Short Name: | PICES |
Full Name: | North Pacific Marine Science Organization |
Purpose: | general |
Established: | 12-Dec-1990 |
Entered into force: | 24-Mar-1992 |
Type: | body, multi-lateral |
Place where established: | Ottawa, Canada |
Schedule to expire: | |
Goals and Objectives: | The purposes of the organization are to promote and coordinate marine research in the Northern Pacific and adjacent seas especially northward of 30 degrees North; advance scientific knowledge about the ocean environment, global weather and climate change; and promote the collection and rapid exchange of scientific information on there issues. |
Related Legislation: | [12 Dec 1990] Convention for a North Pacific Marine Science Organization |
Internet source: | # |
Country | Status | Year |
Canada | ratified | 22-Oct-1991 |
China | ratified | 31-Aug-1992 |
Japan | ratified | 24-Jan-1992 |
Korea, R. of | ratified | 30-Jul-1995 |
Russian Federation | ratified | 16-Dec-1994 |
USA (contiguous states) | ratified | 06-Dec-1991 |
Language |
English |
French |
No species found
Secretariat's address | PICES Secretariat c/o Institute of Ocean Sciences P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, B.C., Canada. V8L 4B2 |
Telephone | +1-250 363-6366 |
Fax | +1-250 363-6827 | | |
Home Page | # |