Diff. spec., usually fresh water, but some afflicted species are marine. Very common in Asia and Europe. |
Irritation in the skin, abnormal slime excretion, scrapping against objects, parasite 5 mm in diameter, flat and oval, area of feeding: ulcer and marginal welt, scales raised and loose. |
Remove fish lice from affected fish by means of forceps, but if individual treatment of the fish would be ineffective, treatment with potassium permanganate(4-5 mg/l) may be tried. Neguvon (Dipterex, Dylox, Chlorophos, Masoten) 0.25-1.0ppm (g/l) in ponds (CAUTION- kills all crustaceans). Remove fish lice from affected fish by means of forceps, but if individual Ctenopharyngodon after a 24 hr exposure, with no effect on the fish. |
Keeping the fish in optimal conditions to maintain great resistance. |
There are about 130 species of Argulus recorded. Recent experiments show wrasse reduce fish lice problems in salmon cages at the rate of one wrasse to 50 salmon. Can be a disease vector. A. foliaceus known to transmit nematode Argachanus which is parasitic on Scardinius (Grabda 1991). |
low (less than 10 %) |