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Definition of Term

Weberian apparatus
(english) Series of four or five modified vertebrae which connect the swim bladder to the inner ear of Ostariphysian fishes and convey pressure changes and sound; a set of structures, including a series of small bones, connecting the dorsal wall of the air bladder to the region of the ear; in carp, minnows, suckers, catfishes, and other ostariophysan fishes. Usually the definition includes the first vor vertebrae (two and three may be fused), a supporting unit or pars sustentaculum comprising two transverse plates projecting downwards from the fourth vertebra enclosing a circular space for the aorta and the neural complex comprising modified neural arches and spines. (See also: ossicle, swim bladder, Ostariophysi)
aparelho de Weber
(portuguese) Série de quatro ou cinco vertebras modificadas que ligam a bexiga natatória ao ouvido interno dos peixes ostariofísios. (See also: ossicle, swim bladder, Ostariophysi)

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