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Definition of Term

Graphical User Interface
(english) Computer software that is controlled by the user by the selection of options and symbols from a pictorial presentation on the computer screen (Microsoft's Windows is the most frequently seen example). The contrasting approach is a 'command line' interface. (See also: IT, software)
interface graphique d'utilisateur
(french) Logiciel informatique contrôlé par l'utilisateur grâce à des symboles illustrés sur l'écran de l'ordinateur (l’exemple le plus fréquemment connu est celui de Microsoft Windows). L'approche opposée est l'interface utilisant des lignes de commande. (See also: IT, software)
Interface de gráficos
(portuguese) Software que é controlado pelo operador selecionando opções e simbolos presentes em barras de comando existentes no ecrã do monitor. O Windows da Microsoft é o mais conhecido. (See also: IT, software)

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