Acheilognathus macropterus in China
Point map (Acheilognathus macropterus) | Occurrence records | Field guide | Gazetteer | Country Species Summary
Main Ref.
Also Ref.
Occurrence native
Importance Ref.
Aquaculture Ref.
Regulations Ref.
Freshwater Yes
Brackish Yes
Saltwater No
Live export
Bait No
Gamefish No
Abundance Ref.

Found in the drainages of Dong Jiang and Bei Jiang in Guangdong Province and drainages in Hainan Island and their river mouths (Ref. 33366). Known from Heilongjiang to Hong River basin (Ref. 44416). Recorded from Guangdong ( Lianzhou, Yangshan); Jiangxi Fanyang Lake; Shangha Cityi; Jiangsu Tai Lake; Anhui Linghuaiguan; Hubei:( Dong Lake, Liangzi Lake, Hong Lake, Shashi); Hunan Dongting Lake; Shanxi Zhouzhi; Heilongjiang Songhuajiang (Ref. 33793). Also Ref. 35840.

States/Provinces Heilongjiang (native)
States/Provinces Complete? No
National Checklist
Country information
(e.g. 9948)
( e.g. cephalopods )
Entered by Garilao, Cristina V.
Modified by Yue, Hao
Checked by Yue, Hao
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99, php script by rolavides, 2/4/2008 ,  last modified by sortiz, 06.27.17