Short Name: | Stradd. /Highly Migr. Fish St. Agr. |
Full Name: | Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks |
Purpose: | fisheries |
Established: | 04-Aug-1995 |
Entered into force: | |
Type: | agreement, multi-lateral |
Place where established: | New York, USA |
Schedule to expire: | |
Goals and Objectives: | The Agreement on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks is part of the implementation of the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) |
Related Legislation: | |
Internet source: | |
Country | Status | Year |
Argentina | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Australia | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Austria | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
Bahamas | ratified | 16-Jan-1997 |
Bangladesh | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Belgium | ratified | 03-Oct-1996 |
Belize | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Brazil | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Burkina Faso | ratified | 15-Oct-1996 |
Canada | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
China | ratified | 06-Nov-1996 |
Côte d'Ivoire | ratified | 24-Jan-1996 |
Denmark | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
Egypt | ratified | 05-Dec-1995 |
European Union | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
Fiji | ratified | 12-Dec-1996 |
Finland | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
France | ratified | 04-Dec-1996 |
Gabon | ratified | 07-Oct-1996 |
Germany, Fed. Rep. | ratified | 28-Aug-1996 |
Greece | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
Guinea-Bissau | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Iceland | ratified | 14-Feb-1997 |
Indonesia | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Ireland | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
Israel | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
Italy | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
Jamaica | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Japan | ratified | 19-Nov-1996 |
Korea, D.P.R. of | ratified | 26-Nov-1996 |
Luxembourg | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
Maldives | ratified | 08-Oct-1996 |
Marshall Islands | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Mauritania | ratified | 21-Dec-1995 |
Mauritius | ratified | 25-Mar-1997 |
Micronesia, Fed. States of | ratified | 23-May-1997 |
Morocco | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Namibia | ratified | 19-Apr-1996 |
Nauru | ratified | 10-Jan-1997 |
Netherlands | ratified | 28-Jun-1996 |
New Zealand | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Niue | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Norway | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Pakistan | ratified | 15-Feb-1996 |
Papua New Guinea | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Philippines | ratified | 30-Aug-1996 |
Portugal | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
Russian Federation | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
Saint Lucia | ratified | 12-Dec-1995 |
Samoa | ratified | 25-Oct-1996 |
Senegal | ratified | 30-Jan-1997 |
Seychelles | ratified | 04-Dec-1996 |
Solomon Islands | ratified | 13-Feb-1997 |
Spain | ratified | 03-Dec-1996 |
Sri Lanka | ratified | 24-Oct-1996 |
Sweden | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
Tonga | ratified | 31-Jul-1996 |
Uganda | ratified | 10-Oct-1996 |
Ukraine | ratified | 04-Dec-1995 |
United Kingdom | ratified | 27-Jun-1996 |
Uruguay | ratified | 16-Jan-1996 |
USA (contiguous states) | ratified | 21-Aug-1996 |
Vanuatu | ratified | 23-Jul-1996 |
Language |
Arabic |
English |
French |
Mandarin Chinese |
Russian |
Spanish |
Species |
Auxis rochei |
Auxis thazard |
Cetorhinus maximus |
Cololabis adocetus |
Cololabis saira |
Coryphaena equiselis |
Coryphaena hippurus |
Euthynnus affinis |
Euthynnus alletteratus |
Hexanchus griseus |
Istiophorus albicans |
Katsuwonus pelamis |
Makaira indica |
Makaira mazara |
Makaira nigricans |
Rhincodon typus |
Scomberesox saurus saurus |
Scomberesox saurus scombroides |
Tetrapturus albidus |
Tetrapturus angustirostris |
Tetrapturus belone |
Tetrapturus georgii |
Tetrapturus pfluegeri |
Thunnus alalunga |
Thunnus albacares |
Thunnus atlanticus |
Thunnus maccoyii |
Thunnus thynnus thynnus |
Xiphias gladius |
Secretariat's address | Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea Office of Legal Affairs United Nations New York, NY 10017 USA |
Telephone | |
Fax | +1-212 963 5847 | | |
Home Page | |