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 Glossary Search for Private collection of: Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland (Search Options)

Definition of Term

Private collection of: Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland
(english) Private collection of: Maurice Kottelat, Case postale 57, CH-2952 Cornol, Switzerland. Collection: the collection is catalogued and is computerized (MUSE). Loans are possible. Size: 6,000 series (about 35,000 specimens), including skeletons. Types: 102 species are represented by secondary types. Special features: Southeast Asia. (See also: fish collection)
collection privée de Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Suisse
(french) Collection privée de Maurice Kottelat, Case postale 57, CH-2952 Cornol, Suisse. La collection est cataloguée et informatisée (MUSE). Prêts possibles. Taille : 6,000 séries (environ 35,000 spécimens), y compris les squelettes. Types : 102 espèces représentées par des types secondaires. Trait spécial : Sud-est Asie. (See also: fish collection)

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