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 Glossary Search for Minimum Viable Population (Search Options)

Definition of Term

Minimum Viable Population
(english) The smallest isolated population having a good chance of surviving for a given number of years despite the foreseeable effects of demographic, environmental, and genetic events and natural catastrophes. (See also: population, conservation, Marine Protected Area)
Population Minimum Viable
(french) La plus petite population isolée qui a une bonne chance de survie pour un nombre donné d'années en dépit des événements prévisibles, démographiques, environnementaux, génétiques ou des catastrophes naturelles. (See also: population, conservation, Marine Protected Area)
População Mínima Viável
(portuguese) A mais pequena população isolada que tem boas possibilidades de subsistir durante um dado período de tempo apesar da influência negativa de factores como o aumento demográfico, catástrofes genéticas etc. (See also: population, conservation, Marine Protected Area)

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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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