Cyprinella lutrensis in USA
Point map (Cyprinella lutrensis) | Occurrence records | Field guide | Gazetteer | Country Species Summary
Main Ref.
Also Ref.
Occurrence native
Importance Ref.
Aquaculture Ref.
Regulations Ref.
Freshwater Yes
Brackish No
Saltwater No
Live export
Bait No
Gamefish No
Abundance abundant (always seen in some numbers) Ref. Page, L.M. and B.M. Burr, 1991

Recorded from the Mississippi River basin; native westward to Rio Grande drainage (Ref. 10294). Absent in Ozark and Ouachita uplands. Widely introduced elsewhere in USA (Ref. 5723, 10294). Type locality: Otter Creek, tributary of the North Fork of the Red River, Kiowa or Tillman County, Oklahoma (Ref. 79012).

Status of threat of Cyprinella lutrensis blairi: extinct. Criteria: 1,5 ( (Ref. 81264).

States/Provinces Colorado (native), Indiana (native), Louisiana (native), Missouri (native), New Mexico (native), Oklahoma (native), South Dakota (native), Tennessee (native), Texas (native), Wisconsin (native), Wyoming (native)
States/Provinces Complete? No
National Checklist
Country information
(e.g. 9948)
( e.g. cephalopods )
Entered by Froese, Rainer
Modified by Torres, Armi G.
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