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English Abbr. French Spanish Portuguese
abdominal keel, keel
Aholeholes crocros, poissons-pavillons Aholeholes Kuliídeos
akaryotic acaryotique acariótica acariótico
Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, Alaska Fisheries Science Center AFSC Centro de Ciencia Pesquera de Alaska, Seattle Centro de Ciências das Pescas do Alasca, Seatlle
alkaline alcalin
alkalinity alcalinité
allotrophic lake, lake
American Museum of Natural History, New York, Museum of Natural History, New York, of Natural History, New York AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New York American Museum of Natural History, New York. Museu Americano de História Natural, Nova Iorque
Angel sharks, sharks anges de mer angelotes Esquatinídeos
animal kingdom, kingdom royaume animal reino animal Reino Animal
anonymous work, work travail anonyme trabajo anónimo trabalho anónimo
aplacental yolksac viviparity, yolksac viviparity, viviparity
Arbroath smokie, smokie
Aringhe alla Bismarck, alla Bismarck, Bismarck
Arkansas State University Museum, Arkansas State University Museum ASUMZ Arkansas State University Museum Arkansas State University Museum Museu Universitário do Arcansas
Arkansas Tech Fish Collection, Arkansas Tech Fish Collection ATFC Arkansas Tech Fish Collection Arkansas Tech Fish Collection Colecção Ictiológica da Universidade do Arcansas
athalassohaline lake
Atlantic Reference Centre, New Brunswick, Atlantic Reference Centre ARC Atlantic Reference Centre, New Brunswick Atlantic Reference Centre, New Brunswick Centro de Referências Atlântico, Nova Brunswick
Auckland Institute and Museum, Institute and Museum, and Museum AIM
Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska, Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory ABL Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Laboratório de Pescas de Auke Bay, Alaska
autotrophic lake, lake
available work, work travail disponible trabajo disponible trabalho disponível
axial skeleton, skeleton
back arching, arching
backlar spine
backscattering réverbération dispersión reverberação
backward en arrière atrás para trás
Baikal oilfishes, oilfishes comefóridos? Comeforídeo
baker’s yeast, yeast
Balik keki, keki
Balik köftesi, köftesi
Bamboo sharks, sharks requins chabots hemiscíllidos; tiburones bambú? Hemiscilídeo
bank banc banco banco
bar marks, marks
Barbeled houndsharks, houndsharks émissoles barbues leptocáridos? Leptocarídeos
barr mark
Barreleyes or spookfishes, or spookfishes, spookfishes opistopróctidos? Opistoproctídeos
basket trap, trap
Basking sharks, sharks pèlerins cetorrínidos; tiburones peregrino? Cetorinídeo
baulk net
beachrock grès de plage playa rocosa rocha constituída por duna consolidada
Beaked salmons, salmons caduchons gonorrínquidos; salmones picudos Gonorrinquídeo
benchmark référence punto de referencia marca de teste
bicarbonate alkalinity, alkalinity
biological clock, clock
Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas A & I University, Ichthyological Collection TAIC Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville Depertamento de Biologia, Universidade do Texas, Kingsville
Bismarck haring, haring
Bismarck Sea
Bismarck sild, sild
Bismark herring, herring
Bismark ringasi, ringasi
Bizmark heringa, heringa
Black dragonfishes, dragonfishes idiacanthidés peces dragón negros; idiacántidos Idiacantídeo
black fish
black mud, mud
black salmon
Black Sea
black spot, spot
Blind sharks, sharks requins aveugles des roches braquielúridos; tiburones ciegos? Braquiaelurídeos
block bloc bloque bloco
block eye, eye ringot
block slope, slope pente rocailleuse talud de bloques vertente de blocos
Bombay Duck
Bonnethead sharks, sharks requins-marteaux peces martillo Esfirnídeo
Boxfishes (cowfish and trunkfish), (cowfish and trunkfish), and trunkfish) coffres ostrácidos; peces cofre? Ostraciídeos
brackish saumâtre salobre salobra
brackish water, water eau saumâtre agua salobre água salobra
Bramble sharks, sharks squales bouclés equinorrínidos? Equinorrinídeos
breeding stock
Broken fish, fish
broodstock stock de reproducteurs stock de cría; stock de cultivo stock reprodutor
buckler bouclier escudo placas ósseas
bulk food, food
Bulk stowage, stowage
Bullhead sharks, sharks requins dormeurs bouledogues heterodóntidos; tiburones toro? Heterodontídeo
carbonate alkalinity, alkalinity
Carpet or nurse sharks, or nurse sharks, nurse sharks requins-tapis ou requins-nourrices tiburones nodriza; orectolóbidos 0rectolobídeo
Cat sharks, sharks roussettes esciliorrínidos; tiburones gato? Silorrinídeos
caudal keel, keel carène caudale quilla caudal espinho caudal
cheek joue mejilla bochecha
cheek height, height
Chuckchi Sea
Chulalongkorn University Museum, University Museum, Museum CUMZ
clasper hooks, hooks
Codfish brick, brick
Cods and haddocks, and haddocks, haddocks gades ou morues bacalaos, gádidos Gadídeos
cold smoked, smoked fumé à froid ahumado en frío fumado
Cold-smoked fish, fish
Collared carpet sharks, carpet sharks, sharks requins carpettes à collerette parascílidos? Parascilídeo
conserved work, work travail conservé trabajo conservado trabalho validado pela Comissão
Cornell University, New York, Cornell University CU Cornell University, New York Cornell University, New York Universidade de Cornell, Nova Iorque
Cow sharks, sharks grisets et perlons hexánchidos; tiburones vaca? Hexanquídeo
crab cakes, cakes
crab sticks, sticks
cryogenic lake, lake
Cusk-eels abadèches ofídidos? Ofidiídeos
dark body color, body color, color
dark meat
Dark spotted moray, spotted moray, moray
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University BSKU Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University
Deutscher Kaviar, Kaviar
diacritic mark, mark signe diacritique signo diacrítico? marca diacrítica
dichotomous key, key clave dicotómica
disk length, length
disk width
Dogfish sharks, sharks aiguillats escuálidos? Esqualídeos
Dottybacks pseudocrómidos Pseucromídeos
Drums or croakers, or croakers, croakers tambours esciaénidos; roncadores? Sienídeos
Dubbel gerookte steurharing, gerookte steurharing, steurharing
Duckbill eels, eels nessos netastomátidos? Netastomídeos
Duckbills spatules percófidos? Percofídeos
Duke University, North Carolina, Duke University DU Duke University, North Carolina Duke University, North Carolina Universidade de Duke, Carolina do Norte
dusky sombre oscuro; sombrío cinzento
Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky University EUK Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky Universidade de Kentucky Este
Ekman circulation
Ekman current meter, current meter, meter
Ekman spiral, spiral
electrophoretic marker, marker marqueur électrophorétique marcador electroforético marcador electroforético
endoskeleton endosquelette endoesqueleto
Engelse bokking, bokking
eukaryotic eucaryote eucariota eucariótico
exoskeleton exosquelette exoesqueleto
eye fork length, fork length, length distance de l'oeil à la fourche longitud ojo - furca Comprimento olho-furca
eyestalks pédoncules oculaires
False catsharks, catsharks requins à longue dorsale pseudotriákidos; falsos tiburones gato Pseudotriaquídeo
Featherbacks or knifefishes, or knifefishes, knifefishes poissons-couteaux ou notoptéridés notoptéridos Notopterídeos
feedback circuit, circuit
fin skeletons, skeletons
Finback catsharks, catsharks proscílidos Prosciliídeos
Finnan haddock, haddock
Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki, Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki, of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki MZH Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki Museu Filandês de História Natural, Museu Zoológico, Helsínquia
fish block, block bloc de poisson bloque de pescado filete em blocos
Fish cake, cake
Fish flakes, flakes
fish kill, kill
fish rake, rake
Fish sticks, sticks
fish tank, tank
Fisheries Research Station, Kyoto University, Research Station, Kyoto University, Station, Kyoto University FRSKU Fisheries Research Station, Kyoto University
fishing tackle
Flaked cod fish, cod fish, fish
fluke bar
fork length, length FL longueur à la fourche longitud furcal comprimento Àfurca
forked fourchu ahorquillado furcado
forked caudal fin, caudal fin, fin nageoire caudale fourchue aleta caudal ahorquillada?? barbatana caudal furcada
Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Frankfurt SMF Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt
foul hooked
founding stock, stock souche primaire stock fundacional, stock original?? stock fundador
Frilled sharks, sharks requins frangés clamidoselácidos Clamidoselaquídeos
Fukuoda University of Education, University of Education, of Education FUE Fukuoda University of Education
Full pickle fish, pickle fish, fish
furiotile lake
fyke net, net verveux butrón?? rede de enguias
Gaspévirket klipfisk, klipfisk
gastropod mollusks, molluscs mollusques gastéropodes
Gebakken bokking, bokking
Gebakken gemarineerde haring, gemarineerde haring, haring
Gekruide pilchards, pilchards
gene bank, bank banque de gènes banco de genes banco de genes
genetic marker, marker marqueur génétique marcador genético marcador genético
Georges Bank, Bank Banc Georges Banco Georges
Gerookte haaiwangen, haaiwangen
gill raker counts, raker counts, counts nombre de branchiospines recuento de branquispinas
gill rakers, rakers branchiospines branquispinas branquiespinhas
glacial lake
granular yolk, yolk
Gulf of Alaska
Haddock chowder, chowder
Hakes and burbots, and burbots, burbots merlus et lottes lótidos Lotídeos
halfbeak stage, stage
Halfbeaks demi-becs hemirrámfidos Hemirranfídeo
Hammerhead sharks, sharks requins marteaux esfírnidos, tiburones martillo Esfirnídeos
Hard smoked fish, smoked fish, fish
Hawkfishes éperviers cirrítidos Cirritídeos
Heincke's law
Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries, Minato-machi, Japan, Univ., Laboratory of Marine Zoology, Laboratory of Marine Zoology HUMZ Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries, Minato-machi, Japan Universidade de Hokaido, Faculdade das pescas, Minato-machi, Japão
homogenous yolk, yolk vitellin homogène
Horn sharks, sharks requins-dormeurs heterodóntidos Heterodontídeos
hot smoked, smoked fumé à chaud ahumado en caliente fumado a quente
Houndsharks émissoles triáquidos Triaquídeos
humic lake
Hvidvirket klipfisk, klipfisk
hyperlink lien hypertexte hiperlink?? hyperlinks
ichthyoplankton ichtyoplancton ictioplancton ictioplâncton
identification key
ikijime ikijime ikjime ikijime
indigenous knowledge, knowledge savoir traditionnel conocimiento indígena conhecimento local
individually quick frozen, quick frozen, frozen IQF individuellement congelé rapidement congelación individual ultrarrápida congelação rápida individual
Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba, of Biological Sciences, Biological Sciences IBUT Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Isaac-Kidd-midwater trawl
Izu Oceanic Park, Oceanic Park, Park IOP IOP
Jacks and pompanos, and pompanos, pompanos carangues carángidos Caranjídeos
Kallrökt kolja, kolja
Kaltgeräucherter Schellfisch, Schellfisch
Kamaboko kamaboko kamaboko Kamaboko
Kanudi Fisheries Research Station, Konedobu, Papua New Guinea, Fisheries Research Station, Research Station KFRS Kanudi Fisheries Research Station, Konedobu, Papua New Guinea Estação de Investigação das Pescas Kanudi, Konedobu, Papua, Nova Guiné
Kanyu no niziru, no niziru, niziru
Kara Sea
karyology caryologie cariología cariologia
karyotype caryotype cariotipo cariótipo
Katsuo bushi, bushi
Kattegat, Sound and Belts
keel carène quilla crista peduncular
keeping time, time
Kelly's eye, eye huit; craquelin
Kelpfishes quironémidos Quironemídeos
Kench cure, cure
Keta Kaviar, Kaviar
keystone species, species espèces-clés especies clave espécie importante no ecossistema
Kieler Sprotten, Sprotten
Kiev Museum, Museum Kiev Museum Kiev Museum Museu de Kiev
Killifishes (toothcarps), (toothcarps) fondules ciprinodóntidos Ciprinodontídeo
kin selection
kingdom règne reino Reino
Kingdom Animalia
Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom Prokaryotae (formerly Monera)
Kingdom Protoctista
Kippered salmon, salmon
Kissing gourami, gourami gouramies embrasseurs helostomátidos Helostomatídeo
klondyked fish, fish
Klondyked herring, herring
knephopelagic knéphopélagique
Knifejaws oplegnátidos Oplegnatídeo
knoll mont sous-marin loma pico submarino
knot kn noeud nudo
knotless net, net
Koldrøget kullerfilet, kullerfilet
Koudgerookte schelvis, schelvis
Koudgerookte vlinders, vlinders
krohnius stage, stage
k-selected species, species
Kupffer's vesicle, vesicle
Kylmäsavustettu koljafilee, koljafilee
kype crochet kype mandíbula do salmão adulto
Laptev Sea (or Nordenskjöld Sea)
lateral keel, keel quille latérale quilla lateral crista lateral
lateral skin fold, skin fold, fold pli latéral de peau pliegue lateral de la piel prega cutânea
Laukkasvolattu savustettu silli, savustettu silli, silli
lay on back, on back, back
layer packed, packed emballé par couches empaquetado en capas embalado por camadas separadas
Local Area Network, Area Network, Network LAN réseau local red local Rede local
locking mechanism
Long-finned pike, pike dinoléstidos Dinolestídeos
Longneck eels, eels anguilles à col deríctidos Derictídeos
Long-whiskered catfishes, catfishes pimelodidés pimelódidos Pimelodídeos
Mackerel sharks, sharks requins-taupes Lamnídeos
Mackerels maquereaux Escombrídeos
Makassar fish, fish
Makassar Strait
Marinerad stekt sill, stekt sill, sill
Marinoitu silakkarulla, silakkarulla
marketable size
mark-recapture study
Meckel's cartilage
Megamouth sharks, sharks requins-grandes-gueules Megacasmídeos
Merluccid hakes, hakes merlus Merluciídeos
Migaki nishin, nishin
mild smoked fish
Milker herring, herring
Milkfish chanos Chanídeos
Milwaukee Public Museum, Wisconsin, Milwaukee Public Museum MPM Museu Público de Milwuakee, Wisconsin
Molukka Sea
monothetic key
multitasking multitâche multitarefas
Murray State University, Kentucky, Murray State University MSUKY Universidade de Murray, Kentucky
Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Zoologisches Museum, Berlin ZMB Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Zoologisches Museum, Berlin Museu de História Natural de Berlin
Museum of Nature at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, of Nature at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University MNKhNU
naked nu nu
Naked-back knifefishes, knifefishes gymnotes Gimnotídeos
National Science Museum, Tokyo, Science Museum, Museum NSMT Museu Nacional de Ciência, Tóquio
native stock
natural key
Naturhistoriska Museum, Göteborg, Sweden, Museum, Göteborg, Sweden, Göteborg, Sweden GNM Naturhistoriska Museum, Göteborg, Suède Museu de História Natural, Gutemburgo, Suécia
nekton necton nekton
network réseau rede
New York State Museum, Biological Survey Laboratory, New York, New York State Museum NYSM Museu de Nova Iorque, Laboratório de Investigação Biológica, N.I.
no take zone NTZ
no-take reserves
Nurse sharks, sharks requins-nourrices Ginglimostomatídeos
Nurseryfishes Kurtídeos
Okinawa Regional Research Center, Regional Research Center, Research Center OCTU
Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, UOMZ OKMNH Oklahoma Museum of Natural History Museu de História Natural de Ocklahoma
Oklahoma State University at Stillwater, Oklahoma State University at Stillwater OSUS Oklahoma State University at Stillwater Universidade de Ocklahoma, Stillwater
oral disk
over stock
oxbow lake, lake
pale or white patches on the skin, or white patches on the skin, white patches on the skin
pale smoked red
Parakysid catfishes, catfishes Paraquisídeos
parr mark, mark
Phycid hakes, hakes Phisídeos
phytoplankton phytoplancton fitoplancton
pickle cured fish, cured fish, fish
Pickled herring, herring
Pickled salmon, salmon
Pickled salmon bellies, salmon bellies, bellies
Pike congers, congers murénésoces Muraenosocídeos
Pikeblennies Chaenopsídeos
Pike-characids Ctenolucídeos
Pikehead Luciocefalídeos
Pikes brochets Esocídeos
Pink fish, fish
planktivorous planctonophage planctonívoro
plankton plancton plancton
plankton bloom, bloom bloom de plancton plankton bloom
poikilosmotic poikilosmotique
Port Jackson sharks, horn, or Port Jackson sharks, or Port Jackson sharks requins de Port Jackson Heterodontídeos
postglacial lake
Press cake, cake
Pricklebacks stichées Sticaídeos
Pricklefishes Stefanobericídeos
Private collection of: Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland, collection of: Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland, of: Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland CMK collection privée de Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Suisse Coleção Privada de Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Suiça
prokaryotic procaryote procariótico
Provenssilainen kalakeitto, kalakeitto
published work, work travail publié trabalho publicado
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta, dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta NCIP Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta
put-and-take fishery
Red Data Book
red patches on the skin, patches on the skin, on the skin
rejected work, work travail rejeté trabalho rejeitado
Repack quality herring, quality herring, herring
Requiem sharks, sharks requins-tigres Carcarrinídeos
requin shark tiburón tubaraõ
restocking réempoissonnement repovoamento
right bank, bank
Roanoke College, Virginia, Roanoke College RC Roanoke College, Virginia Colégio Roanoke, Salem, VA 24153-3794
rocker bone, bone
rock-hopper trawl, trawl
'rocking' or 'shimmies', or 'shimmies', 'shimmies'
Rode kaviaar, kaviaar
Røkt hyse, hyse
rostral keel, keel
Roter Kaviar, Kaviar
Rysk kaviar, kaviar
Saba hiraki boshi, hiraki boshi, boshi
salt lake, lake
Sandfishes or sand gobies, or sand gobies, sand gobies bourgettes Krameriídeos
Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center, New Jersey, Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory SHML Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center Laboratório Marítimo de Nova Jersey
Saw sharks, sharks requins-scies Pristioforídeos
scale pocket, pocket
Scaleless black dragonfishes, black dragonfishes, dragonfishes mélanostomiidés Melanostomídeos
Schelvis hutspot in blik, hutspot in blik, in blik
Scoophead sharks, scoophead sharks, sharks requins-marteaux Esfirnídeos
Scorpionfishes or rockfishes, or rockfishes, rockfishes rascasses Escorpaenídeos
Sea chubs, chubs calicagères Kifosídeos
Sea of Okhotsk
segmented yolk, yolk vitellin segmenté
sequential key, key
Seto Naikai or Inland Sea
sexual hooklet, hooklet
shack fishing, fishing
shackle manille
shank hampe
shared stock, stock
Shark catfishes, catfishes pangases Pangassiídeos
sharks requins tubarões
shattered packed, packed emballage des filets en couches embalados separadamente
shelf break, break rebord du talus continental margem da vertente
Shellears Kneriídeos
Shidal sutki, sutki
shipwreck épave navio nufragado
Sicklefishes Drepanídeos
sinking feed, feed
Skates raies Rajídeos
skeletal system, system
skeleton squelette esqueleto
skimming net, net
skin peau pele
skin brooder, brooder
skin fold, fold repli de peau prega de pele
skinless fish, fish
skinned fish, fish
skirt-shaped en forme de volet em forma de orla
Skriggled codfish, codfish
skull crâne crânio
slacked fish, fish
Slickheads alépocéphales Alepocefalídeos
Slovak National Museum, Czechoslovakia, National Museum, Czechoslovakia, Museum, Czechoslovakia SNM Slovak National Museum, Tchécoslovaquie Museu Nacional Eslovaco, departamento de Zoologia, Bratislava
smoke drying, drying
smoke flavour, flavour
Smoked fish, fish
smokeless smoking, smoking
Smooth skates, skates raies-lisses Anacantobatídeos
Snake eels, eels serpents-de-mer Ofictídeos
Snake mackerels, mackerels escoliers Gempilídeos
Snakeheads poissons-serpents Cannídeos
snatch block, block poulie coupée
sneak spawner
sneaky male
Snooks brochets-de-mer Centropomídeos
Southern Arkansas University, Southern Arkansas University SAU Southern Arkansas University Universidade do Arkansas do Sul, Departamento de Biologia, Magnolia, Arkansas
spawning check
spawning stock, stock population frayeure stock reprodutor
spawning stock biomass, stock biomass, biomass SSB
species flock, flock groupe d'espèce (flock) concentração de espécies
sperm packet
Spikefishes Triacantodídeos
spinescent gill rakers, gill rakers, rakers
spring breakup
square brackets, brackets crochets parênteses rectos
Squeakers or upside-down catfishes, or upside-down catfishes, upside-down catfishes Mocoquídeos
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, für Naturkunde, Stuttgart SMNS Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany
Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, für Tierkunde, Dresden MTD Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresde Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Augustusstrasse 2, D-01067 Dresden, Germany
Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig, Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig, Museum, Braunschweig NMB Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Pockelsstrasse, Braunschweig, Germany
stalked eye
stalked eyes, eyes
standing stock, stock biomasse biomassa de stock
static tank, tanks bassin statique tanque
steaks tranches de poisson bifes
Steikt sild, sild
Sticklebacks and tubesnouts, and tubesnouts, tubesnouts épinoches Gasteroesteídeos
stock stock stock
stock assessment
stock enhancement
stock fish
stock pond
stock recruitment models
stock recruitment relationship SSR
stock structure, structure
stocking empoissonnement repovoamento
stocking density densité de restockage
stocking rate, rate
straddling stock
streak spawning, spawning ponte en bande
sucker ventouse ventosa
Suckers meuniers Catoestomídeos
sucking disk, disk
Suolatu kuivattu kalanmäti, kuivattu kalanmäti, kalanmäti
suppressed work, work travail invalidé trabalho suprimido
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, of Natural History, Stockholm NRM Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm Museu Sueco de História Natural, Estocolmo
swinging sickness, sickness
symphyseal knob, knob
tableknoll monticule aplati montículo plano
tail tuck, tuck
tail walking, walking
terminal lake, lake
Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, Texas, Texas Tech University TTU Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, Texas Texas Tech. University, P. O. Box 4499 Lubbock
The Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia
thickler chain
Thornbacks raies bouclées Platirrinídeos
Thresher sharks, sharks renards de mer Alopídeos
Tight pack, pack
Tokyo University of Fisheries, Ichthyological Laboratory, Tokyo, Univ. of Fish., Ichthyological Laboratory, of Fish., Ichthyological Laboratory TUFIL Tokyo University of Fisheries, Ichthyological Laboratory Universidade das Pescas de Tóquio, Laboratório de Ictiologia, Tóquio
tracking predator
transboundary stock
trunk tronc tronco
tuck seine
Tuna links, links
turbidity of the skin, of the skin, the skin
unavailable work, work travail indisponible trabalho indisponível
unit stock
University Museum, Tokyo, Tokyo, Dep. Fish., University Museum, Dep. Fish., University Museum FUMT University Museum, Tokyo Museu da Universidade, Tóquio
University of Alaska at Juneau, of Alaska at Juneau, Alaska at Juneau UAJ
University of Alaska Museum, University of Alaska Museum UAM University of Alaska Museum Museu da Universidade do Alasca
University of Arkansas Fayetteville, North Carolina, University of Arkansas Fayetteville ARK University of Arkansas Fayetteville, North Carolina Universidade do Arkansas Fayetteville, Carolina do Norte
University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Kansas, University of Kansas Museum of Natural History KU University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Kansas Museu de História Natural da Universidade do Kansas, Kansas
University of Louisville, Kentucky, University of Louisville UL University of Louisville, Kentucky Universidade de Louisville, Kentucky
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska, University of Nebraska at Omaha UNO University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska Universidade do Nebraska em Omaha, Nebraska
University of Nebraska State Museum, Division of Zoology, Nebraska, University of Nebraska State Museum UNSM University of Nebraska State Museum, Division of Zoology Museu da Universidade do Nebraska, Divisão de Zoologia, Nebraska
University of Rhode Island, Department of Zoology, Kingston, University of Rhode Island, Department of Zoology URIZ University of Rhode Island, Department of Zoology, Kingston Universidade de Rhode Island, Departamento de Zoologia, Kingston
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, University of Tennessee UT University of Tennessee, Knoxville Universidade do Tennessee, Knoxville
University of the Ryukyus Museum, Okinawa, of the Ryukyus Museum, the Ryukyus Museum URM University of the Ryukyus Museum, Okinawa Universidade do Museu Ryukyus, Okinawa
University of Tokyo, Department of Zoology, University Museum, Tokyo, of Zoology, University Museum, Univ. of Tokyo, Zoology, University Museum, Univ. of Tokyo ZUMT University of Tokyo, Department of Zoology Universidade de Tóquio, Departamento de Zoologia, Museu da Universidade, Tóquio
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee UWM University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Wisconsin Universidade do Wisconsin em Milwaukee, Wisconsin
usable stock
ventral disk, disk
ventral keel, keel
virgin stock
visceral skeleton, skeleton
Warmgerookte gezouten haring, gezouten haring, haring
Weasel sharks, sharks Hemigaleídeos
Westark Community College, Arkansas, Westark Community College WCC Westark Community College, Arkansas Colégio da Comunidade Westark, Arkansas
wet stack
Whale shark, shark requins baleines Rincodontídeos
Whalelike catfishes, catfishes cétopsidés Cetopsídeos
White sharks, sharks requins blancs Lamnídeos
white spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, on skin, fins, tails or eyes
Wichita State University, Kansas, Wichita State University WSU Wichita State University, Kansas Universidade de Wichita, Kansas
wicker trap
Wide Area Network, Area Network, Network WAN réseau régional Wide Area Network
wild stock, stock
wool-like growths, growths
work travail trabalho
work of an animal, of an animal, an animal trace animale registo fóssil de bioactividade
Workstation poste de travail Workstation
Wreckfishes cerniers Poliprionídeos
year mark, mark
Yokosuka City Museum, City Museum, Museum YCM
yolk vitellus
yolk ball, ball
yolk cell, cell
yolk diameter, diameter, diameter diamètre du vitellus
yolk extension, extension
yolk granule, granule
yolk plug, plug bouchon du vitellus
yolk sac, sac sac vitellin saco vitelino
yolk sac larva, sac larva, larva
yolk stalk, stalk
yolk stripe, stripe
yolk-sac sac vittelin
yolk-sac larva, sac larva, larva alevin muni de son sac vittelin
yolk-sac placenta, placenta
yolk-sac viviparity, viviparity
York College , Pennsylvania, York College YC York College , Pennsylvania Colégio York, Pennsylvania
Zalm bokking, bokking
Zebra sharks, sharks requins-zèbres Estegoestomatídeos
Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken, Copenhagen, Museum, Universitetsparken, Copenhagen, Universitetsparken, Copenhagen ZMUC Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken, Copenhague Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Copenhaga
Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn ZFMK Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn
zooplankton zooplancton zooplancton
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