainly on capture native Bluering angelfish
Pomacanthus imperator based mainly on capture native Emperor angelfish
Pomacanthus navarchus Paru-parung dagat based mainly on capture native Bluegirdled angelfish
Pomacanthus semicirculatus based mainly on capture native Semicircle angelfish
Pomacanthus sexstriatus based mainly on capture native Sixbar angelfish
Pomacanthus xanthometopon Paro-paro based mainly on capture native Yellowface angelfish
Pomacentrus coelestis based mainly on capture native Neon damselfish
Pomacentrus moluccensis based mainly on capture native Lemon damsel
Pomacentrus nagasakiensis based mainly on capture native Nagasaki damsel
Pomacentrus philippinus based mainly on capture native Philippine damsel
Premnas biaculeatus based mainly on capture native Spinecheek anemonefish
Priacanthus hamrur based mainly on capture native Moontail bullseye
Pristiapogon kallopterus Dangat based mainly on capture native Iridescent cardinalfish
Pseudanthias dispar based mainly on capture native Peach fairy basslet
Pseudanthias luzonensis native Yellowlined anthias
Pseudanthias squamipinnis based mainly on capture native Sea goldie
Pseudanthias tuka native Yellowstriped fairy basslet
Pseudocheilinus evanidus based mainly on capture native Striated wrasse
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia Mameng based mainly on capture native Sixline wrasse
Pseudocheilinus octotaenia based mainly on capture native Eight-lined wrasse
Pterois antennata based mainly on capture native Broadbarred firefish
Pterois radiata based mainly on capture native Radial firefish
Pterois volitans based mainly on capture native Red lionfish
Pygoplites diacanthus based mainly on capture native Regal angelfish
Rasbora argyrotaenia based mainly on breeding native Silver rasbora
Rasbora borapetensis Red tail rasbora based mainly on breeding native Blackline rasbora
Rasbora lateristriata based mainly on breeding native Yellow rasbora
Rhinecanthus aculeatus Blackbar triggerfish based mainly on capture native White-banded triggerfish
Rhinecanthus rectangulus Pakoy based mainly on capture native Wedge-tail triggerfish
Rhinecanthus verrucosus Blackbelly picassofish based mainly on capture native Blackbelly triggerfish
Rhinomuraena quaesita Malibanos based mainly on capture native Ribbon moray
Sargocentron caudimaculatum Sigang batuhan native Silverspot squirrelfish
Sargocentron punctatissimum Baga-baga based mainly on capture native Speckled squirrelfish
Scarus niger Dusky parrotfish based mainly on capture native Dusky parrotfish
Scarus psittacus Common parrotfish based mainly on capture native Common parrotfish
Scarus rubroviolaceus Ember parrotfish based mainly on capture native Ember parrotfish
Scolopsis bilineata based mainly on capture native Two-lined monocle bream
Scolopsis lineata Buruba based mainly on capture native Striped monocle bream
Scorpaenopsis diabolus based mainly on capture native False stonefish
Sphaeramia nematoptera Dangat based mainly on capture native Pajama cardinalfish
Stethojulis bandanensis based mainly on capture native Red shoulder wrasse
Stethojulis strigiventer based mainly on capture native Three-ribbon wrasse
Sufflamen bursa Boomerang triggerfish based mainly on capture native Boomerang triggerfish
Synchiropus picturatus based mainly on capture native Picturesque dragonet
Taenianotus triacanthus based mainly on capture native Leaf scorpionfish
Taeniura lymma based mainly on capture native Ribbontail stingray
Thalassoma amblycephalum based mainly on capture native Bluntheaded wrasse
Thalassoma hardwicke based mainly on capture native Sixbar wrasse
Thalassoma jansenii based mainly on capture native Jansen's wrasse
Thalassoma lunare based mainly on capture native Moon wrasse
Thalassoma lutescens Mameng based mainly on capture native Yellow-brown wrasse
Thalassoma purpureum Mameng based mainly on capture native Surge wrasse
Thalassoma trilobatum based mainly on capture native Christmas wrasse
Toxotes chatareus Ataba based mainly on capture native Spotted archerfish
Toxotes jaculatrix Ataba based mainly on capture native Banded archerfish
Upeneus tragula Batuhan native Freckled goatfish
Uropterygius macrocephalus based mainly on capture native Needle-tooth moray
Valenciennea strigata Bia based mainly on capture native Blueband goby
Xanthichthys auromarginatus Papakol based mainly on capture native Gilded triggerfish
Zanclus cornutus based mainly on capture native Moorish idol
Zebrasoma scopas based mainly on capture native Twotone tang
Zoramia gilberti Dangat based mainly on capture native Gilbert's cardinalfish
Zoramia leptacantha based mainly on capture native Threadfin cardinalfish
Species with potential for aquarium trade = 494
Scientific Name Local Name Aquarium Demand met by Occurrence Other Name
Abalistes stellaris Pakol native Starry triggerfish
Ablabys taenianotus based mainly on capture native Cockatoo waspfish
Abudefduf saxatilis Puyong dagat based mainly on capture misidentification Sergeant-major
Acanthurus achilles Indangan based mainly on capture questionable Achilles tang
Acanthurus bariene Indangan based mainly on capture native Black-spot surgeonfish
Acanthurus blochii Labahita based mainly on capture native Ringtail surgeonfish
Acanthurus dussumieri Eyestripe surgeonfish based mainly on capture native Eyestripe surgeonfish
Acanthurus fowleri native Fowler's surgeonfish
Acanthurus gahhm Indangan questionable Black surgeonfish
Acanthurus guttatus Indangan based mainly on capture native Whitespotted surgeonfish
Acanthurus japonicus Labahita native Japan surgeonfish
Acanthurus leucocheilus Labahita native Palelipped surgeonfish
Acanthurus leucopareius Labahita based mainly on capture native Whitebar surgeonfish
Acanthurus lineatus based mainly on capture native Lined surgeonfish
Acanthurus maculiceps Indangan based mainly on capture native White-freckled surgeonfish
Acanthurus mata Blue-lined surgeonfish based mainly on capture native Elongate surgeonfish
Acanthurus nigricauda based mainly on capture native Epaulette surgeonfish
Acanthurus nigrofuscus Brown surgeonfish based mainly on capture native Brown surgeonfish
Acanthurus nigroris Bluelined surgeonfish based mainly on capture native Bluelined surgeonfish
Acanthurus nubilus native Bluelined surgeon
Acanthurus olivaceus Orangespot surgeonfish based mainly on capture native Orangespot surgeonfish
Acanthurus pyroferus Labahita based mainly on capture native Chocolate surgeonfish
Acanthurus thompsoni Indangan based mainly on capture native Thompson's surgeonfish
Acanthurus triostegus Convict surgeonfish based mainly on capture native Convict surgeonfish
Acanthurus xanthopterus Labahita based mainly on capture native Yellowfin surgeonfish
Acreichthys tomentosus native Bristle-tail file-fish
Alectis ciliaris African pompano based mainly on capture native African pompano
Aluterus scriptus based mainly on capture native Scribbled leatherjacket filefish
Amblyeleotris fasciata Bia based mainly on capture native Red-banded prawn-goby
Amblyeleotris fontanesii Bia based mainly on capture native Giant prawn-goby
Amblyeleotris guttata Bia based mainly on capture native Spotted prawn-goby
Amblyeleotris gymnocephala based mainly on capture native Masked shrimpgoby
Amblyeleotris periophthalma Bia based mainly on capture native Periophthalma prawn-goby
Amblyeleotris randalli Bia based mainly on capture native Randall's prawn-goby
Amblyeleotris steinitzi Bia based mainly on capture native Steinitz' prawn-goby
Amblyeleotris wheeleri Bia based mainly on capture native Gorgeous prawn-goby
Amblyglyphidodon aureus based mainly on capture native Golden damselfish
Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster based mainly on capture native Yellowbelly damselfish
Amblygobius albimaculatus Bia based mainly on capture native Butterfly goby
Amblygobius decussatus Bia based mainly on capture native Orange-striped goby
Amblygobius nocturnus Bia based mainly on capture native Nocturn goby
Amblygobius phalaena based mainly on capture native Whitebarred goby
Amblygobius sphynx Bia based mainly on capture native Sphinx goby
Amphiprion akindynos based mainly on capture questionable Barrier reef anemonefish
Amphiprion chrysopterus based mainly on capture native Orangefin anemonefish
Amphiprion melanopus based mainly on capture native Fire clownfish
Amphiprion ocellaris based mainly on capture native Clown anemonefish
Amphiprion percula based mainly on capture native Orange clownfish
Amphiprion perideraion based mainly on capture native Pink anemonefish
Amphiprion sebae based mainly on capture questionable Sebae anemonefish
Amphiprion thiellei native Thielle's anemonefish
Anampses caeruleopunctatus Bluespotted tamarin based mainly on capture native Bluespotted wrasse
Anampses femininus based mainly on capture questionable Blue-striped orange tamarin
Anampses geographicus based mainly on capture native Geographic wrasse
Anampses melanurus based mainly on capture native White-spotted wrasse
Anampses meleagrides Dulas based mainly on capture native Spotted wrasse
Anampses neoguinaicus based mainly on capture native New Guinea wrasse
Anampses twistii based mainly on capture native Yellowbreasted wrasse
Antennarius maculatus based mainly on capture native Warty frogfish
Antennarius striatus based mainly on capture native Striated frogfish
Apogonichthyoides timorensis native Timor cardinalfish
Aprion virescens based mainly on capture native Green jobfish
Arothron caeruleopunctatus based mainly on capture native Blue-spotted puffer
Aspidontus dussumieri based mainly on capture native Lance blenny
Asterropteryx semipunctata Bia based mainly on capture native Starry goby
Atrosalarias holomelas based mainly on capture native Brown coral blenny
Aulostomus chinensis Chinese trumpetfish based mainly on capture native Chinese trumpetfish
Austrolebias nigripinnis based mainly on breeding introduced Blackfin pearlfish
Awaous grammepomus Bia native Scribbled goby
Balistoides conspicillum Clown triggerfish based mainly on capture native Clown triggerfish
Barbonymus gonionotus Silver barb based mainly on breeding introduced Silver barb
Bathygobius cocosensis Bia based mainly on capture native Cocos frill-goby
Blenniella chrysospilos based mainly on capture native Red-spotted blenny
Bodianus loxozonus based mainly on capture native Blackfin hogfish
Bodianus mesothorax Baga-baga based mainly on capture native Splitlevel hogfish
Bodianus oxycephalus based mainly on capture questionable
Bodianus perditio Batuan based mainly on capture questionable Golden-spot hogfish
Bolbometopon muricatum Loro based mainly on capture native Green humphead parrotfish
Bryaninops amplus Bia based mainly on capture native Large whip goby
Bryaninops natans Bia based mainly on capture native Redeye goby
Bryaninops tigris based mainly on capture native Black coral goby
Bryaninops yongei native Whip coral goby
Butis amboinensis Biyang sunog based mainly on capture native Olive flathead-gudgeon
Callionymus delicatulus native Delicate dragonet
Callogobius hasseltii Bia based mainly on capture native Hasselt's goby
Calotomus carolinus Mulmol based mainly on capture native Carolines parrotfish
Calotomus spinidens Isdang loro native Spinytooth parrotfish
Canthigaster amboinensis based mainly on capture native Spider-eye puffer
Canthigaster coronata based mainly on capture questionable Crowned puffer
Caracanthus maculatus based mainly on capture native Spotted coral croucher
Carassius carassius Wild goldfish based mainly on breeding introduced Crucian carp
Centriscus scutatus native Grooved razor-fish
Centropyge colini based mainly on capture native Cocos-Keeling angelfish
Centropyge loriculus based mainly on capture native Flame angel
Centropyge shepardi based mainly on capture questionable Mango angelfish
Centropyge venusta based mainly on capture native Purplemask angelfish
Chaetodon auripes Tapel based mainly on capture native Oriental butterflyfish
Chaetodon austriacus based mainly on capture questionable Blacktail butterflyfish
Chaetodon decussatus Indian vagabond butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Indian vagabond butterflyfish
Chaetodon falcula Paru-paro based mainly on capture questionable Blackwedged butterflyfish
Chaetodon fasciatus Paru-paro based mainly on capture questionable Diagonal butterflyfish
Chaetodon flavirostris based mainly on capture questionable Black butterflyfish
Chaetodon guentheri based mainly on capture native Crochet butterflyfish
Chaetodon modestus Paruparung dagat based mainly on capture native Brown-banded butterflyfish
Chaetodon nippon Japanese butterflyfish based mainly on capture native Japanese butterflyfish
Chaetodon ocellicaudus Paru-parung dagat based mainly on capture native Spot-tail butterflyfish
Chaetodon oxycephalus Paru-paro based mainly on capture native Spot-nape butterflyfish
Chaetodon rainfordi based mainly on capture questionable Rainford's butterflyfish
Chaetodon selene Paru-paro based mainly on capture native Yellow-dotted butterflyfish
Chaetodon striatus Paru-paro based mainly on capture questionable Banded butterflyfish
Chaetodon wiebeli based mainly on capture native Hongkong butterflyfish
Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus Blue-spotted angelfish based mainly on capture endemic Bluespotted angelfish
Chaetodontoplus chrysocephalus based mainly on capture native Orangeface angelfish
Cheilinus chlorourus Floral wrasse based mainly on capture native Floral wrasse
Chiloscyllium punctatum Pating based mainly on capture native Brownbanded bambooshark
Chitala chitala based mainly on breeding introduced Clown knifefish
Chitala ornata introduced Clown featherback
Chlorurus bleekeri based mainly on capture native Bleeker's parrotfish
Chlorurus frontalis Loro based mainly on capture native Pacific slopehead parrotfish
Chlorurus gibbus based mainly on capture misidentification Heavybeak parrotfish
Chlorurus perspicillatus based mainly on capture questionable Spectacled parrotfish
Choerodon azurio native Azurio tuskfish
Choerodon fasciatus based mainly on capture native Harlequin tuskfish
Choerodon jordani Maming based mainly on capture native Jordan's tuskfish
Chromis amboinensis Kapal based mainly on capture native Ambon chromis
Chromis analis based mainly on capture native Yellow chromis
Chromis atripes based mainly on capture native Dark-fin chromis
Chromis dimidiata Lidong sa malalim based mainly on capture questionable Chocolatedip chromis
Chromis elerae based mainly on capture native Twinspot chromis
Chromis iomelas based mainly on capture questionable Half-and-half chromis
Chromis leucura based mainly on capture native Whitetail chromis
Chromis lineata based mainly on capture native Lined chromis
Chromis margaritifer based mainly on capture native Bicolor chromis
Chromis xanthura based mainly on capture native Paletail chromis
Chrysiptera biocellata based mainly on capture native Twinspot damselfish
Chrysiptera brownriggii based mainly on capture native Surge damselfish
Chrysiptera caeruleolineata based mainly on capture native Blueline demoiselle
Chrysiptera cyanea based mainly on capture native Sapphire devil
Chrysiptera hemicyanea questionable Azure demoiselle
Chrysiptera oxycephala based mainly on capture native Blue-spot demoiselle
Chrysiptera tricincta based mainly on capture native Threeband damselfish
Chrysiptera unimaculata based mainly on capture native Onespot demoiselle
Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura based mainly on capture native Blueside wrasse
Cirrhilabrus exquisitus based mainly on capture native Exquisite wrasse
Cirrhilabrus lubbocki based mainly on capture native Lubbock's wrasse
Cirrhilabrus melanomarginatus based mainly on capture native Blackfin fairy-warsse
Cirrhilabrus punctatus questionable Dotted wrasse
Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis based mainly on capture native Redfin wrasse
Cirrhilabrus temminckii based mainly on capture native Threadfin wrasse
Cirripectes castaneus based mainly on capture native Chestnut eyelash-blenny
Cirripectes filamentosus based mainly on capture native Filamentous blenny
Cirripectes stigmaticus based mainly on capture native Red-streaked blenny
Cirripectes variolosus based mainly on capture native Red-speckled blenny
Congrogadus subducens Batad based mainly on capture native Carpet eel-blenny
Coptodon zillii Zill's tilapia based mainly on breeding introduced Redbelly tilapia
Coradion altivelis based mainly on capture native Highfin coralfish
Coradion chrysozonus based mainly on capture native Goldengirdled coralfish
Coradion melanopus based mainly on capture native Twospot coralfish
Coris dorsomacula based mainly on capture native Pale-barred coris
Coris picta based mainly on capture questionable Comb wrasse
Coris variegata Dapple coris based mainly on capture misidentification Dapple coris
Cryptocentrus cinctus Bia based mainly on capture native Yellow prawn-goby
Cryptocentrus fasciatus based mainly on capture native Y-bar shrimp goby
Cryptocentrus strigilliceps Bia based mainly on capture native Target shrimp goby
Ctenochaetus binotatus Labahita native Twospot surgeonfish
Ctenochaetus marginatus Striped-fin surgeonfish based mainly on capture questionable Striped-fin surgeonfish
Ctenochaetus striatus Mangangadlit based mainly on capture native Striated surgeonfish
Ctenochaetus strigosus Mangangadlit based mainly on capture questionable Spotted surgeonfish
Ctenogobiops aurocingulus Bia based mainly on capture native Gold-streaked prawn-goby
Ctenogobiops pomastictus Bia based mainly on capture native Gold-specked prawn-goby
Ctenogobiops tangaroai Bia based mainly on capture native Tangaroa shrimpgoby
Cyprinocirrhites polyactis native Swallowtail hawkfish
Cyprinus carpio Karpa based mainly on breeding introduced Common carp
Dactyloptena macracantha based mainly on capture native Spotwing flying gurnard
Dactyloptena orientalis based mainly on capture native Oriental flying gurnard
Dactylopus dactylopus based mainly on capture native Fingered dragonet
Dendrochirus biocellatus based mainly on capture native Twospot turkeyfish
Dermogenys pusilla Needle gar based mainly on breeding questionable Wrestling halfbeak
Diancistrus fuscus native Dusky brotulid
Dichotomyctere nigroviridis native Spotted green pufferfish
Diodon holocanthus Botiting laot based mainly on capture native Longspined porcupinefish
Diodon hystrix Botiting laot based mainly on capture native Spot-fin porcupinefish
Diproctacanthus xanthurus based mainly on capture native Yellowtail tubelip
Discordipinna griessingeri Bia native Spikefin goby
Drepane longimana Concertina fish native Concertina fish
Echeneis naucrates Live sharksucker based mainly on capture native Live sharksucker
Ecsenius aequalis based mainly on capture questionable Fourline blenny
Ecsenius bimaculatus based mainly on capture native Twinspot coralblenny
Ecsenius dilemma based mainly on capture endemic Twocoat coralblenny
Ecsenius lividanalis based mainly on capture native Blackspot coralblenny
Ecsenius melarchus based mainly on capture native Yellow-eyed comb-tooth
Ecsenius namiyei based mainly on capture native Black comb-tooth
Ecsenius oculus based mainly on capture native Ocular blenny
Ecsenius opsifrontalis based mainly on capture native Comical blenny
Ecsenius pictus based mainly on capture native White-lined comb-tooth
Ecsenius stigmatura based mainly on capture native Tailspot coralblenny
Ecsenius yaeyamaensis based mainly on capture native Yaeyama blenny
Eleotris acanthopoma based mainly on capture native Spinecheek gudgeon
Eleotris fusca Batingulo native Dusky sleeper
Ellochelon vaigiensis Bunti based mainly on capture native Squaretail mullet
Entomacrodus decussatus based mainly on capture native Wavy-lined blenny
Entomacrodus striatus based mainly on capture native Reef margin blenny
Eviota bifasciata Bia based mainly on capture native Twostripe Eviota
Eviota infulata Bia based mainly on capture native Epaulet dwarfgoby
Eviota nigriventris Bia based mainly on capture questionable Blackbelly goby
Eviota pellucida misidentification
Exyrias belissimus Bia based mainly on capture native Mud reef-goby
Exyrias puntang Bia based mainly on capture native Puntang goby
Festucalex erythraeus Dagum-dagum based mainly on capture native
Fibramia thermalis Dangat based mainly on capture native Half-barred cardinal
Foa brachygramma based mainly on capture misidentification Weed cardinalfish
Fundulus heteroclitus introduced Mummichog
Fusigobius neophytus Bia based mainly on capture native Common fusegoby
Fusigobius signipinnis Bia native Signalfin goby
Glaucostegus typus native Giant shovelnose ray
Glossogobius giuris Bia based mainly on capture native Tank goby
Glyptoparus delicatulus based mainly on capture native Delicate blenny
Gnathanodon speciosus Banlog based mainly on capture native Golden trevally
Gnatholepis cauerensis Bia native Eyebar goby
Gobiodon histrio Bia based mainly on capture native Broad-barred goby
Gobiodon okinawae Bia based mainly on capture native Okinawa goby
Gomphosus caeruleus based mainly on capture native Green birdmouth wrasse
Gunnellichthys curiosus based mainly on capture native Curious wormfish
Gunnellichthys pleurotaenia native Onestripe wormfish
Gymnothorax rueppelliae Malibanos native Banded moray
Halichoeres argus Argus wrasse based mainly on capture native Argus wrasse
Halichoeres binotopsis Labayan based mainly on capture native Saowisata wrasse
Halichoeres chloropterus based mainly on capture native Pastel-green wrasse
Halichoeres chrysus based mainly on capture native Canary wrasse
Halichoeres hartzfeldii Hartzfeld's wrasse based mainly on capture native Hartzfeld's wrasse
Halichoeres leucoxanthus based mainly on capture questionable Canarytop wrasse
Halichoeres margaritaceus based mainly on capture native Pink-belly wrasse
Halichoeres marginatus Labayan based mainly on capture native Dusky wrasse
Halichoeres melanochir based mainly on capture native Orangefin wrasse
Halichoeres melasmapomus based mainly on capture native Cheekspot wrasse
Halichoeres miniatus Circle-cheek wrasse based mainly on capture native Circle-cheek wrasse
Halichoeres nebulosus based mainly on capture native Nebulous wrasse
Halichoeres podostigma Axil spot wrasse based mainly on capture native Axil spot wrasse
Halichoeres prosopeion based mainly on capture native Twotone wrasse
Halichoeres scapularis Labayan based mainly on capture native Zigzag wrasse
Halichoeres timorensis based mainly on capture native Timor wrasse
Halichoeres trimaculatus Labayan based mainly on capture native Threespot wrasse
Halichoeres zeylonicus based mainly on capture native Goldstripe wrasse
Helcogramma striata based mainly on capture native Tropical striped triplefin
Hemigymnus fasciatus based mainly on capture native Barred thicklip
Hemitrygon akajei Pagi based mainly on capture questionable Whip stingray
Heniochus diphreutes based mainly on capture native False moorish idol
Heniochus pleurotaenia Paru-paro based mainly on capture questionable Phantom bannerfish
Heniochus singularius based mainly on capture native Singular bannerfish
Heteroconger hassi native Spotted garden-eel
Heteropriacanthus cruentatus Bullseye based mainly on capture native Glasseye
Hippocampus abdominalis based mainly on breeding questionable Big-belly seahorse
Hippocampus comes based mainly on capture native Tiger tail seahorse
Hippocampus histrix Kabayo-kabayohan based mainly on capture native Thorny seahorse
Hipposcarus harid based mainly on capture native Candelamoa parrotfish
Histrio histrio based mainly on capture native Sargassumfish
Hologymnosus annulatus based mainly on capture native Ring wrasse
Hoplolatilus chlupatyi based mainly on capture native Chameleon sand tilefish
Hoplolatilus fourmanoiri based mainly on capture native Yellow-spotted tilefish
Hoplolatilus marcosi based mainly on capture native Redback sand tilefish
Hoplolatilus purpureus based mainly on capture native Purple sand tilefish
Hypseleotris compressa questionable Empire gudgeon
Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish based mainly on capture introduced Channel catfish
Iniistius aneitensis based mainly on capture native Yellowblotch razorfish
Iniistius dea based mainly on capture native Blackspot razorfish
Iniistius pavo Mameng based mainly on capture native Peacock wrasse
Iniistius pentadactylus Five-finger wrasse based mainly on capture native Fivefinger wrasse
Istiblennius edentulus based mainly on capture native Rippled rockskipper
Istiblennius lineatus based mainly on capture native Lined rockskipper
Istigobius decoratus Bia based mainly on capture native Decorated goby
Istigobius goldmanni Bia based mainly on capture native Goldman's goby
Istigobius nigroocellatus Bia based mainly on capture native Black-spotted goby
Istigobius ornatus Bia native Ornate goby
Koumansetta hectori Bia based mainly on capture native Hector's goby
Kyphosus bigibbus Idek based mainly on capture native Brown chub
Labracinus cyclophthalmus based mainly on breeding native Fire-tail devil
Labrichthys unilineatus based mainly on capture native Tubelip wrasse
Labropsis alleni based mainly on capture native Allen's tubelip
Labropsis manabei native Northern tubelip
Labropsis micronesica based mainly on capture questionable Micronesian wrasse
Labropsis xanthonota based mainly on capture native Yellowback tubelip
Lactoria diaphana Kaban-kaban based mainly on capture native Roundbelly cowfish
Lagocephalus lunaris native Lunartail puffer
Lagocephalus sceleratus native Silver-cheeked toadfish
Laiphognathus multimaculatus based mainly on capture native Spotty blenny
Leptojulis cyanopleura based mainly on capture native Shoulder-spot wrasse
Leptoscarus vaigiensis Marbled parrotfish based mainly on capture native Marbled parrotfish
Lobotes surinamensis Atlantic tripletail native Tripletail
Lubbockichthys multisquamatus native Fine-scaled dottyback
Lutjanus decussatus Checkered snapper based mainly on capture native Checkered snapper
Lutjanus fulvus Bangbangin based mainly on capture native Blacktail snapper
Lutjanus quinquelineatus Five-lined snapper based mainly on capture native Five-lined snapper
Luzonichthys waitei native Waite's splitfin
Macolor niger Black & white snapper native Black and white snapper
Macropharyngodon ornatus based mainly on capture native False leopard
Mahidolia mystacina Bia based mainly on capture native Flagfin prawn goby
Malacanthus latovittatus Matang dagat based mainly on capture native Blue blanquillo
Manonichthys splendens misidentification Splendid dottyback
Meiacanthus anema based mainly on capture native Threadless blenny
Meiacanthus vittatus based mainly on capture questionable One-striped fangblenny
Melichthys indicus based mainly on capture questionable Indian triggerfish
Melichthys niger Pakol based mainly on capture native Black triggerfish
Microphis brachyurus Dagum-dagum based mainly on capture native Short-tailed pipefish
Mistichthys luzonensis Sinarapan endemic
Monopterus albus native Asian swamp eel
Monotaxis grandoculis Bitilya based mainly on capture native Humpnose big-eye bream
Mulloidichthys flavolineatus Saramulyete native Yellowstripe goatfish
Mylossoma duriventre questionable
Myrichthys maculosus based mainly on capture native Tiger snake eel
Myripristis amaena Baga-baga native Brick soldierfish
Myripristis botche Baga-baga native Blacktip soldierfish
Narcine timlei based mainly on capture native Spotted numbfish
Naso annulatus Whitemargin native Whitemargin unicornfish
Naso hexacanthus Isdang ilong based mainly on capture native Sleek unicornfish
Naso lituratus Orangespine unicornfish based mainly on capture native Orangespine unicornfish
Naso lopezi Elongate unicornfish based mainly on capture native Elongate unicornfish
Naso thynnoides Oneknife unicornfish native Oneknife unicornfish
Naso unicornis Bluespine unicornfish based mainly on capture native Bluespine unicornfish
Neocirrhites armatus based mainly on capture native Flame hawkfish
Neopomacentrus azysron based mainly on capture native Yellowtail demoiselle
Neosynchiropus ocellatus Bunog native Ocellated dragonet
Novaculoides macrolepidotus Mameng based mainly on capture native Seagrass wrasse
Odonus niger based mainly on capture native Red-toothed triggerfish
Ogilbyina queenslandiae questionable Queensland dottyback
Omobranchus ferox based mainly on capture native Gossamer blenny
Ophiocara porocephala Matapolo based mainly on capture native Northern mud gudgeon
Oplopomus oplopomus Bia based mainly on capture native Spinecheek goby
Oreochromis aureus Tilapia based mainly on breeding introduced Blue tilapia
Oreochromis spilurus based mainly on breeding introduced Sabaki tilapia
Oryzias luzonensis Coscosleng endemic
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Silver arowana based mainly on breeding questionable Arawana
Ostorhinchus aureus Bungka based mainly on capture native Ring-tailed cardinalfish
Ostorhinchus cyanosoma Dangat based mainly on breeding native Yellowstriped cardinalfish
Ostorhinchus taeniophorus Dangat native Reef-flat cardinalfish
Ostracion solorensis native Reticulate boxfish
Oxycheilinus celebicus Celebes wrasse based mainly on capture native Celebes wrasse
Oxycheilinus digramma Cheeklined wrasse based mainly on capture native Cheeklined wrasse
Oxycheilinus orientalis Mameng based mainly on capture native Oriental maori wrasse
Oxyjulis californica based mainly on capture questionable Señorita
Oxymetopon compressus based mainly on capture native Robust ribbongoby
Oxymetopon cyanoctenosum based mainly on capture native Blue-barred ribbon goby
Oxyurichthys microlepis Bia based mainly on capture native Maned goby
Oxyurichthys papuensis Bia based mainly on capture native Frogface goby
Paracentropogon longispinis based mainly on capture native Wispy waspfish
Parachaetodon ocellatus Paru-paro based mainly on capture native Sixspine butterflyfish
Paracheilinus carpenteri based mainly on capture native Pink flasher
Paracheilinus filamentosus based mainly on capture native Filamentous wrasse
Paracheilinus lineopunctatus based mainly on capture native Spot-lined flasher
Parachromis managuensis Managuense introduced Jaguar guapote
Paragobiodon echinocephalus Bia based mainly on capture native Redhead goby
Paragobiodon xanthosoma Bia based mainly on capture native Emerald coral goby
Parajulis poecilepterus Buntogon based mainly on capture questionable
Parapercis hexophtalma based mainly on capture native Speckled sandperch
Parapercis schauinslandii based mainly on capture native Redspotted sandperch
Parapercis tetracantha based mainly on capture native Reticulated sandperch
Parapercis xanthozona based mainly on capture native Yellowbar sandperch
Parapterois heterura based mainly on capture native Blackfoot firefish
Paratrypauchen microcephalus based mainly on capture native Comb goby
Parma polylepis based mainly on capture native Banded parma
Parupeneus forsskali questionable Red Sea goatfish
Parupeneus macronemus Long-barbel goatfish native Long-barbel goatfish
Pastinachus sephen Page based mainly on capture native Cowtail stingray
Pempheris adusta native Dusky sweeper
Pempheris oualensis native Silver sweeper
Periophthalmus argentilineatus Bia based mainly on capture native Barred mudskipper
Periophthalmus barbarus based mainly on capture native Atlantic mudskipper
Pervagor melanocephalus Sulay bagyo based mainly on capture native Redtail filefish
Petroscirtes breviceps based mainly on capture native Striped poison-fang blenny mimic
Petroscirtes mitratus based mainly on capture native Floral blenny
Petroscirtes xestus based mainly on capture native Xestus sabretooth blenny
Pholidichthys leucotaenia based mainly on capture native Convict blenny
Pictichromis diadema native Diadem dottyback
Platax batavianus Dahong-gabi native Humpback batfish
Plectroglyphidodon dickii based mainly on capture native Blackbar devil
Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus based mainly on capture native Whitespotted devil
Plectroglyphidodon leucozonus based mainly on capture native Singlebar devil
Plectroglyphidodon phoenixensis based mainly on capture native Phoenix devil
Plesiops coeruleolineatus native Crimsontip longfin
Plesiops corallicola native Bluegill longfin
Plotosus lineatus Ito based mainly on capture native Striped eel catfish
Poecilia reticulata Guppy based mainly on breeding introduced Guppy
Polydactylus sexfilis based mainly on capture native Sixfinger threadfin
Pomacentrus bankanensis based mainly on capture native Speckled damselfish
Pomacentrus melanochir Palata based mainly on capture native Indonesian damsel
Pomacentrus vaiuli based mainly on capture native Ocellate damselfish
Priacanthus blochii Siga native Paeony bulleye
Priolepis boreus based mainly on capture questionable
Priolepis cincta Bia based mainly on capture native Banded reef goby
Priolepis semidoliata Bia based mainly on capture native Half-barred goby
Pristotis obtusirostris based mainly on capture native Gulf damselfish
Pseudanthias bicolor based mainly on capture native Bicolor anthias
Pseudanthias huchtii native Red-cheeked fairy basslet
Pseudanthias hypselosoma native Stocky anthias
Pseudanthias lori native Lori's anthias
Pseudanthias randalli native Randall's fairy basslet
Pseudanthias smithvanizi native Princess anthias
Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus native Yellowmargin triggerfish
Pseudobalistes fuscus Papakol based mainly on capture native Yellow-spotted triggerfish
Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia based mainly on capture native Four-lined wrasse
Pseudochromis cyanotaenia native Surge dottyback
Pseudochromis fuscus native Brown dottyback
Pseudocoris yamashiroi based mainly on capture native Redspot wrasse
Pseudodax moluccanus based mainly on capture native Chiseltooth wrasse
Pseudojuloides cerasinus based mainly on capture native Smalltail wrasse
Pseudolabrus japonicus based mainly on capture questionable
Pseudomonacanthus macrurus Pakol native Strap-weed file-fish
Pseudoplesiops typus native Hidden basslet
Pseudotriacanthus strigilifer Sungay-sungayan native Long-spined tripodfish
Pteragogus cryptus native Cryptic wrasse
Pteragogus flagellifer based mainly on capture native Cocktail wrasse
Ptereleotris evides based mainly on capture native Blackfin dartfish
Ptereleotris grammica native Lined dartfish
Ptereleotris hanae based mainly on capture native Blue hana goby
Ptereleotris heteroptera based mainly on capture native Blacktail goby
Ptereleotris microlepis based mainly on capture native Blue gudgeon
Ptereleotris uroditaenia native Flagtail dartfish
Ptereleotris zebra based mainly on capture native Chinese zebra goby
Pterois miles based mainly on capture questionable Devil firefish
Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus introduced Vermiculated sailfin catfish
Pterygoplichthys pardalis introduced Amazon sailfin catfish
Rhinopias eschmeyeri based mainly on capture native Eschmeyer's scorpionfish
Rhinopias frondosa based mainly on capture native Weedy scorpionfish
Salarias ceramensis Anay-anay based mainly on capture native Seram blenny
Salarias fasciatus based mainly on capture native Jewelled blenny
Salarias guttatus based mainly on capture native Breast-spot blenny
Sargocentron diadema Crown squirrelfish based mainly on capture native Crown squirrelfish
Sarotherodon melanotheron based mainly on breeding introduced Blackchin tilapia
Scarus dimidiatus based mainly on capture native Yellowbarred parrotfish
Scarus dubius Yapot based mainly on capture questionable Regal parrot
Scarus flavipectoralis Loro based mainly on capture native Yellowfin parrotfish
Scarus globiceps Globehead parrotfish native Globehead parrotfish
Scarus hypselopterus Java parrotfish based mainly on capture native Yellow-tail parrotfish
Scarus oviceps Darkcapped parrotfish based mainly on breeding native Dark capped parrotfish
Scarus prasiognathos Loro based mainly on capture native Singapore parrotfish
Scarus schlegeli Loro based mainly on capture native Yellowband parrotfish
Scarus tricolor based mainly on capture native Tricolour parrotfish
Schismatogobius deraniyagalai based mainly on capture native Redneck goby
Scolopsis ghanam Arabian monocle bream based mainly on capture questionable Arabian monocle bream
Scorpaenodes parvipinnis based mainly on capture native Lowfin scorpionfish
Scuticaria tigrina Malibanos based mainly on capture native Tiger reef-eel
Serranocirrhitus latus native Hawkfish anthias
Siganus argenteus native Streamlined spinefoot
Siganus corallinus Balangin native Blue-spotted spinefoot
Siganus javus Lusay native Streaked spinefoot
Siganus lineatus Balanglin native Golden-lined spinefoot
Siganus puellus Balawis native Masked spinefoot
Siganus spinus Balawis batuhan native Little spinefoot
Siganus unimaculatus based mainly on capture native Blotched foxface
Siganus vermiculatus Dangit based mainly on capture native Vermiculated spinefoot
Siganus virgatus Balangin based mainly on capture native Barhead spinefoot
Siganus vulpinus based mainly on capture native Foxface
Signigobius biocellatus Bia based mainly on capture native Twinspot goby
Solenostomus armatus native Armored pipefish
Stanulus seychellensis based mainly on capture native Seychelle's blenny
Stegastes leucostictus based mainly on capture questionable Beaugregory
Stegastes variabilis based mainly on capture error Cocoa damselfish
Stethojulis interrupta Mameng based mainly on capture native Cutribbon wrasse
Stethojulis trilineata based mainly on capture native Three-lined rainbowfish
Stiphodon semoni based mainly on capture native
Stonogobiops nematodes Bia based mainly on capture native Filament-finned prawn-goby
Stonogobiops xanthorhinica based mainly on capture native Yellownose prawn-goby
Suezichthys gracilis based mainly on capture native Slender wrasse
Sufflamen chrysopterum Halfmoon triggerfish based mainly on capture native Halfmoon triggerfish
Sufflamen fraenatum Masked triggerfish based mainly on capture native Masked triggerfish
Symphorichthys spilurus Maya maya based mainly on capture native Sailfin snapper
Synchiropus morrisoni native Morrison's dragonet
Synchiropus splendidus Bunog based mainly on capture native Mandarinfish
Synodus intermedius Kalaso based mainly on capture questionable Sand diver
Thalassoma quinquevittatum based mainly on capture native Fivestripe wrasse
Trichonotus setiger based mainly on capture native Spotted sand-diver
Trimma naudei native Naude's rubble goby
Trimma striatum Bia based mainly on capture native Stripehead goby
Trimma tevegae native Blue-striped cave goby
Upeneus sulphureus Putikan native Sulphur goatfish
Upeneus vittatus Saramuliete native Yellowstriped goatfish
Uranoscopus bicinctus based mainly on capture native Marbled stargazer
Uranoscopus japonicus based mainly on capture native
Uropterygius concolor Payangitan based mainly on capture native Unicolor snake moray
Valenciennea helsdingenii Bia based mainly on capture native Twostripe goby
Valenciennea immaculata native Red-lined sleeper
Valenciennea longipinnis Bia based mainly on capture native Long-finned goby
Valenciennea muralis Bia based mainly on capture native Mural goby
Valenciennea puellaris based mainly on capture native Maiden goby
Valenciennea sexguttata Bia based mainly on capture native Sixspot goby
Valenciennea wardii native Ward's sleeper
Vanderhorstia ambanoro based mainly on capture native Ambanoro prawn-goby
Vanderhorstia mertensi native Mertens' prawn-goby
Vanderhorstia ornatissima based mainly on capture native Ornate prawn-goby
Wetmorella nigropinnata based mainly on capture native Sharpnose wrasse
Xenocephalus elongatus based mainly on capture native
Xenojulis margaritaceus Mameng based mainly on capture native Finspot wrasse
Xiphasia setifer based mainly on capture native Hairtail blenny
Zebrasoma flavescens Labahita based mainly on capture native Yellow tang
Zebrasoma velifer Sailfin tang based mainly on capture native Sailfin tang
Note: There may be more common names for a specific fish. To get more information, click on a particular species to see the species summary page. Under 'More information', click on 'Common names'.
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cfm script by eagbayani, 05.02.02 ,  php script by cmilitante, 03/26/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 03/29/2010